Rex's Perpetual Hydroponics, LED, 4x4 Tent Using TBC 10 Gal System: All Are Welcome, Come Learn & Help

Looks like there starting to come around for you. Hope this is a beginning of a great finish.
Also the STS Kit.... Looks like a premix bag, or is there a part A and a part B that you have to mix? what instructions did they give for storage and use by?
Should be kept in the fridge away from any light source!
If you have a septic system DO NOT pore this down drain, sink, toilet.....!!!
Good luck
Day 32
Veg Day 17
Tent temp: 21C avg
Tent RH%: ~70-80%
Previous PPM: : 786
Current PPM: 785
Adjusted PPM to
: 836(adjusted)
PH: 6.3 adjusted to 5.7
Res temp: 20.3C
Water level: down very slightly- topped*see below
Light draw settings from wall: 142 Watts
Distance to plants~ 3 feet

So they're perking up, the changes seem to be having the desired effects. Today the following was added to bump PPM slightly:

30 ML of Cal mag

I then went in at lights off and did a foiliar spray on the bad front left one, and the runt. Just as a test since its the 1st time.

Foiliar spray had following:

A few drops of cal mag into a 750ml bottle of RO. I then added 20ml of Diamond Nectar. I checked the PPM, was a bit high, and dumped the top third of bottle, and replaced it with RO. PPM was at 338. PH: 5.9

Pics with lights on/off. Let me know which one is preferred so I don't do both lol.






Up close FIM (the one that was LSTed up above)



Wow thats an amazing system. I couldn't figure that out, its more complicated than Darth Vaders bathroom. :laugh: Sorry it took me so long to get here but I'm going to follow now. I'm in Ontario and have trouble getting hydroguard. I love that stuff. Where are you getting it from.
I think I may try double bagging it then :Namaste:- it'd be nice if it would just settle. I don't mind running the continuous top feed, that was actually my plan....the hydroton will eventually run clean (its just gonna be a real PITA to get there).

hey rexer - there is chunky perlite which may help you out. probably avoid those issues. the generic baled stuff will have dust and lots of smaller particles, they actually size it like other aggregate.

the smaller perlite will continue breaking down if it makes contact with that hydroton. the hydroton just crushes it down with movement over time.

I should also have mentioned that right now I'm feeding at a PPM of 338 and a PH of 5.6.

i also don't know what is up with your ph swings. 5.6 is low to start out. you're ppm is also too low, you are underfeeding. the plants reflect it. i'd like to see it at the 500 or so level by now. the additives could be tossing a curve ball at you as well.

what version of MC are you running ? the two-part has been designed for automated water systems with a remote res, which this would probably fall under. the common single part MC may not be entirely suited, it has a tendency to be a bit better in passive hydro or soil type apps.

Perlite is of the devil. At least with the hydroton the sediment just sits in the bottom of the grow tubs and minds its own business. I’m glad you figured out the flooding problem.

i really don't know about this system. a pile of perlite at the bottom seems to ask for issues in rdwc environments. this is some kind of a hybrid system.

I need to go back and see your products and nute strength because your pH rise is perplexing. We expect to see a slow rise in pH in DWC/RDWC/whatever as the plants eat the nutes but that is extreme.

my thoughts exactly.

It’s been my personal experience that a lot of cal/mag is needed when running MC, especially in hydro, and even more if your running intense LED’s. Take that for what it’s worth... we all have different grow setups and therefore have different requirements to reach success with each set up.

hey zebra .. i run hard under big led with RO and almost never use any cal-mag at all with MC. there's more than one source in MC.

if you do run it, you will need to use it throughout the grow, as it changes how the stuff is balanced. it can be strain dependent as well.

right now i'm running a big mix in flower with bud explosion, MC, and a little cal-mag. turns out it balances in the BE a little bit, i did not know that. a local grower / horticulturist had a look at my mix and told me that's what i was doing. i started running the cal-mag to counter an issue i thought i was having.

i would not go by my current grow as a leading example though :rolleyes:
hey zebra .. i run hard under big led with RO and almost never use any cal-mag at all with MC. there's more than one source in MC.

if you do run it, you will need to use it throughout the grow, as it changes how the stuff is balanced. it can be strain dependent as well.

right now i'm running a big mix in flower with bud explosion, MC, and a little cal-mag. turns out it balances in the BE a little bit, i did not know that. a local grower / horticulturist had a look at my mix and told me that's what i was doing. i started running the cal-mag to counter an issue i thought i was having.

i would not go by my current grow as a leading example though :rolleyes:
Hey Bluter, that’s awesome. This is what I mean when I say every grow is different and will have to be treated differently then the next persons grow. This can be based on a number of variables. Someone running a different type of system, has a different environment (major as this can determine how well your plant performs on everything from nutrient uptake to transpiration rate), something as simple as different lights can make a difference. Perfect example right here, I run R.O. Water as well and I 100% can not get through a grow without supplementing cal/mag unless I want to see a severely deficient plant. Everyone has to figure out what works for them. Im currently going to college for cannabis cultivation, extraction, and operations management. The amount I've learned since beginning those classes is incredible.
Hey Bluter, that’s awesome. This is what I mean when I say every grow is different and will have to be treated differently then the next persons grow. This can be based on a number of variables. Someone running a different type of system, has a different environment (major as this can determine how well your plant performs on everything from nutrient uptake to transpiration rate), something as simple as different lights can make a difference. Perfect example right here, I run R.O. Water as well and I 100% can not get through a grow without supplementing cal/mag unless I want to see a severely deficient plant. Everyone has to figure out what works for them. Im currently going to college for cannabis cultivation, extraction, and operations management. The amount I've learned since beginning those classes is incredible.

how does your def present at first ? mine came with a fry or starve switch and no happy middle this time around.

i corrected for cal-mag and hunger early with my clone run. before i knew they were ramping well in to flower levels while still in veg and asking for more. i didn't start the cal-mag til late in veg.

what i really should have done is vegged for another wk to ensure i had them stable before flipping. i revegged the run and they may not have been all set by the time i flipped them.

i'm rolling a hot mix at the same ppm levels i ran rdwc right now -1200 ppm. i normally sit 800 - 900 max in flower with MC in hempy.
how does your def present at first ? mine came with a fry or starve switch and no happy middle this time around.

i corrected for cal-mag and hunger early with my clone run. before i knew they were ramping well in to flower levels while still in veg and asking for more. i didn't start the cal-mag til late in veg.

what i really should have done is vegged for another wk to ensure i had them stable before flipping. i revegged the run and they may not have been all set by the time i flipped them.

i'm rolling a hot mix at the same ppm levels i ran rdwc right now -1200 ppm. i normally sit 800 - 900 max in flower with MC in hempy.
With the MC my calcium will present itself with brown dots and when this is present it’s almost always accompanied by the magnesium deficiency symptom which is the yellowing in the leaf veins, margins, and outer edges. This has been remedied with the cal-mag supplement I mentioned earlier. I start feeding cal-mag early on and all throughout the grow. Once you see the symptoms it means your in the later stages of deficiency and will be playing catch-up for the rest of the grow and it can cause serious problems if not taken care of promptly and properly. Marijuana plants can handle a lot of calcium and magnesium, it’s actually really rare to see a toxicity of either of these. I noticed if I wait until late veg (about the time it personally takes for deficiency to start visibly presenting itself) I will be absolutely ravaged with deficiencies in flower. If I wait until mid veg, deficiency starts presenting themselves at the end of flower. When starting cal-mag at the beginning and feeding all the way through I get no deficiencies.

My feed is completely dependent on how long I vegged, how big the plant is, or if it’s a heavy feeder, etc. I normally go no higher then 950 Ppm, usually stick to 800ish ppm but it can be more.
Looks like there starting to come around for you. Hope this is a beginning of a great finish.
Also the STS Kit.... Looks like a premix bag, or is there a part A and a part B that you have to mix? what instructions did they give for storage and use by?
Should be kept in the fridge away from any light source!
If you have a septic system DO NOT pore this down drain, sink, toilet.....!!!
Good luck
Thanks for the heads up- I'll be playing with that kit much later on. Right now it's in a box in the garage. The instructions that I took the pic of is all that came for the how to part. I believe it needs to be diluted if memory serves me right. I am on Septic- thanks for the heads up on that part didn't even think on the septic- I'll keep it in the garage, no chance of it making its way into it from there.
To be honest- I opened the box, snapped a few pics- then put it away. It's too early, I won't use it this round I guess.

Looks like they’re finding their groove.

Both are great, I’d say lights on for glamour shots; it really shows off the beauty of the plant, and lights off for diagnosing issues; imperfections seem to stand out more out of the bright light.

I'm not liking this grow so far, but it's a learning curve till I get things sorted. Thank you DAB :Namaste:

Wow thats an amazing system. I couldn't figure that out, its more complicated than Darth Vaders bathroom. :laugh: Sorry it took me so long to get here but I'm going to follow now. I'm in Ontario and have trouble getting hydroguard. I love that stuff. Where are you getting it from.
Thanks Bill! We are actually within driving distance brother- someday we'll have to have a brewski or burn a few.
The hydroguard- have to watch Amazon like a hawk....its rare but every now and then some pops up that's affordable before it sells out quickly. I'll tag you next time- I posted it in the Canadian growers section when some was available.
I paid 40 bucks for mine? Somewhere around there.

hey rexer - there is chunky perlite which may help you out. probably avoid those issues. the generic baled stuff will have dust and lots of smaller particles, they actually size it like other aggregate.

the smaller perlite will continue breaking down if it makes contact with that hydroton. the hydroton just crushes it down with movement over time.

i also don't know what is up with your ph swings. 5.6 is low to start out. you're ppm is also too low, you are underfeeding. the plants reflect it. i'd like to see it at the 500 or so level by now. the additives could be tossing a curve ball at you as well.

what version of MC are you running ? the two-part has been designed for automated water systems with a remote res, which this would probably fall under. the common single part MC may not be entirely suited, it has a tendency to be a bit better in passive hydro or soil type apps.

i really don't know about this system. a pile of perlite at the bottom seems to ask for issues in rdwc environments. this is some kind of a hybrid system.

my thoughts exactly.

hey zebra .. i run hard under big led with RO and almost never use any cal-mag at all with MC. there's more than one source in MC.

if you do run it, you will need to use it throughout the grow, as it changes how the stuff is balanced. it can be strain dependent as well.

right now i'm running a big mix in flower with bud explosion, MC, and a little cal-mag. turns out it balances in the BE a little bit, i did not know that. a local grower / horticulturist had a look at my mix and told me that's what i was doing. i started running the cal-mag to counter an issue i thought i was having.

i would not go by my current grow as a leading example though :rolleyes:
thanks bluter! The perlite for the most part isn't on the hydroton. The one bucket is filled to the top with perlite- I was also messing around with using it to start the plants in. I love it for the seedlings.
I was getting worried- the numbers were climbing rapidly into flowering levels be honest I was worried about issues that might present later.

I have the one part. And think you're right- it's not suited for this system.

Right now the RO reservoir is being refilled- once filled up I think I'll be trying to switch the nutes. It's going to be a challenge to switch and nail the right amounts.

This is what I've got for nutes:

So...really here's what I've got that I see for options:

1)Switch it over to the maxigro since they're still in veg.
2) Use the Floranova Bloom at 8% per Gallon (diluted/dialed down) to obtain my needed PPM (plus additives). I'm leaning to this.
3) use a combo of Micro+ Bloom (Lucas Formula) plus the additives

Feel free to chime in anyone!
With the MC my calcium will present itself with brown dots and when this is present it’s almost always accompanied by the magnesium deficiency symptom which is the yellowing in the leaf veins, margins, and outer edges

mine usually starts interveinal. pales out between the veins. almost like n ask. i usually intervene at this point.

This has been remedied with the cal-mag supplement I mentioned earlier. I start feeding cal-mag early on and all throughout the grow.

i'm rolling with a 2-0-0 product and even though it's mild i've been watching the n content. it really doesn't bother me to run it though. i find a lot folk over do the idea of N in MC.

i will add i've noticed adding the cal-mag product seems to help dissolve the other calmag elements in MC making for less sediment.

i've also noticed that it should be run throughout, or probably not at all if you go that way. no idea why, but have noted it.

Once you see the symptoms it means your in the later stages of deficiency and will be playing catch-up for the rest of the grow and it can cause serious problems if not taken care of promptly and properly. Marijuana plants can handle a lot of calcium and magnesium, it’s actually really rare to see a toxicity of either of these.

at this point i'm pushing them home lol

My feed is completely dependent on how long I vegged, how big the plant is, or if it’s a heavy feeder, etc. I normally go no higher then 950 Ppm, usually stick to 800ish ppm but it can be more.

that's pretty much spot on for me too in MC. all my numbers were higher in other nutes though.
i'm running a dynamite mix at present though. as in how hasn't this blown up ?

Thanks for the heads up- I'll be playing with that kit much later on. Right now it's in a box in the garage. The instructions that I took the pic of is all that came for the how to part. I believe it needs to be diluted if memory serves me right. I am on Septic- thanks for the heads up on that part didn't even think on the septic- I'll keep it in the garage, no chance of it making its way into it from there.
To be honest- I opened the box, snapped a few pics- then put it away. It's too early, I won't use it this round I guess.

I'm not liking this grow so far, but it's a learning curve till I get things sorted. Thank you DAB :Namaste:

Thanks Bill! We are actually within driving distance brother- someday we'll have to have a brewski or burn a few.
The hydroguard- have to watch Amazon like a hawk....its rare but every now and then some pops up that's affordable before it sells out quickly. I'll tag you next time- I posted it in the Canadian growers section when some was available.
I paid 40 bucks for mine? Somewhere around there.

thanks bluter! The perlite for the most part isn't on the hydroton. The one bucket is filled to the top with perlite- I was also messing around with using it to start the plants in. I love it for the seedlings.
I was getting worried- the numbers were climbing rapidly into flowering levels be honest I was worried about issues that might present later.

I have the one part. And think you're right- it's not suited for this system.

Right now the RO reservoir is being refilled- once filled up I think I'll be trying to switch the nutes. It's going to be a challenge to switch and nail the right amounts.

This is what I've got for nutes:

So...really here's what I've got that I see for options:

1)Switch it over to the maxigro since they're still in veg.
2) Use the Floranova Bloom at 8% per Gallon (diluted/dialed down) to obtain my needed PPM (plus additives). I'm leaning to this.
3) use a combo of Micro+ Bloom (Lucas Formula) plus the additives

Feel free to chime in anyone!

you got piles in there. you're not lacking for options. first thing i'd do is up the MC and see.

the other thing i can't get my head wrapped around is how does the plant get a dry cycle ? is this system a continuous or intermittent feed ? it sorta seems like it's an intermittent system, and you might be over running it.

edit: up the feed ppm in to the 500 levels. and think about running the system fewer times per day. this is assuming perlite. if you are running straight hydroton i'd run it longer but probably not continuous. something strikes me odd with the feeding sched on this thing. i'd like to see the literature they provide.
mine usually starts interveinal. pales out between the veins. almost like n ask. i usually intervene at this point.

yup- I've got that exactly on a few leaves

that's pretty much spot on for me too in MC. all my numbers were higher in other nutes though.
i'm running a dynamite mix at present though. as in how hasn't this blown up ?

that part worries me- I'm not nearly experienced as you, and heading there with those numbers?

you got piles in there. you're not lacking for options. first thing i'd do is up the MC and see.

ok- I'll hold dumping it for now. What number would you suggest? I can also do a reset and add a needed. Right now I've got ballpark 60g of MC in there (100L reservoir) plus some cal mag

the other thing i can't get my head wrapped around is how does the plant get a dry cycle ? is this system a continuous or intermittent feed ? it sorta seems like it's an intermittent system, and you might be over running it.
Well- the plan was not a continuous feed. But everytime the water would shut off- the perlite bag would settle and cause the flooding. So...they've been on a continuous light feed/spray.

If the runt was in the perlite I'd just shut that bucket off- but I've got my SuperSkunk in there- and right now she holds the most promise for producing some medication.
Thanks for the heads up- I'll be playing with that kit much later on. Right now it's in a box in the garage. The instructions that I took the pic of is all that came for the how to part. I believe it needs to be diluted if memory serves me right. I am on Septic- thanks for the heads up on that part didn't even think on the septic- I'll keep it in the garage, no chance of it making its way into it from there.
To be honest- I opened the box, snapped a few pics- then put it away. It's too early, I won't use it this round I guess.

I'm not liking this grow so far, but it's a learning curve till I get things sorted. Thank you DAB :Namaste:

Thanks Bill! We are actually within driving distance brother- someday we'll have to have a brewski or burn a few.
The hydroguard- have to watch Amazon like a hawk....its rare but every now and then some pops up that's affordable before it sells out quickly. I'll tag you next time- I posted it in the Canadian growers section when some was available.
I paid 40 bucks for mine? Somewhere around there.

thanks bluter! The perlite for the most part isn't on the hydroton. The one bucket is filled to the top with perlite- I was also messing around with using it to start the plants in. I love it for the seedlings.
I was getting worried- the numbers were climbing rapidly into flowering levels be honest I was worried about issues that might present later.

I have the one part. And think you're right- it's not suited for this system.

Right now the RO reservoir is being refilled- once filled up I think I'll be trying to switch the nutes. It's going to be a challenge to switch and nail the right amounts.

This is what I've got for nutes:

So...really here's what I've got that I see for options:

1)Switch it over to the maxigro since they're still in veg.
2) Use the Floranova Bloom at 8% per Gallon (diluted/dialed down) to obtain my needed PPM (plus additives). I'm leaning to this.
3) use a combo of Micro+ Bloom (Lucas Formula) plus the additives

Feel free to chime in anyone!
I'm in central Ontario I'm not sure where you are. Are you going to grow anything outside this summer?
Well- the plan was not a continuous feed. But everytime the water would shut off- the perlite bag would settle and cause the flooding. So...they've been on a continuous light feed/spray.

If the runt was in the perlite I'd just shut that bucket off- but I've got my SuperSkunk in there- and right now she holds the most promise for producing some medication.

quick post as i run to work.

ditch the perlite. read up on that system. looks to be top feed intermittent throughout the the grow, probably with hydroton. but i'm not positive, and it might be able to be tweaked for other media.

run everything in those buckets the same media. a mix, or all of one or the other, and all at the same mix.

do not run continuous feed unless the system specifically calls for it. if there is no lit, the bastards have sold you and left you to your own devices.

you are going to have to feel your way in to how often and how long to run the system per day. this is not a continuous feed system. it may change at each level of development as well.

get your ppm and ph under control. ppm is lacking at this stage,

they look like they are drowning and starving. i am not officially impressed with this system at present.
I'm in central Ontario I'm not sure where you are. Are you going to grow anything outside this summer?
Well brother I'm North of you- feel free to give me a PM once your able to hop on the highway North bound. If it wasn't Covid season I'd shoot you a PM.
quick post as i run to work.
I really appreciate you taking the time, thank you.
ditch the perlite. read up on that system. looks to be top feed intermittent throughout the the grow, probably with hydroton. but i'm not positive, and it might be able to be tweaked for other media.
I think its geared towards either hydroton or coco. Landoc has been killing growing coco in the 3 gallon system.
run everything in those buckets the same media. a mix, or all of one or the other, and all at the same mix.
that was me being too ambitious and gunho . Wanting to play with a new toy like a kid. There's some huge regrets on doing that in a 1st run .
do not run continuous feed unless the system specifically calls for it. if there is no lit, the bastards have sold you and left you to your own devices.
The lit is very brief. But, I don't blame the manufacturers- I blame the user- me. I was caulky- and have been rehumbled.
you are going to have to feel your way in to how often and how long to run the system per day. this is not a continuous feed system. it may change at each level of development as well.
Once on just hydroton I think I can dial the feed timing in fine.

I cringe at the thought of transplanting an auto at this stage from the perlite into the hydroton. I'll have to be delicate and careful or I'll be swapping one stunted auto for a soon to be stunted.

get your ppm and ph under control. ppm is lacking at this stage,
Both you and Zebra (among others) have said that. I apologize, got gun shy on the numbers. I'll reser reservoir with MC tomorrow and shutdown the perlite bucket.
they look like they are drowning and starving. i am not officially impressed with this system at present.
The system is awesome- I've thrown way too many variables that I haven't gotten down yet. New light, new environment, newish nutes, and a new feed system. It's overpriced, but at this point I think it's the user. I know I can nail this in time for good results.

Thanks for your help everyone- I've been called to get the honey do list done today.
Hey Bluter, that’s awesome. This is what I mean when I say every grow is different and will have to be treated differently then the next persons grow. This can be based on a number of variables. Someone running a different type of system, has a different environment (major as this can determine how well your plant performs on everything from nutrient uptake to transpiration rate), something as simple as different lights can make a difference. Perfect example right here, I run R.O. Water as well and I 100% can not get through a grow without supplementing cal/mag unless I want to see a severely deficient plant. Everyone has to figure out what works for them. Im currently going to college for cannabis cultivation, extraction, and operations management. The amount I've learned since beginning those classes is incredible.
Wow...I just reread that bottom part- that's awesome!!!
Yep, know about those honey due projects!
Good luck!
A lot of great advice and though input being introduced to you.
Good call on going with one grow medium. I was a little skeptical of using perlite and hydroton sperate in the same system.
Cause and effect...adjust for one can effect the other in a negative way.
@bluter Yes I agree, MC is heavy on the nitrogen, the first time I tried adding cal-mag it was with a product containing similar amounts of N as the one you stated and it caused more problems then it solved. Afterwards I had to deal with nitrogen toxicity and other lockouts caused by the N tox ... which honestly is probably the worst thing that can happen with a 1 feed nutrient... that is why I only recommend cal-mag products that contain only calcium and magnesium. In my opinion when growing in hydro using RO and intense LED’s, it is worth the investment to pay for a good cal-mag supplement (or brew your own if your into tha as our way of growing uses more cal-mag then others.

Wow...I just reread that bottom part- that's awesome!!!

I know sometimes I still don’t believe it. Haha I cannot tell you how amazing it is to be going to school for one of my most passionate hobbies. Well soon it will no longer be a hobby :) I’m also obtaining my Associates in Business at the same time. It truly is a wonderful time to be alive friends!
About to press some power bomb and strawberry banana, I will be on Mars for the remainder of the day. Haha
Pictures to be addded once I'm inside.

They've all perked up. There is no drowning going on. The previous drooping was indeed from the light intensity. So theres some good news.

More to good or not I think I've figured out the issue I've been experiencing. Kinda a noob mistake, one easily fixed. The perlite, which is running similar to an oversized Dutch bucket, wasn't covered. There's an algea buildup. Would this not cause the fluctuations? Anyways- a quick cover for now had been done. A better one to come. There's Pandafilm in the mail (for the eventual growroom).

Bump to 500? Did that a long time ago- we're now in the 800 PPMs today. I can bump to 900, but....I see a bit of nute burn going on.

So...right after typing all that I discovered the perlite bucket about to flood again. Enough is enough, the runt is gone (she had some gorgeous white roots) and the SuperSkunk had been taken from the perlite and placed inside the bucket that held the runt. I'm down to three plants. Looks like I'll be doing 1 outdoor after all this summer.

I'm beat- gonna put everything back together and head in for the night.
SuperSkunk in her new home. She'll be droppy for a bit.


So...just walking out would felt like leaving a job half done.

The res was reset with the following:

100L ro water
30ML cal mag
50g of MC

PPM: 633
Ph'd to 5.8
So what a roller-coaster this has been.
Still waiting for the track to starting climbing instead of dropping:rolleyes:

Checked the girls quickly. The deficiency is progressing.

Day 34
Veg Day 19
Tent temp: 21C avg
Tent RH%: ~70-80%
Previous PPM: : 633
Current PPM: 760 (rise)
Adjusted PPM to: 760
PH: 7.1 adjusted to 5.7
Res temp: 19.5C
Water level: down slightly
Light draw settings from wall: 142 Watts
Distance to plants~ 3 feet

Nute burn signs and deficiencies are getting worse. Rise in PPM and PH this morning, and it took more ph down then I was expecting to lower it :hmmmm:. I'm sure that signifies something- just not sure what.

RO reservoir is refilling.

At this point if anybody wouldn't mind, could they take a shot on what to put in the reservoir based on 100L?

I'm willing to dump and refill the main reservoir (tonight or tomorrow morning)

X amounts for cal mag and MC (plus anything else you saw on the shelf).

No hard feelings if it don't work. But will be the last reservoir containing MC this run unless this improve.

Gotta say, I've never had a more discouraging grow. And I'm including all the veggies I've killed trying to learn dirt.


She actually was perked up this morning compared to last night (after transplant).


100 L = 26.5 gallons for 4 plants I would get a each plant 500ppm at this point of MC so rdwc I would put however much MC in that system as you needed to get it to 2,000 ppm... 500 ppm for each plant, I would load those suckers up with calmag (non nitrogen containing cal-mag or it won’t work) I’d use prolly 50 mL cal-mag.... that is just what I would do, IF I’m understanding your setup correctly. I’m just applying my knowledge from single DWC buckets. If I had YOUR plant in one of my buckets I would give it fresh water, 500 ppm or so of MC and 10mL of cal mag to get that back on track... and that would be my starting dose to see how it reacts, if it acts favorably over the next couple days then I would top off and up the feed. This is just my opinion, you should probably wait to hear from other people as well.

Note: I would like to point out that I see zero toxicity, only deficiencies.
100 L = 26.5 gallons for 4 plants I would get a each plant 500ppm at this point of MC so rdwc I would put however much MC in that system as you needed to get it to 2,000 ppm... 500 ppm for each plant, I would load those suckers up with calmag (non nitrogen containing cal-mag or it won’t work) I’d use prolly 50 mL cal-mag.... that is just what I would do, IF I’m understanding your setup correctly. I’m just applying my knowledge from single DWC buckets. If I had YOUR plant in one of my buckets I would give it fresh water, 500 ppm or so of MC and 10mL of cal mag to get that back on track... and that would be my starting dose to see how it reacts, if it acts favorably over the next couple days then I would top off and up the feed. This is just my opinion, you should probably wait to hear from other people as well.
The only cal mag I have is a 1-0-0
And Epsom salts. I'm broke for the next bit as of this morning.

But that is exactly the directions I need right now, and you have no idea how grateful I am.

I won't lie, 2000 PPM plus the 50ml of cal mag made my eyebrows rise, but I sure as hell have got things wrong and you're growing beauties!
Totally willing to try! The RO reservoir tank isn't filled yet, so discussion is still open, but I'm totally down with giving it a go!
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