Second attempt

Still got that rust circles on the one plant and I'm adding cal mag to every watering. Anything else I could possibly do? It doesn't seem to be affecting growth too much but that plant is not as full as the other.
My plants seem to start going limp about 5 hours before lights out. Lights are about 20 inches above highest part of plant. It's a 1200 watt LED but only realistically is pushing 300.
That's this morning. They have had 6 hours of light so far. They are due a watering today. 6 days since last water. Do you think I should lower amount of water and di it more frequently. I think maybe there is dry spots in my soil. I normally give a good soaking but I'm thinking that it's not fully saturating the soil and just travelling through and leaving areas. The outer edge of my soil is very dry. I think I need to water from the outside in very slowly. Last two waters I have added nutrients. Is it worth just ph'd water this feed and maybe a litre each slowly given at intervals.
Just watered. Decided to add 2 ml cal mag and 2 ml grow nutes. No bloom nutes today as I'm going to stagger at this stage and then switch in next couple of feeds. Do you think that's ok? Watered very slowly from the outside in. Done 1 loop of pots then let rest for a minute and moved in each time letting it rest in between loops. Watered with 6.4 ph and runoff is roughly about the same. On both plants. Each plant got roughly 2 litres. I use a 6 litre can with a hose on the end which I filled up about 3 quarters. The plants are in 16l smart fabric pots. Run off only really from when watering outer edges.
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