Rex's Perpetual Hydroponics, LED, 4x4 Tent Using TBC 10 Gal System: All Are Welcome, Come Learn & Help

Journal Update!
Day 37
Veg Day 22
Tent temp: 25C avg
Tent RH%: 50~70%
Previous PPM: : 733
Current PPM: 731
Adjusted PPM to
: 731 (not adjusted)
PH: 6.6, reset to 5.7
Res temp: 19.6C
Water level: down slightly
Light draw from wall: ~240 Watts
Distance to plants~ 3 feet

So, there was a rise in PPM after the change of nutes. I kinda expected it, residuals on the hydroton. But since I was planning a slight bump- I let it ride to give them a chance. When I checked the res yesterday, the ph had risen to close to 7. Then I decided to try a different approach. I had one product on the shelf that I hadn't really played with, Mycos Chum. Seems and sounds like one of those watse of money products, and I haven't read or seen anyone else using it (i didn't really look too hard)- only reason I bought it was it was made by same company as Great White & Orca....and, there is a hidden bonus- it acts as a great PH down while stretching your herd out.

This morning was a wonderful sight. Color is where it should- some slight nute burn but hey, it's a drastic improvement.

So, not to jinx myself- but things may actually be somewhat back on track. My change and nute mix seems to be doing its thing. Let's wait & see :cheesygrinsmiley:

Major improvement :love:
This morning was a wonderful sight. Color is where it should- some slight nute burn but hey, it's a drastic improvement.

So, not to jinx myself- but things may actually be somewhat back on track. My change and nute mix seems to be doing its thing. Let's wait & see :cheesygrinsmiley:
Wow! I finally got caught up here and you’ve got this grow on track. Woo hoo! What a change in the plants. That’s one thing I love about hydro... right or wrong your plants let you know in a hurry. They look happy now. You should be proud of yourself for working through the problems. I’ve seen grows fail here because the grower refused to explore different strategies and ignored good advice. I’m stoked for you, Rex. :yahoo:
Good to see things are getting back on track here. I'm still curious as to why your pH was still rising after the first change of nutes though.. is it the hydroton?

So you changed the nutrient again after the maxibloom and they perked back up? Wow.. I hope your pH stays stable this time. They look happy so far, good job!
Journal Update!
Day 38
Veg Day 23
Tent temp: 25C avg
Tent RH%: 50~70%
Previous PPM: : 844
Current PPM: 791
Adjusted PPM to
: 791
PH: 6.5 reset to 5.8 ish
Res temp: 20C
Water level: down slightly
Light draw from wall: ~240 Watts
Distance to plants~ 4 feet

So I bumped the res a bit last night when checking on them. And this morning there was finally a drop in PPM :yahoo:
PH had risen again overnight, but stayed in an acceptable range at least- 6.4~6.5

Now just to clarify- Maxibloom has not been used. Only FloraNova Bloom (since stopping the MC).
I would have happily used the Maxibloom but my bag must've gotten wet and had to be thrown out.

FloraNova Bloom for Lucas = 8ml per Gallon.
While I'm not hitting quite that target, FNB is also a "one bottle feed".

The rising PH is perplexing, but I think I've narrowed it down (feel free to open/correct for discussion):

  • The sprayers- PH is probable Hydrogen, the more exposed to air, the more it will rise. The combination of the sprayers with the airstone may be too much.

  • The light. This is a good chance of being the cause. There is nothing covering the hydroton that's getting sprayed. I have some panda film in the mail- when it arrives I'll fix up some covers.
  • The beneficial bacteria/ "the herd". I remember Nutty mentioned that bacteria can change the PH depending on their food. Or something like that. Which is why the mycos Chum may be playing a big role in keeping the PH down.

Then again it could be something else, or a combo of the above.

Hope everyone is having a happy Friday!!

So glad to see they’re on the road to recovery!
Thanks DAB, I'm hoping they like the road and stick to it.
Major improvement :love:
Thanks WH! I was quite thrilled when I noticed the change!
Change is fast in hydro, huh! :thedoubletake:
They started looking better straight away. Good to see you getting it sorted.
Yup- one of the reasons I like it. It keeps me on my toes:nerd-with-glasses:
Looks like your back on track rex :thumb:
Thanks brother, hopefully it stays in the right direction!
Rexer those plants look happy my friend. I bet they explode in the next couple of days.
Thanks Dusty! I'm hoping for them to start showing some good upward growth soon, I've also done and started some LST, & a FIM. I'll have to "direct" some of their growth to where the empty corner is.
Wow! I finally got caught up here and you’ve got this grow on track. Woo hoo! What a change in the plants. That’s one thing I love about hydro... right or wrong your plants let you know in a hurry. They look happy now. You should be proud of yourself for working through the problems. I’ve seen grows fail here because the grower refused to explore different strategies and ignored good advice. I’m stoked for you, Rex. :yahoo:
Thanks Rider! I'm very proud to have gotten it back under control. I put some extra homework in before deciding on my nutes.
I'll be the first to say I don't always follow the advice given. But I always listen and pay heed. And appreciate any advice given, "only a fool ignores advice freely given" - love that quote!
Good to see things are getting back on track here. I'm still curious as to why your pH was still rising after the first change of nutes though.. is it the hydroton?

So you changed the nutrient again after the maxibloom and they perked back up? Wow.. I hope your pH stays stable this time. They look happy so far, good job!
Actually I didn't use the Maxibloom, the bag had gotten wet and was no more good. Instead I used the Floranova Bloom, which is also part of a Lucas formula.
looks back on track. good job.
Thanks Bluter! Appreciate your help!
Wow @Rexer what a recovery they have made. They almost look like new plants :yummy: Hell yeah man so excited to see those little ones turn around.
Oh I'm so stoked at the quick turnaround. Hopefully this is the start of a new trend for these girls!
Actually I didn't use the Maxibloom, the bag had gotten wet and was no more good. Instead I used the Floranova Bloom, which is also part of a Lucas formula.
Yes, that's my bad. I knew it was the floranova cause we talked about it but for some reason the maxibloom is what I typed.

Gotcha now though, my confusion was that you had switched from the Lucas to formula to another nute line, but it's just an additive.

I hope you get the ph fluctuation under control whatever it is, I'm really not a lot of help there. I think starting hydro off with buffered nutes has gotten me spoiled in a sense
Yes, that's my bad. I knew it was the floranova cause we talked about it but for some reason the maxibloom is what I typed.

Gotcha now though, my confusion was that you had switched from the Lucas to formula to another nute line, but it's just an additive.

I hope you get the ph fluctuation under control whatever it is, I'm really not a lot of help there. I think starting hydro off with buffered nutes has gotten me spoiled in a sense

It's all good!

Basically I went from MC, to transitioning/using the Lucas formula with the Floranova Bloom.
There's more then a few methods for Lucas grows, and they are interchangeable throughout the grow.
A member here Dr Fish did an amazing post on it awhile back:

I'm quite positive I'll get the PH under control and into a more normal drift. I noticed immediately that the Mycos Chum has done excellent in keeping it under a better control.

Not sure if I posted a picture of it:

By the way- this is one of those products who's price fluctuation is insane. I picked up the bottle for 30 bucks.
Journal Update!
Day 39
Veg Day 24
Tent temp: 25C avg
Tent RH%: 50~70%
Previous PPM: : 821
Current PPM: 807
Adjusted PPM to
: 791
PH: 6.3 reset to 5.8 ish
Res temp: 20C
Water level: down
Light draw from wall: ~240 Watts
Distance to plants~ 4 feet

Just topped up the res this evening with some RO water with 239PPM of cal mag in it. Since adding the mycos Chum the PH has been under much better control. If they look a bit droppy in these pics it's only due to the fact I took them right at lights on, before a feeding.

Ah they are looking so.much better rexer. And that ph is getting better as well ! Good to see and great job
Journal Update!
Day 40
Veg Day 25
Tent temp: 25C avg
Tent RH%: 50~70%
Previous PPM: : 821
Current PPM: 804
Adjusted PPM to
: 742
PH: 6.6 reset to 5.8 ish
Res temp: 19.5C
Water level: down
Light draw from wall: ~240 Watts
Distance to plants~ 4 feet

So everything is on track. The girls are drinking slightly more then eating, I'm slowly lowering the PPM each time I top off the res (using RO water with cal mag @ 230PPM). The PH this morning was at 6.6. I added 10ML Orca and 10 ML Mycos Chum to keep the herd going.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend!

So does anyone remember the runt? She has shown a will to survive! I've basically had her just sitting on top of the garbage can, so today I gave her some nutes and sun for fun.

That's a great catch, thanks and I'll definitely slide some kind of coasters under them...never would have caught it.
You might have saved my bacon down the road :Namaste:
My res is 35 gallons and it sits on a warmish floor (70/21) while I've got a water chiller cooling the water to 68/20. I built a riser out of 1x2 and put a sheet of fiberboard on top. Very easy to put together and good at distributing the weight on the tent floor (I've got a Gorilla 2 x 4 tent).

Another idea - hockey pucks. I used those under the feet on a subwoofer. They work like a charm and they're easy for you to come by.
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