Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

I would die there..mentalpause is kicking my ass now in the Northeast with these dang hot flashes...I got a freezer full of ice packs and the AC on. Hubby is waiting for the day he comes home to find a pile of ash on the floor next to my shoes. :laughtwo:
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Well Cheech looks like he will pop some pollen tomorrow...
I hope so, Candida is still in the breeding window I think , and if not Nightengale should show flowers any day and I can do her in a few weeks


May need to thin out the big tent...I'll have 3 that need in there when he pops

Fun fun fun
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Today the world Changes:cheer::cheer::cheer::bravo::bravo::bravo:

Cheech Popped some Pollen today, soooooooooo time for Dr Scorpioenstine To start some Genetic Engineering

Going to attempt to Pollinate Candida, but for sure should be able to do Green Doc.

Ill also be filling the Flower Tent, adding Blueberry, CBD Critical Cure, and Nightengale.... This will give Cheech his one personal space

Im thinking my White Widow is about ready to Harvest, this will free up needed real estate in the Flower Tent

Fun Times for sure
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Had a good day with the girls

Whitey my WW decided she was read to come down

So she went into time out for a day

It gave me more room in the BIG tent

From left to right we have
Puddles Purple Kush, Seymore the huge CBDutch treat, and Violet another PK

Then in went all the Hemmpies
Left to right again
Original skunk #1, CBD Critical Cure, Blueberry, and Nightengale

Then the two Trees is front
Candida on the left and Green Doctor on the right. Doc has stretched the tallest of any of my girls , her Sativa genes are showing, and I really think k my Candida is a Sativa pheno



Green Doc

And all the Autos
DDAs in the back, Sour hound the Cream sisters

And last but not least, Cheech, an Original skunk#1 male, all alone now with his 3 clones above him, one has roots as of today and I bet the others will soon too, all three look great, nice and green


I also ordered a test kit for THC/CBD
I'll get links for it soon....

Tents are finally shrinking. I tried to pollinate Candida and Doc so I hope it takes, been 5 days and am chomping at the bit. When Nightengale shows flowers I'm going to try her as well

Hempy is really nice, so far every 4th day I am watering them in the 3gal buckets.

I figure 3 more weeks and the last 3 original girls should be harvested. Then I'll be more open in that tent.
Once my Autos are done in about 6 weeks ish I'll most likely go back to photos only, veg and flower tent. By then I should have a handle on the strains like and will focus on. Then I'll maybe add just a test strain or two at a time

Wow that was a long post.....
Re: Scorpio420's 2 Tent Tango - Dark Devil Auto - WW Auto - GSC Auto & Others In Soil

So I just Pulled the trigger today and order a THC/CBD test kit

It seems to be, for the $$$ , a great option to test the THC and CBD in oils and Flowers, and much cheaper than $40 a shot at test companies

THC Test Kits | THC Test Kit Refills | THC Test Kit Supplies | Cannalytics Supply


Its shows Like the above Pic, and the size of the SPOT depics the % of THC or CBD

They say it takes a bit of learning, but I decided to get the Better Kit that has the more professional tools in It

I want to test my Flowers, and, the Oils.

FHO vs Low n slo dried Oil, Vs plain old 36hr Oil

Company is in CO, so I should, I assume, see it in a few days

Excited to start this new phase of Fun and experimenting

Let the Genetic Testing Begin:thumb:
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Are we having fun yet? :laughtwo: Dang, you have them packed in there. You have the same problem I have, an inability to stop planting. :rofl:
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Are we having fun yet? :laughtwo: Dang, you have them packed in there. You have the same problem I have, an inability to stop planting. :rofl:
Nope problem at all....nope

They are thinning out, may not look like they are

The hempy are smaller and went to flower faster, more for test cases and trying the strains and for Genetic engineering, so it's not too bad in that tent

Nope, no problem at all
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

:thumb:It might be thinning out to you but I agree with Sweet Sue, it is packed & it's impressive!!! I Know I would have a problem with them that close, my grow is in near shut down from PM (Powdery Mildew) I have to space them further apart than you. I have resorted to a short visit on the balcony for survivors until I have my room sanitized, I had the same problem in the vegetable garden last year, so far so good this year. :Namaste:
Re: Scorpio420's 2 Tent Tango - Dark Devil Auto - WW Auto - GSC Auto & Others In Soil

:thumb:It might be thinning out to you but I agree with Sweet Sue, it is packed & it's impressive!!! I Know I would have a problem with them that close, my grow is in near shut down from PM (Powdery Mildew) I have to space them further apart than you. I have resorted to a short visit on the balcony for survivors until I have my room sanitized, I had the same problem in the vegetable garden last year, so far so good this year. :Namaste:
They seem to play nice with each other
Heat and a bout of TOO MUCH nutes has been my only real issues so far. RH is usually around 45 but temps get to 90 at times
My DDAs where doing great, then just pooped out, I did a flush of em yesterday in hopes of sparking life back in em. I think the bigger pots of FFOF soil still had plenty of nutes and the 1/2 strength I gave Them was too much, we shall see how they respond

I'm hoping to see the seeds I created, i hopefully created, soon

I may try another branch on Candida today for fun. I put a tube of pollen in the freezer yesterday to save

Fun fun fun
Re: Scorpio420's 2 Tent Tango - Dark Devil Auto - WW Auto - GSC Auto & Others In Soil

So I just Pulled the trigger today and order a THC/CBD test kit

It seems to be, for the $$$ , a great option to test the THC and CBD in oils and Flowers, and much cheaper than $40 a shot at test companies

THC Test Kits | THC Test Kit Refills | THC Test Kit Supplies | Cannalytics Supply


Its shows Like the above Pic, and the size of the SPOT depics the % of THC or CBD

They say it takes a bit of learning, but I decided to get the Better Kit that has the more professional tools in It

I want to test my Flowers, and, the Oils.

FHO vs Low n slo dried Oil, Vs plain old 36hr Oil

Company is in CO, so I should, I assume, see it in a few days

Excited to start this new phase of Fun and experimenting

Let the Genetic Testing Begin:thumb:

Looking forward to seeing how you like this test kit. I was looking at a different one, but just about the same price range. I am sure that the cheaper ones are all pretty much the same. I will get one, just not sure when.
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

I did some more pollinating again today, 1 more branch of Candida and Green Doc, and did a branch of my Devil Cream Auto

Cant wait to see seeds popping up in the Buds
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Your plants grew so fast Scorpio! . I'm a little peanut butter and jelly . I didn't buy feminized on my seeds (trying to stand up for women's rights .) but where should I buy my seeds? To be sure I have girls and to grow something fast?!?!
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Your plants grew so fast Scorpio! . I'm a little peanut butter and jelly . I didn't buy feminized on my seeds (trying to stand up for women's rights .) but where should I buy my seeds? To be sure I have girls and to grow something fast?!?!
Seedsman is a good place Kelsey, I've purchased from them 3x

Im all for equal rights , you can wear the pants any time
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Do they have stealthy shipping? All the way down here?
Yes they do, so no worries at mine in 6-7 days on all the orders , and a fantastic selection. The sell most all the top breeders seeds
Re: Scorpio420's 2 Tent Tango - Dark Devil Auto - WW Auto - GSC Auto & Others In Soil

So two of three clones have nice roots are day 9, day 7 I saw 1st roots on this one...

And they are spitting

I bet I see roots on #3 tomorrow, they all are nice and green and perky

Whitey came down today, she was biggest wet weight yet, 255g, not including trim or small lower buds

Whitey is hanging now after her wash, going into the fridge real soon.

I'll get the clones into hempy tomorrow and then toss around the idea of trying a couple seeds into hempy pots.
Only issue is space, it may work out ok, let's do some math, where is Sue when ya need
3-5 days from seed to sprout
14 days usually in a solo with soil
So about 3 weeks till would need to go into it's final 3gal hempy

Might be a bit tight, last 3 from 1st grow are at least that far out, but Seymour, DT, maybe be sooner

I think it will work...better decide what I'm planting

Thinking a Amnesia OG freeby and a Critical kush freeby
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

So after 3 pulls off of CBDutch treat look who has new homes

Cheech's kids, Mota and Herb
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Think I am gunna start a NEW Journal soon. I have so much going on in 3 different spaces, Hempys, Clones, Scorpioenstine Genetic Engineering, THC/CBD Testing, Oils, Cooking

Easier to have 1 space to post all my stuffs and crapola
re: Scorpio's Cavalcade Of Horrors With Hempy, Genetics, Perpetual & Much Much More

Think I am gunna start a NEW Journal soon. I have so much going on in 3 different spaces, Hempys, Clones, Scorpioenstine Genetic Engineering, THC/CBD Testing, Oils, Cooking

Easier to have 1 space to post all my stuffs and crapola

How funny. I find it easier to run many journals. :laughtwo:
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