Smokey's Mystery Bud - First CFL/Soil Grow 2010

Thanks funnystyle. Overwatering could be the problem, and I think its because I haven't installed my fan yet. I'll be putting that in tomorrow, and transplanting to bigger pots. Hopefully we'll see some improvement in the next few days.

I'm really psyched overall. It's been 4 years since my last grow and right now it seems like everyone I know has something going. There's me, my neighbors outdoors, another friend with one outdoor thats about 6 feet tall, and another friend thats got 3 very bushy ladies indoors. I love it! Everyone seems to ask me for advice and help and I couldn't be happier in doing so.

I'll definitely be buckling down this weekend and knocking out a ton of work with these ladies. Hopefully after some TLC, they will start to repay me with fresh green growth!

Peace my 420mag friends! :grinjoint:
lookin good smokey!
i'd definately recommend putting them in some bigger pots. More space ALWAYS is better for the roots. Funny might be right with the overwatering although sometimes when you see things in the first grown leaves, it could be a nitrogen deficiency. Almost unheard of at this age unless you're giving them nutrients. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless you see it start progressing. How wet is the soil when you stick your finger in it? If it's wet, they're probably getting too much water as younglings. If you want to dry them out a little fast for the moment, just cut a few slits in the red cup and it should air out a little faster. My theory: when you put them in the bigger pots, give them a little bit of water just to settle them in the soil but dont overdue it, and bring that fan in, they'll perk right back up and start doing much better. If you want to make sure of it, check out Superthrive. Just water them with about 5 drops per gallon of it ONCE and they will heal up VERY nicely. Don't use this stuff a lot with them though, I only use it for repair/healing and its real easy to burn them with it if you keep using it.

Can't wait for the next post! :)
Hope this helps


I pH all of my nutrient solution to a pH of 6.3-6.6 on every watering. Have not seen any signs of nutrient lockout or build up of salts. I tested the pH of the runoff today and it looked like 6.4. I may raise it a tad because I think closer to 6.6 is optimal. These slight changes in pH are hugely different, so be accurate for what pH you want. It needs to vary to allow certain micronutrients and at other times the macros.

Get those baby girls green again and they'll grow fast and happy :rocker:

kylester and MJ crescendo, thanks a lot!! This is the reason why I love this site. Everybody is so eager to help a friend in need. Just raise a flag, and the cavalry is sure to arrive!!

You will all be glad to know that I have transplanted my little babies. And, I followed kylesters recommendation on the transplanting method. I also used MJ crescendo's input about the PH, and balanced my distilled water between 6 and 7. I can only get so accurate, because I am just using a very simple PH test kit.

I am picking up a fan tomorrow and also some Superthrive to go along with the next watering. After transplanting, I watered with 1 gallon split up between the 4 plants. I didn't get a ton of runoff, so I figured this should be good to help settle the roots in. Since I don't have a fan that fits in the box yet, I have been opening the door and placing a fan in there for at least 6 hours a day. I figure it's better than nothing for now. But, I am definitely going to get a fan tomorrow.

Enjoy the pics!!

Let's just run down the line. Here's MB1. Hoping for a quick recovery!



Now for MB2. Still looking great.



And here's MB3. Another lovely lady!



Finally, is MC1. Looking like she's got a touch of whatever is up with MB1.



Now for some family photos.


Hey smokey,

Sad to see your girls struggling, hope they pick up after the transplant. How was the root-system when u transplanted?

I think you should buy a better Ph-tester if possible. I ended up in with the same problem(if yours is PH related) due to a cheap tester meant for fishwather where u compare to a color scheme. I thought I have PH between 6-7 in my tap-water, but when I bought the new tester it was closer to 8.
Thanks for all the input guys! Just wanted to let you all know where I am at right now. Well, I got the fan installed and I also bought a bottle of Superthrive. I will be using this with the next watering, so that should definitely help out with everything. The girls look really good right now. And by that I mean they did not wilt really at all after the transplant. MB1 is still moving along, not showing any more signs of yellowing, so I'm hoping she will recover fully. MB2 and MB3 look amazing. And MC1 is still going steady.

I still have some things to accomplish though. 6 additional CFL's will be added this weekend. Hopefully I sell my 400w system soon so I can get a digital PH monitor. I have also been thinking about the cold weather that's coming up, since this is all in my garage, and think I came up with a great solution for that. But we'll get to that when I finish combing through the details.

Take it easy people, picture update will be coming soon!
Hey everybody. Just wanted to give you guys a quick update. I watered yesterday with Superthrive added at 5 drops per gallon. The ladies seem to have had no issues whatsoever with the transplant, which is great news. MB1 doesn't look better yet, but she hasn't got worse either. Hopefully the Superthrive will take care of whatever she's got going on. The PH of the water was balanced between 7 and 7.5, and the runoff came in between 6.5 and 7, so I believe my PH is still steady. I will take some pictures tonight and throw them on here for you guys. MB2 and MB3 are looking great. They are only about 3"-4" tall and already have 4-5 nodes! Well that's all until I get pics up.

:rollit: :peacetwo:
hey smokey, lookin good! :ganjamon: I can't wait to see if the superthrive and the transplant helped them.

is that 400 watt system you wanted to sell a HPS by any chance?

Yea man, it is an HPS. Plus I have a Hortilux 400w MH to HPS conversion bulb, so you can use the same ballast for veg stages. The whole kit is the ballast, reflective hood, one HPS bulb and the MH to HPS conversion bulb. I do want to sell it to fund this grow, but I have been contemplating keeping it cuz I may finally be getting my medical card. I guess I could always buy another one!

And I meant to get pics up last night, but fell asleep pretty early. Pics just need to be uploaded. Definitely tonight though!
Thanks bro!!

I would say I would ship, but the charges would probably be ridiculous. I would just spend the money for new if I was you, because like you said its tough to trust craigslist. You may find a good deal, but if the unit craps out on you there's nothing to fall back on. With new equipment at least your store and the manufacturer are liable for faulty units.
Alright peoples, time for the pics I've been promising!

First up is MB1, looking pretty much the same. I've decided to start monitoring vertical growth as a means of seeing if there is any progress. Yellowing has not spread even the slightest, so I imagine everything is just recovering.



Next is MC1. Yellowing has not spread on this one either. New growth looks green and vibrant.



Now here's one of my healthiest, MB2. Looking great. Tight node spacing and fresh green growth!



And finally, here's MB3. She's also looking fantastic!



Now that you have all been caught up with the plants, it's time to catch you up on the grow room status. I have finished the basic construction of my 6 CFL light system. Just need to finish the wiring and mount it in the room, which will be done tomorrow.

Here is a pic of the rough construction. Nothing like a little DIY!!


Basically, my plan is to hang this rig so that it is surrounding my existing 2 foot, 2 bulb high output T5. This will add 6 26w CFL's and 9600 lumens. SWEET!!

Alright, that's it for now. I will put up pics of the entire grow space tomorrow after I install the new lights!!

Be easy people! :tokin:
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