Short and bushy sativa hybrid with droopy leaves

Ah, cool. Never seen it done that way.

How do you layer then? Alternating 10cm of coco and 2-3cm of perlite, or what's your setup? Couldn't quite gauge that from your thread.
Yes that works.
Enough coco to hold nutrients.
Then perlite for air and repeat.
I add bokashi, frass & DYNOMYCO to enhance root growth.
I grow roots, for my effort I get big healthy girls, full of buds. :thumb:
Roots are key to a big healthy garden.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Yes that works.
Enough coco to hold nutrients.
Then perlite for air and repeat.
I add bokashi, frass & DYNOMYCO to enhance root growth.
I grow roots, for my effort I get big healthy girls, full of buds. :thumb:
Roots are key to a big healthy garden.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Cool - was under the impression that the roots wouldn't like being exposed to that much air (layer of perlite), but I'll take your word for it that it works just fine :D

I'll try to look into products to strengthen the roots, like the ones you suggest.

Thanks again for your input!
I use layers of perlite to keep air in the pot all the time.
Bill284 Method.

you can use hydroton which can be reused to cut costs by another third. if you use perlite get the 120L commercial bales from a landscape supply store. i get them for less than the plant shop 5L bags.

So, even if the medium is a mix of peat and coco (50/50) I should just treat it like pure coco and water every day (full strength nutrients) at PH 5.8, if I understand you correctly?

your media mix is fighting itself. the peat may have been buffered and had a wetting agent added. try ph at 5.8, and make sure to fill your grow bags next time. don't roll the rim. coco and peat are fed/watered on opposing basis. peat likes a 'soil' schedule, coco needs fed/watered every day.
you can use hydroton which can be reused to cut costs by another third. if you use perlite get the 120L commercial bales from a landscape supply store. i get them for less than the plant shop 5L bags.

your media mix is fighting itself. the peat may have been buffered and had a wetting agent added. try ph at 5.8, and make sure to fill your grow bags next time. don't roll the rim. coco and peat are fed/watered on opposing basis. peat likes a 'soil' schedule, coco needs fed/watered every day.
Well, shucks.

Not good to hear that the mix is fighting itself. Hope I can reach the finish line anyway..

If, instead of feeding every day, like with coco, I stick to every second day - would that be an 'optimal' option maybe?

The pot was almost full when I started, but kept compressing, so I rolled down the sides. Unfortunately, I also stored my mix in a shitty way that turned it moldy, so can't even top it off, like has been suggested in the thread also.

I'll give her a feeding of PH 5.8 today, and hope for the best.
you can use hydroton which can be reused to cut costs by another third. if you use perlite get the 120L commercial bales from a landscape supply store. i get them for less than the plant shop 5L bags.

your media mix is fighting itself. the peat may have been buffered and had a wetting agent added. try ph at 5.8, and make sure to fill your grow bags next time. don't roll the rim. coco and peat are fed/watered on opposing basis. peat likes a 'soil' schedule, coco needs fed/watered every day.
I find these bags the most economical in Canada. pic below
I also reuse my coco by removing roots after drying a couple months.
Then I'd mix in bokashi and frass and sit another month.
Then add 50% new coco & perlite to the left over coco perlite bokashi frass mixture.
I ran a harvest every 4 weeks.
So coco was a large expense.
I found this process along with my layering method was very economical.
Kept new coco and perlite to a minimum.
Unless you are running a big operation coco and perlite every 4 months won't be a huge expense. :Namaste:
Just 2 cents.
Pic below.


#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
I find these bags the most economical in Canada. pic below
I also reuse my coco by removing roots after drying a couple months.
Then I'd mix in bokashi and frass and sit another month.
Then add 50% new coco & perlite to the left over coco perlite bokashi frass mixture.
I ran a harvest every 4 weeks.
So coco was a large expense.
I found this process along with my layering method was very economical.
Kept new coco and perlite to a minimum.
Unless you are running a big operation coco and perlite every 4 months won't be a huge expense. :Namaste:
Just 2 cents.
Pic below.


#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎

i get a bag of perlite about once every 18 - 24 months if running yr round. i think mine are bigger here lol.
perlite is 100% of my media.

edit : need to get one soon. will get pics. looks about like yours. reddit would have a field day of of context
i get a bag of perlite about once every 18 - 24 months if running yr round. i think mine are bigger here lol.
perlite is 100% of my media.

edit : need to get one soon. will get pics. looks about like yours. reddit would have a field day of of context
One, every year and a half is petty good.
I used 2 or 3 a year and thought that was good.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Hope you guys don't mind me pinging you: @Carcass @SmokingWings @Bill284
You pinged?;) It reminded me of the scenes in the old Addams Family TV show from the '60s when Lurch would answer the phone.;).

Your plants are looking good except for the yellowing of those lower leaves. I get the feeling that a bit more fine-tuning of the feeding is needed....
4L of PH 6.3 tap water (15-20% runoff)
8ML of cal/mag
9ML of Bio Grow
8ML of Acti-Vera
There is nothing wrong with the products or fertilizers you are using. They are a recognized brand. However I get the feeling that some changes and fine-tuning the levels will help.

Keep in mind that my schedule this week is really tight so I did not have time to do more than several quick google style searches. I looked up the BioBizz Bio-Grow and it looks like you are close to double the recommended dose for the vegetating stage. One thing that I did notice were recommendations for including the BioBizz fish fertilizer with the Bio-Grow to help round out the mixture. I looked up the use of the Acti-Vera and it is helpful to the plants but I did not look for a proper dosage. The fish fertilizer would bump up the Nitrogen levels which might help reduce the yellow leaf problems.

As @Bill284 mentions it could be that adding the coco coir and the peat moss is throwing everything off a bit. There have been several successful grows mentioned on this message board. If I remember right the grow has to be treated like a hydroponic style and there is a learning curve because the coco and peat each have their unique ways of handling water and drying out.

And, I realize I cannot remember what was mentioned about the best pH to use for the water & fertilizer mixing.
You pinged?;) It reminded me of the scenes in the old Addams Family TV show from the '60s when Lurch would answer the phone.;).

Your plants are looking good except for the yellowing of those lower leaves. I get the feeling that a bit more fine-tuning of the feeding is needed....

There is nothing wrong with the products or fertilizers you are using. They are a recognized brand. However I get the feeling that some changes and fine-tuning the levels will help.

Keep in mind that my schedule this week is really tight so I did not have time to do more than several quick google style searches. I looked up the BioBizz Bio-Grow and it looks like you are close to double the recommended dose for the vegetating stage. One thing that I did notice were recommendations for including the BioBizz fish fertilizer with the Bio-Grow to help round out the mixture. I looked up the use of the Acti-Vera and it is helpful to the plants but I did not look for a proper dosage. The fish fertilizer would bump up the Nitrogen levels which might help reduce the yellow leaf problems.

As @Bill284 mentions it could be that adding the coco coir and the peat moss is throwing everything off a bit. There have been several successful grows mentioned on this message board. If I remember right the grow has to be treated like a hydroponic style and there is a learning curve because the coco and peat each have their unique ways of handling water and drying out.

And, I realize I cannot remember what was mentioned about the best pH to use for the water & fertilizer mixing.
Haha, glad you answered the phone 'Lurch' ;D

No worries about your schedule, I can't or won't expect anybody to just be on stand-by to answer all my questions - I do however really appreciate your effort and looking into things! Even if I read the same information you did, I would probably not understand what to do with half of it (yet!).

I think I miss-typed some of those feeding values; I only added 4ml of cal/mag to the 4L of water (BioBizz chart says 0.3-0.8ml per liter for corrections), so probably went a little overboard there. The rest is what they recommend; 2ml per liter for both AV and BG.

I lowered the PH to 6.0 and started feeding every second day now, but she's still struggling a bit with brown spots on top and middle fan leaves. Will have to wait a few more days to see if it actually slows down. At least the newer growth is looking perky :)

I'm guessing (from what I've gathered so far in this thread), that it all boils down to the PH being way off in this type of mixed medium, since the nutrients seem to be there in abundance. If 6.0 does not do the trick, I'll try to lower it even further (5.8).

I'll order some Fish Mix right away and start adding it to the feed - wasn't really sure what the purpose of it was, so left it out of my initial investment.

Hopefully, with all this knowledge shared here, she'll become a pretty little flower and not just wither away between my fingers :D
Update time:

So, I followed some advice and things were looking good - until they weren't.

I got rid of the dark spots and withering leaves. Not quite sure if it was Magnesium or Potassium deficiency, but upping the Potassium a bit made it stop progressing.

Now I have another issue. I might have come on a bit too strong with the nutrients, so I flushed her again and gave a more balanced dose of around 850ppm.

I've been watering with pH 5.8 for the last week, and I'm experiencing some greening, but I can't quite determine what is causing it. The newer leaves are turning bright green with some checkering going on, which leads me to believe that it is caused by the excess Potassium or Phosphorus I added (just 1ml of Bio Bloom for 2 feedings). There is some mild chlorosis going on inside one of those leaves.

Should I just stay the course, or do you have any tips for me here?

The greening has been steadily getting worse since I started watering with pH 5.8, so not sure if something might be locked out, and I should switch to a slightly higher pH, or if I need to balance the nutrients differently.

Strange part is, that the greening is more evident on the 3 branches furthest away (so, at the top of the images) - but lower part (bottom of images) is slowly getting brighter too.

I'm feeding her every second day with the following from the BioBizz line:

2L tap water
1ml Cal-Mag
3ml Bio Grow
1ml Fish Mix
4ml Acti-Vera
1ml Alg-a-mic

PPM comes out to about 850-900 with a pH of 5.8.

I also received my humidifier, and keeping it at 58% during the day at 25-27C (getting a bit warm here). Night time temperature is around 22-23C at the moment, with humidity as high as 62% (can't force it any lower on the days she is fed, and have not gotten a dehumidifier yet).

Update time:

So, I followed some advice and things were looking good - until they weren't.

I got rid of the dark spots and withering leaves. Not quite sure if it was Magnesium or Potassium deficiency, but upping the Potassium a bit made it stop progressing.

Now I have another issue. I might have come on a bit too strong with the nutrients, so I flushed her again and gave a more balanced dose of around 850ppm.

I've been watering with pH 5.8 for the last week, and I'm experiencing some greening, but I can't quite determine what is causing it. The newer leaves are turning bright green with some checkering going on, which leads me to believe that it is caused by the excess Potassium or Phosphorus I added (just 1ml of Bio Bloom for 2 feedings). There is some mild chlorosis going on inside one of those leaves.

Should I just stay the course, or do you have any tips for me here?

The greening has been steadily getting worse since I started watering with pH 5.8, so not sure if something might be locked out, and I should switch to a slightly higher pH, or if I need to balance the nutrients differently.

Strange part is, that the greening is more evident on the 3 branches furthest away (so, at the top of the images) - but lower part (bottom of images) is slowly getting brighter too.

I'm feeding her every second day with the following from the BioBizz line:

2L tap water
1ml Cal-Mag
3ml Bio Grow
1ml Fish Mix
4ml Acti-Vera
1ml Alg-a-mic

PPM comes out to about 850-900 with a pH of 5.8.

I also received my humidifier, and keeping it at 58% during the day at 25-27C (getting a bit warm here). Night time temperature is around 22-23C at the moment, with humidity as high as 62% (can't force it any lower on the days she is fed, and have not gotten a dehumidifier yet).

Every day. Not every other. :Namaste:
Ppm range seems good.
Is that full strength according to the recommendation on the schedule.
Feed every day full strength nutrients at 5.8 until you get run off.
Ever day my friend.

#VIVIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Every day. Not every other. :Namaste:
Ppm range seems good.
Is that full strength according to the recommendation on the schedule.
Feed every day full strength nutrients at 5.8 until you get run off.
Ever day my friend.

#VIVIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Hi Bill, thanks for chiming in :D

Yes, those are full strength according to the BioBizz schedule. Bio Grow is 4-3-6, and Fish Mix is 5-1-4. According to the schedule I might need to up the Cal-Mag at this point (says 1ml/l for week 6-8 in hydro/coco) - will start doing that.

And ofc. I'll start watering every day. Was just worried I was oversaturating her with nutrients, but I'll take your word for it.

Would you say the greening is due to excess P or K, or am I looking at Magnesium deficiency?

According to this chart:

It looks like it is excess P or K, with the interveinal chlorosis I'm starting to get on that one leaf.
Hi Bill, thanks for chiming in :D

Yes, those are full strength according to the BioBizz schedule. Bio Grow is 4-3-6, and Fish Mix is 5-1-4. According to the schedule I might need to up the Cal-Mag at this point (says 1ml/l for week 6-8 in hydro/coco) - will start doing that.

And ofc. I'll start watering every day. Was just worried I was oversaturating her with nutrients, but I'll take your word for it.

Would you say the greening is due to excess P or K, or am I looking at Magnesium deficiency?

According to this chart:

It looks like it is excess P or K, with the interveinal chlorosis I'm starting to get on that one leaf.
Looks light in color.
Underfed. To me.
Up the calmag. You have lots of room for more ppm’s
Steady daily diet will improve her in a few days. Tops.

# VIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Looks light in color.
Underfed. To me.
Up the calmag. You have lots of room for more ppm’s
Steady daily diet will improve her in a few days. Tops.

# VIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Thank you - will give it a try.

Was a little worried that 850 was too high already, when looking at some of the charts in the pinned thread in this forum. The table below is from the Nutrient Problems, pH & Plant Issues: A Visual Guide

Thank you - will give it a try.

Was a little worried that 850 was too high already, when looking at some of the charts in the pinned thread in this forum. The table below is from the Nutrient Problems, pH & Plant Issues: A Visual Guide

Those are guidelines, not hard and fast rules.
I'm always higher in ppm's than charts say.
I'm probably 1200 by end of veg going into flower.
As long as the leaves aren't frying your fine.
If it gets high you will notice a discoloration on the very tips of leaves.
Then you stop there or dial back a touch.
I always push to the max to see what they can eat.
That's why I like coco.
Fèed, feed, feed, and massive growth. :thumb:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Those are guidelines, not hard and fast rules.
I'm always higher in ppm's than charts say.
I'm probably 1200 by end of veg going into flower.
As long as the leaves aren't frying your fine.
If it gets high you will notice a discoloration on the very tips of leaves.
Then you stop there or dial back a touch.
I always push to the max to see what they can eat.
That's why I like coco.
Fèed, feed, feed, and massive growth. :thumb:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Alright, I'll keep it up from hereon out - thanks again for your input.

I'm wage-caging from early morning till late afternoon every day, so feeding every morning can be a bit of a hassle, if I have to do a fresh mix every time.

Would it be a problem to mix of a batch of 5-10 liters of feed and have it sit in a closed can for a few days (in darkness at ~22-24C), or will it end up going sour/bad? Would ofc pH adjust before the feed, so just thinking about the potency of the nutrients here.

Feeding her 2-2.5 liters per day would empty the cans in 4-5 days.

Would be way more manageable.
Alright, I'll keep it up from hereon out - thanks again for your input.

I'm wage-caging from early morning till late afternoon every day, so feeding every morning can be a bit of a hassle, if I have to do a fresh mix every time.

Would it be a problem to mix of a batch of 5-10 liters of feed and have it sit in a closed can for a few days (in darkness at ~22-24C), or will it end up going sour/bad? Would ofc pH adjust before the feed, so just thinking about the potency of the nutrients here.

Feeding her 2-2.5 liters per day would empty the cans in 4-5 days.

Would be way more manageable.
The issue is the ph goes off as the salts fall out of the solution.
It's quite manageable though.
Still it well and resent the ph and your good to go. :thumb:
A day or 2 isn't bad if you check if before feeding.
Nothing in the pot without checking ph first.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
The issue is the ph goes off as the salts fall out of the solution.
It's quite manageable though.
Still it well and resent the ph and your good to go. :thumb:
A day or 2 isn't bad if you check if before feeding.
Nothing in the pot without checking ph first.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Cool, thanks again.

The idea was to mix it up without adjusting pH at all. Then, when it's time for feed, it gets transferred to another container where the pH is adjusted before feeding.
Another little update:

Following @Bill284 advice, I started feeding her daily. And boy did she recover! :D

So much so, that I decided to start the transition into flower. Slowly ramping down from 18/6 to 12/12 over the next couple of days. Should hit 12/12 on Saturday.

Some of the leaves are still a bit bright, but I figure that might be permanent or a slight lack of Nitrogen.

Any last minute advice before she kicks off?

I read that giving her some preemptive pesticides now, before flowering, could help a lot. I've got some neem oil, peppermint drops and natural soap, that I've been thinking of giving her a spraydown with.

Another little update:

Following @Bill284 advice, I started feeding her daily. And boy did she recover! :D

So much so, that I decided to start the transition into flower. Slowly ramping down from 18/6 to 12/12 over the next couple of days. Should hit 12/12 on Saturday.

Some of the leaves are still a bit bright, but I figure that might be permanent or a slight lack of Nitrogen.

Any last minute advice before she kicks off?

I read that giving her some preemptive pesticides now, before flowering, could help a lot. I've got some neem oil, peppermint drops and natural soap, that I've been thinking of giving her a spraydown with.

Looks nice and healthy.
If you think it’s possible for bug’s to get into your grow room it’s not a bad idea as a preventative measure.
Once in flower it’s best not to use some of that stuff so now would be the time.
Great looking lady though, excellent training.
Hope your having a good day.
Take care.

# VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
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