Sir BongsWorth Silver Back SOG Soil Grow Project

It's nute burn, back off on the nute strength just a bit.
I can't... I'm using a water only super soil. I could water it less. So check this out. I started with great lakes super soil. That is a water only seed to finish. It worked great, then they introduced me to M3 super soil and it was better. They I am referring to is my local hydro store. The company that makes M3 had a fire and no one was getting restocked. My hydro store had one last bag that got ripped open and they taped it shut. The guy told me they saved what they could and it felt heavier than 40 pounds. That bag is what I used for this grow. Now I am thinking that these guys put other things in that bag to fill it back up. So not cool! Question is how do I fix this?
Being only the one plant I don't think your problem is with the hydro store. If the soil was bad it should be the whole batch. That one may be a little warmer than the others. Or that plant may be a little more sensitive. It's not in bad shape it may just grow through it but a light flush should not bother it too bad.
This morning I spent hours looking at the ladies top to bottom. Now I have more concerns than before. The nute burn is on all of them. All new growth looks good but thats not all. I am also noticing parts of leaf missing here and there. Not to mention odd spots on some leaves as well.


More nute burn

Here are the pictures with the holes in the leaves. I have noticed spots on the same or surrounding leaves with the holes in them.

holes I found in random leaves

Now lastly here are what pictures I could get of the spots on the leaves I was talking about.
Check under leaves for spider mites, the "nute burn" is looking like a calcium deficiency. Check your ph to see if it might be lockout.
So to be clear I am checking the ph of my grow medium, the soil right? I looked under the leaves and with my scope but didn't see anything. I will keep looking though. Gonna look up an all natural preventive treatment as a just in case
I was doing some defoliating this morning and finally seen one crawling under a leaf I cut. Never have I had to deal with this bug business. I picked up something yesterday to treat the issue. Did first round last night when the light went off.

NorCal all natural treatment and prevention


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