Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More


We have kila-crackage

On my morning rounds I investigated the seeds I beat up 2 days ago

Top right seed has a full length crack.
It seems odvious the seeds are HARD AS HELL
I took the seeds and sanded the shit out of the edge and tip. It appears this worked....hope the other two crack today

Seedling Update

Her deformed look is starting to go away, next node is looking good

So optimism is increasing on the kilamanjaro experience.
My hope is a girl and a boy. Then I can pollinate the girl for better seeds and keep the pollen for cross pollinating Candida down the road

Fun fun fun
Also...the Hempy seedling starts will now all be started in full soil Solo cups
The partial Hempy/dirt works well but they slow till the roots hit bottom
The dirt starters are noticably more advanced than the others

I checked the seeds from the 1st 10 and 2nd 6


I think this is one of the second group where I did 3 seeds 2x, from the second seed purchase.
God knows do know they have been germing for at least 7-10 days or more if it's one from the 1st

She is going in dirt now....

So potential to have 3 plants now is possible....
Exciting day...

I'm not one to give have two possibly three kilamanjaro plants when a week ago I couldn't get 1 out of 16....good week for sure

Dinachem needs transplanting after a bit of lst today, then into the veg tent

Not sure the LED is the ticket . May switch back to the T5 soon, we shall see

Back to football
Exciting day...

I'm not one to give have two possibly three kilamanjaro plants when a week ago I couldn't get 1 out of 16....good week for sure

Dinachem needs transplanting after a bit of lst today, then into the veg tent

Not sure the LED is the ticket . May switch back to the T5 soon, we shall see

Back to football

Thats awesome brother!! Glad to hear that you are making progress with your Kilamanjaros. I am definitely down to see them grow so I know what to look forward to!

Not at all happy about the football game tonight. I am watching it but I dislike both teams greatly. I was rooting for a 0-0 tie.
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Thats awesome brother!! Glad to hear that you are making progress with your Kilamanjaros. I am definitely down to see them grow so I know what to look forward to!

Not at all happy about the football game tonight. I am watching it but I dislike both teams greatly. I was rooting for a 0-0 tie.
I'm an old Niners fan....not a Lams

Jacked about the seeds, hope I have another tap root tomorrow
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

I'm an old Niners fan....not a Lams

Jacked about the seeds, hope I have another tap root tomorrow

I haven't forgiven the niners for beating up on Marino back in 85'. So I root against them 95% of the time LOL.
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Good morning Bud Heads

Well....we have another stray kilamanjaro seed crackage

Guess they need to germinate for'll make a note of that

That makes potentially 4 seeds to sprout.

Should have #2 pop it's head out today. I'll probably plant the new one in soil later today, and hope a tap root pops out on #3 today also

Very strange seeds indeed. The one I found today was in paper towels for at least 10 days, is for sure part of the 1st group of 10
So...I'm an idiot....just saying

I never realized that adding nutes to the water dropped the pH that much

After reading on JayandFun thread...I checked a gallon with nutes....

pH was about 4.8.....ouch
Tested with just Calmag and was normal at around 6.1

So all this time and the nute issues have been some pH issues

Gunna test some with adding baking soda and see how it works...
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Good morning Bud Heads

Well....we have another stray kilamanjaro seed crackage

Guess they need to germinate for'll make a note of that

That makes potentially 4 seeds to sprout.

Should have #2 pop it's head out today. I'll probably plant the new one in soil later today, and hope a tap root pops out on #3 today also

Very strange seeds indeed. The one I found today was in paper towels for at least 10 days, is for sure part of the 1st group of 10

Thats crazy....I have heard of seeds taking up to a week but damn. I wonder if its a trait natural to that strain. I will definitely have to keep that in mind!!
So...I'm an idiot....just saying

I never realized that adding nutes to the water dropped the pH that much

After reading on JayandFun thread...I checked a gallon with nutes....

pH was about 4.8.....ouch
Tested with just Calmag and was normal at around 6.1

So all this time and the nute issues have been some pH issues

Gunna test some with adding baking soda and see how it works...

Yeah I don't use em so I wouldn't have known they dropped the pH that much. I know that the liquid silica that I occasionally add will raise the pH quite a bit, so I have to add the silica and then pH down to my 6.5 range. Guess it makes sense that nutes might do something to the water.
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Just wondering I see you use only perlite as a grow medium.. If I use a 3 gallon bucket full of perliet - will tat work for an auto? Smaller yields?
Actually would do great......
Ya want to go from seed to final pot with autos Jay

This is my Siberian Haze Auto, she is huge compared to the last one I did and the Sour Hound next to her

She is in a 2gal bucket.....and is doing great

Yields will be bigger for me on this one for sure
Let me know how you like Tangelo! I smoked some of my "before cure, but after dried" HarleSin. I just wanted a taste of something fresh...OMG. I can't wait for the cure taste! Buy a papaya, and then take her seeds and dry them like they were peppercorns...A tropical peppery goodness...It's a cross between a mustard green and the pepper/sweet fruitiness of a just ripe papaya! Nice body high and uplifted head! Pain relief and a soother. You MUST try her! And THE new fave!
Let me know how you like Tangelo! I smoked some of my "before cure, but after dried" HarleSin. I just wanted a taste of something fresh...OMG. I can't wait for the cure taste! Buy a papaya, and then take her seeds and dry them like they were peppercorns...A tropical peppery goodness...It's a cross between a mustard green and the pepper/sweet fruitiness of a just ripe papaya! Nice body high and uplifted head! Pain relief and a soother. You MUST try her! And THE new fave!

My Tangelo was good, not Great, was an Auto, the GF liked it a lot.... Its on my list of Re-Try down the road...
So the Kilamanjaro experiment Continues:slide:
Had 2 show tap roots last Night, so will have 4 total planted today. 2 have sprouted, and I assume 2 more by Tomorrow

So strange, most have been germinating for 7-14 days.... Im also wondering if the paper towel drying out 1x has assisted in the germination

So far the Extreme Scuffed seeds are not showing tap roots...LOL... but its only been 3 days...LOL... guess that have a week or so More:rofl:
So the Kilamanjaro experiment Continues:slide:
Had 2 show tap roots last Night, so will have 4 total planted today. 2 have sprouted, and I assume 2 more by Tomorrow

So strange, most have been germinating for 7-14 days.... Im also wondering if the paper towel drying out 1x has assisted in the germination

So far the Extreme Scuffed seeds are not showing tap roots...LOL... but its only been 3 days...LOL... guess that have a week or so More:rofl:

4 is a lot better than none or one!!
Re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

We have officially 3 kilamanjaro seeds sprouted and 2 more should show their heads today

Interesting seeds indeed

I put the last two I beat the crap out of into paper towels just now

Think I'm at like 22 seeds attempted to germ, so less than 25% success rate so far

But with 5 I should get girls and boys so I can creat my own seeds and eventually cross it with Candida for my Elephant Candy......

Football day.... Have a great Sunday bud heads
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