RQS Blue Mystic LED Superponic Grow - From Seed to Smoke

Gonna visit my girls at some point today before lights go out to try and do some more LST and bending on the tallest branches. I don't want the buds to get bleached or foxtailing to happen from being to close to the lights. I'll snap a couple pics of the end result and post them.
I thought the defol was supposed to stop them growing vertical anymore. :)
Going from memory, but can't you add another Scrog up about 2' above the last as a last resort?
Going from memory, but can't you add another Scrog up about 2' above the last as a last resort?

Hi Sky. yeah i do have another screen, if i can find all the magnet hooks I'm gonna set it up and use it to help support the tops I bend/crop to move them away from the light.
I'm gonna put mine in tonight too, but I'm just gonna lay it across the top to give the plant a little bit of resistance and hopefully get her used to getting stretched out, plus also get the lower nodes some light. I'm looking at it like low stress Scrog and when she gets tall enough, I'm just gonna tie the corners of the screen to eye screws in the floor.
Mine don't even compare, but it's evolution so I'm not complaining.
Thanks KJC, always a pleasure seeing you drop in on my journals. I know if your just liking the post and no comments I'm in good shape. :) I'm really looking forward to the next grow to put everything learned into practice.
Hi everyone.;)
As i mentioned, I went to visit the girls a couple days early to do some cropping and bending to get the top cola's away from the lights. Today is day 27 of flower and the girls have stopped the stretch, minimal new growth in the last 2 days, thank God. I strung up the second lvl net on magnets to help support the plants after my work. The top of the plant that was touching the lights 2 days ago is a little burnt but should pull through. (pic below)
The PH stayed solid at 5.8 the last couple of days and PPM only went up by 170, and it looks like the plants have drunk at least a gallon, still some fine tuning of the nutes but almost there. The bud sites are everywhere on these plants, after I moved all the tallest branches aside, there was a sea of smaller buds just waiting below, got a couple nice pics. Check em out. :)

Today's Stats.
Day 27 of flower
PPM= 1200
PH= 5.8
Air temp= 72F
Water temp= 66.7F
RH= 46%

The girls before my work.


I strung up the second net and tried as much as possible just moving the plants a couple of squares towards the outside of the net. I was able to get most branches out of the way without bending or cropping but the tallest middle one I had no choice but to supercrop it.





As I said above, once all the branches were pushed aside there was a little garden underneath just waiting to be exposed.:)

now just some shots of all the bud sites. :)







Finally the cola that was touching the lights a couple of days ago. A little bleached and burnt tips but should be ok.

That's it for another update, lots of pics tonight cause they are 1 month into flower now. :yahoo:
Only 4-5 more weeks to go. I also thought I might add again that I think the defoliation really helped this closet.
As always comments and questions welcome. Until next time, stay medicated my friends. ;)
Excellent F/_/ckin work SG!! You are gonna have such a monster harvest. I think you should name that closet Jumanji like the Robin Williams movie b/c when you open the door, your eyes get flooded with dense jungle. My hat's off to you man!
I try to pop by both your grows as much as I can, seriously man I'm really digging this closet of yours. The ladies are looking top shelf my man :thumb:
Looking good! Nice and healthy. I think you would of been alright suppercropping more of the taller ones. Like you said... got a lot below ready to pop up :) Imagine this grow at 45 days? It is going to look awesome :rocker:

Excellent F/_/ckin work SG!! You are gonna have such a monster harvest. I think you should name that closet Jumanji like the Robin Williams movie b/c when you open the door, your eyes get flooded with dense jungle. My hat's off to you man!

:) Thanks Sky, This closet is really taking off, I think Its gonna yield more than my other closet and its the smaller of the two. This grow went much smoother than my first grow in the larger box.

yikes, these girls got big since my last visit , good job man

I know right.... they are starting to chub up. :high-five:


Looks like you got the hieght thing all worked out, good job, you should be good now.

Thanks for stopping by Crawdaddy, I think the plants touching the light was a blessing in disguise. If they weren't touching the light I would not have moved them and the lower bud site would not be exposed the way they are now. I'm sure the lower sites are gonna benefit huge from the extra light they are getting now.

I try to pop by both your grows as much as I can, seriously man I'm really digging this closet of yours. The ladies are looking top shelf my man :thumb:

Thanks for following the journal Spazz, much appreciated buddy.
I'm digging the closet also. Its pretty much the perfect size for me, and with the three chambers I'm going for perpetual grow. I'm loving the thought of smoking top shelf nugs that I have grown myself and never having to spend another penny on meds again. (other than nutrients to grow more.:)):thumb:

Looking good! Nice and healthy. I think you would of been alright suppercropping more of the taller ones. Like you said... got a lot below ready to pop up :) Imagine this grow at 45 days? It is going to look awesome :rocker:


Thanks Scar, when I go back to visit tomorrow or Thursday I might do some more supercropping to open her up a little more. I definitely want to try this on my large closet, It should help there also, only another 3-4 weeks to go on that one. Don't get me imagining this grow in a few weeks, gonna get me all excited. ;)
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