Soil GMO Punch & Purple Crash Photo Seeds


420 Member
Hi all first grow journal and first soil grow. Growing 3 of each Gmo Punch and Purple Crash from Greenpoint Seeds. Fem Photos. I planted the first 4 2 of each into soil April 1st. Now this is a little confusing and I get that. I started the grow listening to a very close friend, whom is no longer. Turns out he was really trying to lead my astray. That aside here we go
4x4 Grow Tent-Amazon One. Great shape and no light leaks. I also have another amazon one and it leaks alot.
2000watt Bestva LED light. Pulls almost 400watts at the outlet
Growing in FFOC-Started in a mix of FF Light warrior and FFOF. In solo cups
Im using the FF Soil trio as well. With the root drench and Mircbo Brew as well----not currently---just listed.
Wetted the media before putting seeds in, and kept it moist with spray bottle--was using distilled water from walmart-was not phing per friends advice--big mistake.
The first 4 seeds popped outta the soil around the 4th I wanna say. I didnt keep track of the first few days the best..I just took alot of photos.
On the 5th I lost one of the seedlings. So I planted 3 more. 1 GMO and 2 Purple Crash. Using the same method, solo cups, soil mix, and this time I also put a dome over top of the solo cups.
4-8-20 new seeds sprouted-once again I dont have much wrote down from here till the 15th just photos. Due to friends advice and my own wrong doing.
From the 15th out, I started keeping daily logs.
4-15-20 The first 3 seeds have started 5 leaf growth, my friend advised me to feed these girls so I did-used 3tsp big bloom per gallon of water.I mixed up a gallon and ended up only using half a solo cup to water them.
The 3 other seeds have started 3 leaf growth. Fed them aswell, per friends advice. Wrong I LOL
4-16-20 watered with the distilled non PHed water-2nd issue-too much water-Ive learned alot looking back
4-17-20 transplanted 3 bigger girls into 1 gallons pots using just FFOF.
Watered 3 big girls with 3tsp big bloom, 1tsp grow big. 1/2tsp FF Kanagaroots, 1/2tsp mirco brew. Still no ph to water.
Watered 3 small girls with 3tsp big bloom, no ph to water.
During the evening my former friend who was advising me let it slip that he was growing his plants a totally diff way then he was advising me and using totally different soils and ferts. Also wasnt feeding like he was telling me.
Pots where finger depth dry. Watered with straight distilled water. Not PH'd
Noticed GMO big girl starting to "claw".
At this point I started digging deep into research and figuring stuff out for myself. Read alot, stayed up alot lol.
Big girls are starting 4-5nodes
GMO is still "clawing"
Noticed Nute burn on GMO big girl was well.
PH meter for soil arrived. Read 5-6 on moist scale and I belive 7-8 on PH I can't recall and it wasn't wrote down.
PH and PPM meter also arrive. Nute solution was 450-460ppms and was 6.2ph.
88ppm was the reading for younger girls nute solution.
Fed all with respective nute solution till run off.....LOOKING back now I can't understand why I did that.
Also tried to "Fimmed" biggest GMO girl and biggest Purple Crash.
Watered 3 plants that where dry.
Topped girls looked good.
Burn hasnt spread, "clawing" still in effect.
Leaf tip is burnt on that tip.
No water today.....thank god lol...looking back
Fimmed Purple Crash seems to be showing 4 node growth
Fimmed GMO starting lower growth as well
All plants looked good
Working to keep temps in check, room got a little warm.
Pots starting to feel lite.
Moved LED up 4inchs or so
Watered all 6 with distilled water PHd to 6.2-6.6
NO more nutes is what I wrote down LOL
Tied down 3 big girls.
Topped Small GMO
Topped Small PC
Fed and watered all. Dunno why once again. Stupid.
Younger got half strength of the big bloom
Older got half of what they got before.
I removed some leafs......mistake yes. My thought was to increase light going to the smaller sights. While it worked they have slowed down.
Transplanted 3 big girls into 5 gallons pots.
Used strawberry fields soil for them. Didnt have any FFOF on hand and I bought that per my friends advice when I first ordered everything. It's a fruiting and flowering blend I know. SO it may have been a mistake. I dunno.
The big girls did have some great root growth thou.
watered all with distilled water PH'd to 6.0-6.5
Tied down younger girls today. NO leaf removal on them.
Repotted younger girl into 5 gallon with just FFOF
Didn't have enough to finish other two.
Repotted 2 other younger girls into 5 gallon pots with jsut FFOF.
Low stressed tried down all.
Watered all with PH of 6.5-7.0
No issues to note of currently.
Alright so I know that was alot, and I'm sure the formatting sucks too. I just wrote everything I have in my notes. Hard to admit how bad I screwed up here, but it's fine. Learning for sure. I'm no longer feeding the girls any nutes of any kind. I can share photos once I learn to upload.
The 3 younger ones that haven't gotten anything beside big bloom and no leafs taken off look amazing. The other's are recovering for sure. Just Im sure they are stunted and I'm not expecting much from them. But it's been a quest for sure. I'm glad I found forums with amazing info like this one, hench why I finally joined and wrote this. Roast me, cause I'm sure it's coming. But thanks for reading!!!
Here is a pic of the girls, taken on Thursday! Middle Left, Right top, and middle bottom are the 3 oldest girls. The ones with the nute feedings and leafs taken. The other 3 have either just been topped or "Fimmed". I'll take some more photos tofay and give yall an update tomorrow or later today!


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