Sir BongsWorth Silver Back SOG Soil Grow Project

Digging the new avatar there Preston!!:theband:
Yeah! I love it!
@Lady G2HM whipped some images up for me. :yahoo:

I've got a couple others that I really like. Just trying to keep myself from playing avatar roulette right now. LoL
When I saw it I thought maybe she had her hand in that. Good job lady G!
Couple of my favorites;
Nine Milly Farms5.jpgNine Milly Farms4.jpg

And one that I tweaked a bit...

I was totally honored when she hit me with these. Friggin' awesome chick!

Today was feeding day. It will be the second time I use that spray for those pests in my garden. I did a heavy defoliation yesterday to help get these bugs out. I'm about to use the fogger if I don't see any changes from the spray in a few days. Don't need those pests ruining my first grow with my Silver Back

This Saturday will be 4 weeks into flower. As you can see in the pictures below, I had thinned the foliage in an attempt to get rid of the bugs. Watering I picked a leaf and looked at it through my magnifier and spotted 3 little white/see through bugs crawling around. I'm about to use the fogger tonight.

plenty flower sites

This Saturday will be 4 weeks into flower. As you can see in the pictures below, I had thinned the foliage in an attempt to get rid of the bugs. Watering I picked a leaf and looked at it through my magnifier and spotted 3 little white/see through bugs crawling around. I'm about to use the fogger tonight.

plenty flower sites
Captain Jack's (spinosad) works well when ya have a girl flowering. I try to avoid neem and pyrethrins during flower. I've also heard iso alcohol & water mix works well.

I have thrips on my outdoor northern light auto right now as well. I hit them with the iso mix once, checked them the next day by removing a leaf and looking through a loupe. Found 1 live nymph on there. Sprayed it again on night 2. Checked the next night and found another live one. Waited a couple days and sprayed it with Captain Jack’s Dead Bug spinosad. Checked them 2 days later. Nothing living on 6-7 leaves I checked. Will hit it one more time tonight with the spinosad and hopefully that will seal the deal. Fingers crossed.

Half way through week 4 of flower. Thank you to everyone who was helping with the bug issue. The treatment I was using did not work 100%. I will look into what Mr. Magoo used in his garden. As for the nute burn, one plant is still having some issues. Other than that, the big bud is showing in my Silver Back ladies. Also the frost is coating sites just like the gorilla glue. I can not wait to see how they develop as they mature.
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