SgtKiLLx's Basement Indoor Grow Journal

@Pennywise , that seed hasn't sprouted the taproot yet. What should I do?
In the dirt she goes. Hopefully she sprouts.


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Sometimes they'll decide to pop up.
So I have to admit something. When I found the seeds, I wrapped them /folded them in some painters tape.. shouldn't have.. when I opened it up, the shells looks like they were no good. Kept all 3 anyway. If this one don't go any further I'll try another.
Give them awhile they may pop in time.
I'm hoping so. If the gods will allow. Don't know if I'll train this one or top. May just let'er grow as tall as she can.
Ey @Pennywise , sorry ta bother ya. Wanted to show my neighbor that Christmas bud you had. Perhaps a pic or you could find it faster on a PC vs my phone?

You can tell the mutants which make up 10%-20% of the population before directional preservation.
Thankya sir.
Bit of drooping.. watered 2 days ago. Concern?


  • 2019-04-22 20.53.45.jpg
    2019-04-22 20.53.45.jpg
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Looks fine, a little claw but looks ok.
Yeah. And the stems of the leaves are a very dark purple. Going straight up the fingers too.
That could be genetic though.
Could be. Or it could be the cold. It's been below 19 a few times. Aside from that, it seems the clawing down may be nitro toxicity?
I'm thinking it's the soil still too hot as far as nitrogen goes. What do I need to get as far as wanting to flush the excess ?
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