It is hard to know when to harvest so I took the indecisive way out by harvesting one third of my crop and I’m going to do another third every week after this. Also I read where someone said that it’s best to harvest one branch if you are running low so you are not tempted to harvest early and I have been doing that making oil for the last couple weeks with little trimmings.

Obviously I don’t know what I’m talking about but that doesn’t stop me from giving advice, LOL. Even though you have huge buds they really don’t look like they are ready yet in your photos. The only reason I asked before if you had harvested is because I think you said you were going to do one plant very soon.

I noticed you talking about harvesting White Widow from your first grow and I was wondering what you think about it and what seed producer you got it from? I was reading that White Widow and O.G. Kush are very relaxing so I was thinking of giving them a go in my next generation.
Hey Homer,
the WW in my opinion was a very powerful high, long lasting and very uplifting. It did not tire me out whatsoever, although it's labeled as 60% Indica. Harvesting at the right time made it what it was for me I'm sure.
I got those from CKS..can't mention their name here as it's an old sponsor but they are in Canada. I had one that had a genetic thing happening and it took a lot of abuse from me...still put out some good smoke and yield at the end.
I would highly recommend the WW as part of one of your future grows.
Hey Homer,
the WW in my opinion was a very powerful high, long lasting and very uplifting. It did not tire me out whatsoever, although it's labeled as 60% Indica. Harvesting at the right time made it what it was for me I'm sure.
I got those from CKS..can't mention their name here as it's an old sponsor but they are in Canada. I had one that had a genetic thing happening and it took a lot of abuse from me...still put out some good smoke and yield at the end.
I would highly recommend the WW as part of one of your future grows.

Thanks for the WW review Sauga. :ciao: Sounds pretty enticing and I was already a convert. I was thinking of trying that and OG. Kush; I read they were relaxing and Birdie is actually growing those two so if they are good enough for her, giddy up!:cheer:

Not sad to see them gone as sponsors because I was kind of disappointed with them. Only 50% of their seeds came up and one auto that did was a real dud and their online customer service was a meanie. :confused:
Wow looking great over here sauga! Some chunky buds and some gorgeous plants!!

I got my full MC lineup today! Can’t wait to try it next round!!
Wow looking great over here sauga! Some chunky buds and some gorgeous plants!!

I got my full MC lineup today! Can’t wait to try it next round!!

I have the exact same line-up for my next grow!!:thumb:
Dumping some photos.... go cola go... :cheer:

Besides your big fat buds your girls seem really happy and green. You seem to have them really dialed in. :bravo:
Not sad to see them gone as sponsors because I was kind of disappointed with them. Only 50% of their seeds came up and one auto that did was a real dud and their online customer service was a meanie. :confused:
lol, ya I heard plenty of bad stories...some good too, but just got a bad rap here now.
Wow looking great over here sauga! Some chunky buds and some gorgeous plants!!

I got my full MC lineup today! Can’t wait to try it next round!!
Thanks Dutch... ya got mine here as well, so it's like the Three Amigos Mega Style.. lets rock this forum boys!
Besides your big fat buds your girls seem really happy and green. You seem to have them really dialed in. :bravo:
Yes sir, dialed in like a 900 call. They love the love I give 'em I guess :)
I've a mate who grows and he has a trusty magnifying glass for doing trichs, and I go visit often so I'm intimate with his grow as well but often we butt heads in discussions.

Cpl weeks back he harvested 8 Buddha cheese, trichs were running at bout 60% milky but the pistils were white as a wedding dress, but the smoke wasn't as powerful previous harvest he had.

I suppose it's up to each persons taste really, as I've triched and and smoked based on that decision but I can't help wonder if it's lost or not achieved its full potential by harvesting according to trichs to achieve a certain euphoria..

If you think back to the day of buying weed it was most harvested once those pistils have turned red if you go by rule of thumb. If I think of some the smoke that comes into South Africa from Swaziland or Lesotho the last cpl weeks y that I've smoked, the growers there don't have access to loupes and such and it's done according to pistils..

If I remeber correctly @bobbrown in one of his journals mentioned that he waits till pistils have turned red then waits another week before harvesting....but it is each to their own ultimately....
OK....I'm probably gonna create a stir with this, but I've said it before and I'll say it again....

Trichome color is not really a good way to indicate harvest time on a strain you have not grown before. Best way to judge readiness is to sample. When it's where you want it, note the trichome color so next time you grow that cut, you can harvest based on color.

a study of over 300 dry cannabis samples indicated minimal correlation between trichome color and potency, except in relation to darker brown samples, which are clearly past the peak of potency - Handbook of Cannabis, Potter 2009, p.77.

Also, I had posted this video in one of my first journals and several times since when engaging in similar discussions. This is Jorge Cervantes scoping some Indica Cannabis Cup winners. Listen to what he says right around 5:25 into the video. He no longer uses trichome color as a way to judge harvest timing:

If you're running low, take down a cola or two to keep you medicated while the rest of the harvest continues to ripen! ;)
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