Rifleman's Roost Open 24/7: Perpetually Perplexed

That Amnesia must be getting close to a chop aye mate? Nice journal. Hopefully will get the time to pop in from time to time :)

Thanks for stopping by Growlow. Today is day 51 since the first pistils. Breeder timeline says 63-70 days......not going to happen. :) Nothing but white pistils now. I'm thinking the 10.5 hours of light might be slowing her down instead of the opposite.
Spring has nearly passed, the rain is drying up, and 75 deg lows are just around the corner. In other words it's good weather to two wheel, fish, and generally loaf around. Not such good weather to be growing cannabis indoors. Okay so it's fine for indoor growing, but my mind just isn't into it. Too much fun to be had outside. At least that's my excuse for not keeping a tidy house here in the forums.

My shotglass girl is 15 days today. The bucket girls are 16 days and finally have roots out of the basket and semi standing up strong. :biglaugh: My pitiful sour crack is looking as bad as anything I've ever grown in soil on her 66th day. The only photo plant is an Amnesia Lemon at 168 days.

What a poor update. :rofl: Sorry folks but there is just so much going on I don't have a lot of time to spend tending the plants right now. Keep your fingers crossed for an eventual harvest , but if things don't slow down the compost heap might get larger. :thedoubletake:





Love what you have to offer Rifle!!

You've certainly got a talent for this sport and I keep a close eye on your operation to pick up on the tricks ;)

Keep it up, Holmes!
Final trim on Q1 today. A little drier than I want. The hygrometer inside the cVault is showing 54% after a few hours. Hopefully a couple of Boveda packs will take care of that. 1042g total weight for the harvest and bottom of cVault which weighs 798g. That leaves me with 244g of very closely trimmed(no stems, some sugar leaves) bud. 8.7 ounces. Almost an ounce less than what I expected. Not too shabby for 88 days though. I suspect it would have been closer to the 9.6 had I jarred it yesterday before the temperature and humidity drop and a night of hvac running. I hope you enjoy the photos of the jarring, that is an 8L cVault BTW. :)

Nice run Rifleman, happy daze.
Rifleman is in the house. I hope no one has been worried. :rofl: Yeah right ! I've spent the last week in a beach house without tv or internet, and a 1x, 2 bar roaming signal on my cell phone, but I'm home now. I've got water changes to do today and some photo taking, etc. Everyone survived...except for one of the circulation fans. Appears there was some heat damage. I'll get a better eye on it later when the lights come on.

Awesome sweeeeeeeet brother

Thanks GB. Grab a chair and get comfortable, I'll be posting photo updates soon. :)

I'm subbed if I'm not too late. Nice ladies you've been tending, and grats on POM and MOM

Thank you KK. :) Get you one of those rockers over by Gunnerboy so you'll be close enough to pass the bong. It's just about time to fire it up.

How's the shot glass looking?

She is finally starting her second set of leaves. I'll have to check my notes but I think she is around three weeks old now too. I'll try to post photo updates today, but I have a bunch of stuff to catch up on so it might not be until late.

Nice run Rifleman, happy daze.

Thanks. Feel free to drop by anytime. I'm usually sitting on the porch burning something, watching the world go by. :biglaugh:

I love it !!! Absolutely amazing now that's some good karma for ya do the right things with it please don't be one of these profiteers. The universe will bless you!

No profiteering here OB. I grow strictly for mine and Roost guests use only. No smell, no tell, no sell. :) Now reach over in that bowl on the table and get us a big ol nug for the pipe, my lungs are waiting. :rofl:
Rifleman is in the house. I hope no one has been worried. :rofl: Yeah right ! I've spent the last week in a beach house without tv or internet, and a 1x, 2 bar roaming signal on my cell phone, but I'm home now. I've got water changes to do today and some photo taking, etc. Everyone survived...except for one of the circulation fans. Appears there was some heat damage. I'll get a better eye on it later when the lights come on.

Hope you had a nice relaxing week away. Time to get back to growing some monsters.

KiG brother :green_heart:cheers
Hope you had a nice relaxing week away. Time to get back to growing some monsters.

KiG brother :green_heart:cheers

Thanks Snid. It was a bitter sweet trip. Part vacation, part final tribute and good bye to a very dear friend. I'll take him on his last m/c ride later this month to the place we first met, just the two of us, and spread his remaining ashes there. Circle complete. RIP my friend.

It was a busy day at The Roost. I changed water for what seemed like the first time in forever. The twin sisters DDS1 and SSDC are six and ten inches respectively. DC showed her first pistils today too. Shotglass is 24 days old and just now beginning her second set of leaves. The photo sucks but I got tired of trying to get a good one. :biglaugh: AL is eleven weeks today since flipping the lights, 177 days total. She is showing the burn of no reservoir changes and too much heat. The ppm are running ~750 when the reservoir is full and 1200+ by the time it's four or five gallons low. I've given her nothing but water for the last month. I'm hoping she'll finish up soon.

We'll there it is, my weak update. :) Just too tired to do much more...I think I'll go burn one.

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