Ohh yeah, one last thing since your asking... Water cured buds are really easy to do and almost foolproof. The trick is to cure the buds at a RH of 100% ! Its pretty hard to mess up 100% humidity for 7 days ! (unless you forget to change the water daily)

Air drying and curing is a science in itself and is much more complicated, with risks involved...
Yes, in my above post, it compares both water cured vs regular. I do both because I wind up with two different products...Water cured seems more potent, but the buds shrink so it may have to do with that, I'm not sure. You can also take a really big hit with water cured buds and hardly feel it in your lungs, (until the effects kick in) its very smooth and easy to over do....There is a huge loss in flavor with water cured buds, but not the effects.

I prefer air dried buds, but keep a small portion to water cure... Water cured buds are ready to smoke in a lot less time, so if your in a rush to try your harvest, water cured will allow you to sample while the rest of your (air dried) buds take months to cure...

Quick recap:

Water Cured- Pros: ready faster, easier to conceal, much smoother to smoke. Potency seems higher but the buds shrink in size, so it might be due to this that they seem more potent. Cons: flavor loss, less bag appeal and as Seinfelds George once said, "do they know about shrinkage"? Yep, water cured buds shrink a bit with the water just like George.

Air Dried- Pros: Better looking, more smell and terpenes, better taste. Cons: harsher to smoke, buds will stink in your pocket, more time to cure before smoking.
I appreciate the heads up on the pros/cons. Happy Tuesday to you!! 😎
Ohh yeah, one last thing since your asking... Water cured buds are really easy to do and almost foolproof. The trick is to cure the buds at a RH of 100% ! Its pretty hard to mess up 100% humidity for 7 days ! (unless you forget to change the water daily)

Air drying and curing is a science in itself and is much more complicated, with risks involved...
Thank you for all of your great info OG
Happy Sunday evening 420

Hope all is well and everyone is enjoying their grows and harvest’s

Yesterday was a gorgeous day, sunny with a slight breeze and I was able to chop the 2 Green Crack’s.
I’m very pleased with both plants, GC#1 was smaller but responded well to some HST and LST for an auto despite a slow start. GC#2 was un-topped and just a few lower nodes with some LST they both suffered some slight damage but can’t complain.
They have an identical bud structure and overall phenotype, hard to tell them apart looking at pics of their buds.



Some more caterpillar damage that needed cleaning up

Bud wash in lemon juice

Shook the rinse water off and hung in the sun and breeze till dry from the bath , couple hours

They are now hanging in the basement at 50% RH and 68F , fan for slight circulation !
Praying…………lots of praying

Thank’s for watching everyone
I’ll post harvest and results when they get trimmed up 👍
Just marvelous :clap: congrats on the harvest buddy :goodjob:
Your bud structure looks like some sweet braided cakes from the bakers 🤤🤣
I too harvested this weekend so I got 3 weeks of trying not to break in to steal some 🤣 my temps the same but my RH is 60% 👍
Some more caterpillar damage that needed cleaning up

Bud wash in lemon juice

Shook the rinse water off and hung in the sun and breeze till dry from the bath , couple hours

They are now hanging in the basement at 50% RH and 68F , fan for slight circulation !
Praying…………lots of praying

Thank’s for watching everyone
I’ll post harvest and results when they get trimmed up 👍
Congrats on the chop Sniperx some nice looking bud, will you be doing a indoor grow soon?
Some more caterpillar damage that needed cleaning up

Bud wash in lemon juice

Shook the rinse water off and hung in the sun and breeze till dry from the bath , couple hours

They are now hanging in the basement at 50% RH and 68F , fan for slight circulation !
Praying…………lots of praying

Thank’s for watching everyone
I’ll post harvest and results when they get trimmed up 👍

I love threads like this with great pics, your photography is amazing along with such beautiful models. Congrats on your harvest, your plants look amazing.

Are you lollipopping these plants or did they grow naturally like this? (your pic of GC #2 makes me wonder how much it was trimmed.) Nice job !
Just marvelous :clap: congrats on the harvest buddy :goodjob:
Your bud structure looks like some sweet braided cakes from the bakers 🤤🤣
I too harvested this weekend so I got 3 weeks of trying not to break in to steal some 🤣 my temps the same but my RH is 60% 👍
Thanks GV, much appreciated
Your right, it does look like a braided bakery item !
The last couple weeks have been stressful with all of the humidity
Your harvest looks great
Beautiful Harvest Sniper! Perfect day for it!
Thank you Stone
It was an awesome day, I lost track of time processing the plants outside in the fresh air, lots of smiling . :blunt:
I do know that it took a couple of cold beers to make it all happen Lol
Congrats on the chop Sniperx some nice looking bud, will you be doing a indoor grow soon?
Hi Con thank you and thanks for your tips. congrats on your recent harvest also

I am putting something together as we speak……Shhh…. I’ll make an anouncement later ! Lol 😂
I love threads like this with great pics, your photography is amazing along with such beautiful models. Congrats on your harvest, your plants look amazing.

Are you lollipopping these plants or did they grow naturally like this? (your pic of GC #2 makes me wonder how much it was trimmed.) Nice job !
Oh wow, thank you so much OG for your kind words and all of your fantastic info you handed out, great stuff and very appreciated !!

Just some basic LST , topping and a really good haircut after the stretch .

GC#2 was un-topped, light LST on the lower 2-3 nodes only.
I really liked growing these 2 a lot !
The Smell is of course noticeable but mild, has a sweet citrusy smell.
Im glad they were able to make it another week, they def packed on some more Trich’s which were not heavy to begin with.

Thanks OG 👍
Shook the rinse water off and hung in the sun and breeze till dry from the bath , couple hours

They are now hanging in the basement at 50% RH and 68F , fan for slight circulation !
Praying…………lots of praying

Thank’s for watching everyone
I’ll post harvest and results when they get trimmed up 👍

I imagine if Garden Supply stores see this pic, they will change the name of the Tomatoe cage to Multi-level drying stand and charge 3 times as much! ❤️
Congrats on the harvest Sniper X. Beautiful flowers!
Thank you Miss Carmen 😻
The bud structure is kinda cool looking on the Crack’s, I thought I’d show it a little !
Im anxious to try it……. smells great

Congrats on your sweet looking harvest :green_heart:
Enjoy your travels and bsafe

I imagine if Garden Supply stores see this pic, they will change the name of the Tomatoe cage to Multi-level drying stand and charge 3 times as much! ❤️
Haha ! I had a bucket of washed bud at my feet and saw my tomato plant/cage standing in the Sun…… light bulb moment !
I was influenced after seeing Miss Carmens nifty drying rack !
Good morning 420

Took a few xtra days off for the long weekend, enjoying my coffee a little more this morning.
I noticed last evening that the Green Cracks are drying up nicely, a bit faster than expected but RH has been low 49 .
I think Im going to order some Grove bags today for this and give them a try.
Im gonna go sit on the deck light up a GC tester spliff and stare at the trees for a bit, it smells really good, citrusy I guess.

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