Sauga's First WW Indoor Grow, LED Style

Love the recap MrSauga! Busy week! Lol. Everything looking boss!
lol, ya but I wouldn't want to be busier any other way. This growing weed thing is fun. Even the lows are fun to work through. Thanks Magoo.

top of the morning to mr.Sauga, any rambling is good rambling as long as there is something to be taken out of it and learnt by...... Says smeegol who like to learn the hard way...haha
Good morning Smeegs, just getting ready for my evening coffee and canon and off to see the girls. It's funny, for the first couple of weeks I would always be looking at the girls first thing when I woke, when I got home, when I went to the washroom, etc. Now it's changed to an excitement builder. I relax and fight the urge to look until after dinner, the dog has unwound and the wife has settled into whatever it is that she does. At this point in time is when my world becomes tranquil. So now I have a ritual. I make a coffee, smoke a fatty, check in here and then I go see my precious ones.

I gotta go, I can't wait anymore.
New Week, New Hope
Start of a new week and things are looking brighter. First pic is the quad that leaned and the line reached out for the light. You'll see how much off it is. Pic 2 I handcuffed it to the opposite line to pull it in. The long line sits a little higher but I think it looks better that way. I'm hoping I made the right call on that.
The 3rd and 4th pic are of Wendy who had the pH issues. New growth is looking good and I think she is well onto a recovery.
Pic 5 and 6 are of Emily, who was really bushy yesterday, and still is today, but not nearly as much. She's graduating to LST and seems to be taking well to it.
Last pic is a group shot, Vegas style.

One of my Blue Dreams has the gangsta lean going on coming out of the soil. Have some of the same characteristics you describe here. I just try to keep the canopy level regardless of the how the branches want to do. But the branch that come out opposite of the lean...I have to keep pulling that one down because it’s naturally angled up. Lol
So here's a pic of quad 2, edna. She's really filling in. Do I need to open things up or just let 'er go? I just removed the lower nodes again on the new growth but haven't done anything else.

I’d let it go longer for now....but I know how you feel. Lol. You can let them fill in a bit more and then take the larger fans that are pointing back towards the middle. That would be a place to start anyway. It will probably be a bigger defol at that time. Looks magnificent right now to me.
I’d let it go longer for now....but I know how you feel. Lol. You can let them fill in a bit more and then take the larger fans that are pointing back towards the middle.
Thanks Magoo. I just wasn't sure what to expect next. I seen on Ase's thread that he flipped when the plants weren't much bigger than mine, or at least it seemed that way.
I've been really trying to bring Wendy back to health. The very fist pic showed how bad the pH issue got with the red spots throughout the leaf. Currehntly I have been watering more frequently then I probably should and this last watering today I think will be the trick. The soil pH is coming in around 6.4 and I have been watering with 6.5. The rest of the pics show the old growth vs the new growth. Today they got a mix of dolomite lime to boost the Ca a bit, and blood and bone meal for the NP which has been running on the low side, and some molasses for the microbes. I plan to give a good compost tea on Monday for a push of nutrients before flipping in a week or so.

New growth looking great brother!
Thanks Magoo,
although everytime I put her under the purple she looks so sick. Those lights are depressing! I took her out of the tent just now and she's living in the outdoors for the remainder of her life. She was the tallest of the three and it's for the best. The other three plants will stay inside and will all be growing at the same rate.
top of the evening to you mr.Sauga your girls walking a healthier path by the looks of it and loving it by the by...haha. Your Edna is looking way too sassy you might want to pull her down some more and open her centre up but the guys have you well in hand....:goodjob:


I hope you don't mind me sharing this pic with you and guys..... She's just cruising away, my next snips will be the over unders that are coming out...

Have a great evening guys n gals...
Your Edna is looking way too sassy
Ya and it's kind of hard for others to really see what the plant is doing. I did open her up a couple of hours ago. There were so many small leaves looking for light. I cleaned up anything that pointed in but not the lower shoots. I wanted her to destress a bit before doing that. Since doing that it's amazing how much those smaller leaves have taken off in the last hour. Amazing little plant.

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