Day 44 of 12/12

Purple Lemonade


Tropicana Cookies
Beautiful G🥰👊. You have a lot of flower there!

You must have some killer roots down bottom powering all that.

How many days are they supposed to flower for?
Thanks Gee! Without your help they definitely wouldn't be where they are at now.

Purple Lemonade is 7-8 and Tropicana Cookies is 6-7. It took them both 7 days to get puffs so should be coming into the harvest window according to the breeder in 2ish weeks.
Looking good there @g-one-three

Your bud's look like they are starting to fatten up for you. :welldone:

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Thanks, they really are coming along now. The smell is starting to build and when the tents open it's a house filler lol.
Day 45 of 12/12

Tropicana Cookies
I'm slightly concerned about the fade on her. Every fan leaf is going to a light green all at once not a true yellow but not far from it. However the buds are very lush and darkening to a nice green/purple. Trichomes are about 10% cloudy on the buds and pistils are at least 50% orange. The fade seems early and coming on too fast. Is this something I should be concerned with or just part of the final push of the plant?




Purple Lemonade


Day 45 of 12/12

Tropicana Cookies
I'm slightly concerned about the fade on her. Every fan leaf is going to a light green all at once not a true yellow but not far from it. However the buds are very lush and darkening to a nice green/purple. Trichomes are about 10% cloudy on the buds and pistils are at least 50% orange. The fade seems early and coming on too fast. Is this something I should be concerned with or just part of the final push of the plant?




Purple Lemonade


6-7 weeks is 42-49 days and you are on Day 45, so you should be seeing them start to finish any time now.

I usually start to see signs of senescence about 2 weeks before the harvest date. My guess would be that they are finishing.

Have you ever grown that strain before? If so do the buds themselves look like they are 10-14 days away from being ripe?

If so I would just keep doing what your doing and let them finish up, but you're the guy right there in the room with them so trust your gut.

They look tasty! That Purple Lemonade is bringing some very pretty colors and the tropicana buds are so sugary.😍

This will reload your stash nicely😊
Day 45 of 12/12

Tropicana Cookies
I'm slightly concerned about the fade on her. Every fan leaf is going to a light green all at once not a true yellow but not far from it. However the buds are very lush and darkening to a nice green/purple. Trichomes are about 10% cloudy on the buds and pistils are at least 50% orange. The fade seems early and coming on too fast. Is this something I should be concerned with or just part of the final push of the plant?




Purple Lemonade


They be alright. Around day 49 or so, I usually try and do a heavy defol. Help fatten the lowers up in the last few weeks. No difference if she eats them herself. Lol
6-7 weeks is 42-49 days and you are on Day 45, so you should be seeing them start to finish any time now.

I usually start to see signs of senescence about 2 weeks before the harvest date. My guess would be that they are finishing.

Have you ever grown that strain before? If so do the buds themselves look like they are 10-14 days away from being ripe?
I haven't grown this before and I was a little skeptical of the 49 day finish but it may hit it pretty close.
If so I would just keep doing what your doing and let them finish up, but you're the guy right there in the room with them so trust your gut.

They look tasty! That Purple Lemonade is bringing some very pretty colors and the tropicana buds are so sugary.😍

This will reload your stash nicely😊
Thanks fingers crossed that that finish without incident. I'm hoping to get around 8oz, that'll cover my next grow which are a couple 9 week flowers plus Scrog filling.
They be alright. Around day 49 or so, I usually try and do a heavy defol. Help fatten the lowers up in the last few weeks. No difference if she eats them herself. Lol
Ya I'm thinking a defoliation is in order if nothing else but to clean up the yellowing/brown fan leaves.
Day 46 of 12/12

Weed troll got zipped up in the tent on accident.

I'm heading outta town the next 2 days so I won't be able to get the canopy shots 🙁 but I will do a nice update when I get home.
Day 51 of 12/12

It's been a crazy week of work travel and I haven't had the time to really get a good defoliation on the girls. They got a maintenance dose of Dolomite water, 50ppm, but won't be getting any other feedings for the rest of the grow per the Gaia Green feeding instructions. The soil still gets tilled up before watering every time to help the Gaia Green amendments get pushed into the soil.

The Tropicana Cookies is about 50% cloudy but she's started swelling. The hairs are starting to turn a nice burnt orange and crinkle. Her smell is stronger now but still getting overwhelmed by the Purple Lemonade. I'm going to say 1 maybe 2 weeks at the most before she's ready.

The Purple Lemonade is in a sprint to the finish. She's got buds packing on weight and really sparkling up. The trichomes are about 20% cloudy hairs the hairs are turning quickly now. Her stink is delicious, sweet with a hint of lemon. I figure 2 weeks or so she ought to be ready.

I'm hoping to get some nice trichome pictures this weekend if I have time.
This grow keeps getting better! I can hardly see the left side where it was off color!
Thanks Stone. The deficient part is like a week or two behind the rest of the plant which is interesting... lol but I'm happy it's recovering so nice.
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