Seedsman's Banana Jealousy Comparative Grow In Progressive DWC By Token Roll

Thank you for stopping and your kind words @Greenvein

I need to get in there almost daily an clean above and below the net, but she coming along. I still think I can get very close to a kilo. That's why I am doing all the extra work on the canopy.
Good Lord a kilo!? I gotta Google how much that is . Lol
Thank you for stopping by @JiggiLotus

I was working on my @SeedsMan Banana Jealousy this morning. Mainly cleaning up and removal of dead plants material and a few leaves blocking bud site. I took a couple images closeup to give you a better idea of what's coming up. Can you count the bud sites? Just kidding, I can't count the bud sites at this time.

I am at the point the buds will start to fatten up, and I am currently at week 4 on the @Remo Nutrients schedule. I am using a little less of the Nature Candy and Astro flower at 1 tablespoon each. I normally don't need to go over 5ml per gallon. Since, I always make three gallons at a time, it makes it a easier to make solutions. I have already started my second box of nutrients most of the first batch is got except the afore mentioned ones which are about half way empty.

I must say the @ViparSpectra KS-5000 is an excellent LED using Samsung's new horticultural "H" chips. That provided all the light that my ladies need. It's going to be funny come harvest time which is 5 or 6 weeks to go. I am looking at the second week of August timeframe for harvest, but she may change her mind.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Tok.. :bong:
Time to update this one also.

The @SeedsMan Banana Jealousy is busy building buds, so not a lot for me to do aside from watering. I did a little defoliation to remove dead plant material. I have been very busy lately and haven't been able to tend to my ladies as much as I should. So needless to say they fine but could be better. I will try to get some work done this weekend and clean her up.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Tok.. :bong:
Time to bring this one up to speed also.

The Banana Jealousy is cruising right along. The canopy is now about 5 inches above the net and getting icky sticky, so gloves and required to do any work on her. She is currently on week 6 of @Remo Nutrients schedule with the exception of on using one tablespoon of natures Candy and I have stopped the Astro Flower in a three gallon solution mix.

I don't think I am going to get the 1000 gram mark, but I should be well over 700 grams. Time will try, I have been fool before of total estimates.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
I have some time today to do updates.

The Banana Jealousy is doing well in the @Remo Nutrients. I am already half threw the second box of Remo's. The Banana Jealousy takes an averages a little more than gallon an a half of solution a day. So between the three plants I am currently growing they are sucking up over three gallons a day, probably closer to 4. Which means I am making solution 5 of 6 times a week.

I just did a solution change today the current reading are 690 ppm's, solution temp of 68 degrees, and ph'd to 5.7.
Above the bucket the temp is 78 degrees, with RH of 44% the @ViparSpectra KS-5000 is set at 100% at a height of 14 inches above the canopy. I try to get Photone reading by for some reason it is not working. I will have them next update, but the last reading was 39 DLI.

Here are some current images.
Banana Jealousy DWC @Remo Nutrients @ViparSpectra
Day 55 of 12/12 day 48 of flowering stage

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Good Morning 420 Magazine I hope everyone is doing well.

The Banana Jealousy is a great plant to grow for an average grow. The reason I say this is because of the rapid growth that a beginner may have trouble handling.

My current reading are as such @ViparSpectra KS-5000 is hanging 14 inches above the canopy. PPFD is 980, DLI is 39-41, @Remo Nutrients nutrients week 7 is 740 ppm's with a PH of 5.6 and a solution temperature of 65 degrees. Tent temperature is 77 degrees with a RH of 54%. Got it?

I need to check to see what the recommended flowering time is for Banana Jealousy, but I figure I have at least 3 more weeks of flowering.
My phone flipped out on me and converted all my images to HEIC files instead of JPEG so I need to convert some images to post. I fixed my phone and here are a couple current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Thank you for stopping by and your kind words @Greengoodness

The Banana Jealousy is moving right along with building buds and fatting up. She still has a few weeks to go before I harvest her. My two PGC will be done about a week or so before this one. Not a lot to update, all I am doing at the stage is watering and waiting.

Current solution was change yesterday with @Remo Nutrients schedule week 7 at 730 ppm's, ph'd to 5.8, solution temp 66 degrees. Tent temp is 74 with at 53% humidity. The @ViparSpectra KS-5000 really shined on this grow, give her everything she wanted.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Time to update Banana jealousy.

This was a real PITA changing my solution this morning. I can not bend my right leg and I play heck getting up and down changing out the solution. Word of advise, don't do DWC with a net if you have a leg problem. Enough of that.

Banana Jealousy is coming along nicely and has about 2 or 3 weeks at most to harvest. The only thing for her to do now is keep fattening up the cola's to the finish. My guesstimate on weight is in the 750 grams plus dried. Not much of an update this late in the game, all I do now is keep her solution full and fresh.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Banana Jealousy is another excellent strain, but should also come with a experience level. Some of these stains require the grower to be fully involved in the plant training process. I notice some grower look at this as a minimum activity during growing.

Training if done properly can be achieved in many ways, but it won't happen by itself. When I grow a plant I formulate a plan on how it is being grown, the size container I want to use, nutrients, how big I want her to grow, the type of training I am going to use to achieve this. to begin with. You want to grow big plants start with a solid plan.

If you get to a point where one plant alone is drink 1 1/2 to 2 gallons a day you will fine yourself making 3 to 6 gallons of solution daily and when I am not making solution I am making RO water. For instance this morning I flushed my plants roots with 4 gallons of RO water. Many will say why? I do this on average of three time during a DWC grow. The preposes is to clean all the nutrients off the roots. I do this once in veg, one after the stretch period, and the last time is around two or three weeks before harvest. Doing this and with fresh nutrient replacement I normally see a bump in growth the last couple weeks.

Enough of my rambling. Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Enjoy your weekend; I am having my summer party tomorrow.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,

Time to start growing for tomorrow.
It's that time again.

The Banana Jealousy is still fattening up getting ready for harvest. The trichomes are still mostly clear so it should not be more than about 10 days till chop. Seedsman did a hell of a job with Banana Jealousy and Purple Ghost Candy. Both are very vibrant plants and easy to grow. It is just getting passed the stretch period.

Checking trichomes daily now; waiting for the prime time to harvest.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Good Morning 420 Magazine

I did my last flush and solution change today. I normally do three root flushes during a DWC grow. It helps remove excess nutrients from the bucket water. Which can buildup quickly if the solution is not monitor regularly.

Now it's just a waiting game for a few more days.

Here are couple current images of Banana Jealousy.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Time to do one of the last updates on the Seedsman Banana Jealousy.

Most likely I will be harvesting her on Monday. Her trichomes are 90% cloudy, but no amber yet. My son will be coming over to help with this one. Other wise I will take my two days to harvest her by myself.

Here are some of the last images before harvest.

That all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
Thank you for stopping by @Stizz1e

When I harvest her on Monday I will need to cut the canopy strings first.
If I did not cut the net it would be a nightmare getting her out of there. This way I will have full excess to her when I remove the framing for the net.

When I grow large plants; I normally have to move them to my garage to chop them down. Mainly because it takes so long to harvest her I need to sit down occasionally.

I am hoping to push the limits on Seedsman suggested yield and maybe more.
I can dream.

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