I thought that law only applied to closed systems. But I always get to the part about temperature not being affected by gravity, start thinking about a quantity of a compressible substance getting dropped into a black hole's event horizon, and sort of forget what I was doing. Spaghettification probably warms a body up, lol. Although... Never mind.
You're in better shape than me, then.
Room can be at 1°K and, if that air is not flowing through the tent, it's not going to-- Well, okay, that's not precisely true. But, still, you want a good (adequate for the space and capable of moving air through a restriction if you have a carbon filter involved) exhaust fan moving air out of the tent from the top. Should be three passive vents (one on each side and the rear) near the floor. Open those. CLOSE DOOR. Adjust speed of fan to achieve a slight negative pressure. Then measure the temperature inside the tent after it stabilizes (if possible, the temperature of a few leaves). If too hot, increase exhaust fan speed, wait for temperature to stabilize, and check it again. (Relatively) cool air is great - if it is flowing all the way through the space. If it's just following a short path in and out, though...
What exactly is your ventilation setup? I'm confused (that's probably obvious). Also, I forget what model of light you have. You mentioned something about it being a Mars Hydro, and being dimmable... So one of the TS or SP series?