I was peeking in on the girls and noticed one side of the GG in FFOF was lower. Took a few secs for it to click in on what was going on.
I'll get some pics up later of the fix. The nodal spacing is tight and hard to get tape on it, so I've rigged up a peg and tied it to that.
Now I can say it happened to me. :)

Hey everybody!

A quick update. The leg on my GG in FFOF broke today. I noticed it early this morning and she was fine the night before, so that's the timeframe she went down.
I rigged up some tape but it was hard to get at without damaging her anymore. Raised it up and have her healing now through a peg setup.

After about 8 hours she looks like this. The right side is the damaged one, although you can never tell.

Go Leafs!

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