Snow White & More

re: Snow White & More

Yup. 2 basil plants, 2 cherry tomato plants, and two beefsteak tomato plants
re: Snow White & More

4 weeks and 2 days old.

they're doing well. i'm really liking the terminal shoots im getting on the shorter snow white and the diesel. I wonder what made em grow differently?

as usual, the tall pheno caught nitrogen stress in the form of nitrogen clawing -_-

overall im doing well in not losing any leaves. I lost the 2 single bladed leaves just tonight on the tall snow white :thumb:

re: Snow White & More

Thank you mono. I was gonna LST the Diesel last night but since its side shoots are growing well I said forget it.

Veggies get grown just like cannabis and I'll get some pictures of them up soon. They're doing great
re: Snow White & More

I was gonna LST the Diesel last night but since its side shoots are growing well I said forget it.

Veggies get grown just like cannabis and I'll get some pictures of them up soon. They're doing great

A bit of LST probs wouldn't harm. Depends how much attention you want to give the girls I suppose. Looking good either way! :)
ok guys, 4 weeks 5 days from earth. I really like how the snow white #2 and the diesel grew terminal shoots.

snow white #2 and the veggie sprouts got fed tonight with neptunes fish fertilizer.

still upset about the nitrogen stress that you can see at the top of snow white #1

I hate the beefsteak tomato seed stock I have. they don't grow well like the cherry tomato stock. basil always grows slow, but it's good seed stock.

snow white #1

snow white #2


re: Snow White & More

Do you check ph and/or ppm? The leaf twisting reminds me of excessive ppm. Although they look good and the garlic def seems to have helped the mottled coloration on the Diesel. I could make it without a ppm but not without a ph (ya just can't guess that). Looking good b:popcorn:
re: Snow White & More

I'll get pictures of the cannabis plants tonight.
re: Snow White & More

They look good b.real. Are you growing them under artificial light?

We had a go of a new strain of tomatoes in the greenhouse this summer. A purple strain. Looked cool, but tasted rubbish! Have you tried cucumber plants, really easy to grow. I will see if I can pull up a picture of my tent early this year. My wife grew loads, like cucumbers, wheat, tomatoes :)


+ reps for the veggies my friend.

As for the cannabis plant. The reason I asked about sativa dom, is they quite often get nitrogen claw from any amount of fertiliser, but it gets better in a day or two.
re: Snow White & More

The veggies are on the windowsill. The size of the basil at 4-5 weeks from seed makes me think I can get an oz off each cannabis plant if I grew it on a windowsill.

Your food crops looks great. The corn got huge! I don't really like cucumbers (taste like water to me), but I do want to grow some strawberries soon!

Would have a longer veg time on the windowsill. Would be cool to see you give it a bash, just treat it like a house plant for a couple of months and watch it produce in the winter time :)

Never tried strawberry's either. Do you start all your veg from seed?
re: Snow White & More

5 weeks and 2 days from breaking earth. all three were fed tonight. I have an awesome pheno of snow white, and another one that would have been awesome if it didn't burn it with nitrogen -_-

these are the tallest plants I've grown so far under cfls.


snow white #1

snow white #2

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