SmokerJoe's Indoor Organic Soil Bagseed Grow

Nice Joe but where's the harvest pics? One of the older members Spimp use to say; "If I don't see it, it didn't happen."
Ive been posting pictures of the harvest. I got the last batch I havent photographed right here but other then that thats it since these plants here wont be harvested and will go back into veg. So that made me fall a bit short on my yield since they count as 0. They started flowering too late. Final wet weight for the plants harvested 1031.7 grams . I wonder what it could of been had those plants flowered around the same time. So younger the plant the longer it will take to flower once 12/12 is triggered. Well back to cleanup. Taking care of the tarp right now.
Well Im done with trimming in this harvest. There are a few plants that just started flowering within a week or 2 ago that I am reverting back to veg to bring in to this next grow. To me that is the only time I will ever reveg again is if a plant isnt finished or even close to it before the next grow is about to start. So once I clean containers the grow room transplant the plants that need it and sow a few more seeds my next journal will start. I know I havent posted much the past 3 or so days but I have been very busy. Since this journal is in the final few pages I wanted to say thank you for coming along on this harvest. I made a lot of new friends and weirdly actually some enemies. I appreciate you reading what I have to say and learning from me as I have from you. So back to the cleaning. I should have the new journal started today or tomorrow. First I will post up pictures of the plants that arent ready to be harvested and see if you agree with me.
I know. I've been following but I was referring to the first sentence in this post

Dag, I had to pull your teeth for that photo. LOL...

No I was already about to upload that 1.
Well they were when they were alive. Once the room is done I will water them all again. Just got to transplant the seedlings into new dirt sow some seeds and im all set. Just washing the buckets in the bathtub now. Taking a toke break before I continue.
Oh no I just harvest a plant or 2 at a time this way I dont get overwhelmed and so I can see how time changes the high as thc degrades and builds up cbd
Ok the grow room is all set for the next journal. Before I close this out if anyone has questions or comments then please say so now. I will post the final pictures tomorrow hopefully get some nice microshots as well for you Lady V. Pictures of the grow room and plants as it is right now will be in journal 2 which I am about to make. Once I make the journal I will have it in my signature and indicate so here. Thanks all for your participation questions and answers. It was a pleasure to have you all along for the journey.
Hey joe how's it going glad to see you got some buds to smoke now. She could you high for a while. Did you see the plant I just chopped. I didn't get much but I did wash it and I got quite a bit of dirt for a quick wash. At least it will be that much cleaner
Oh one more thing. I talked to a moderator and I guess I have to be nominated by any other member to be entered for member of the month. I swore in the rules it said you had to inform a mod you wanted to be included in the contest but I was wrong.
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