Ok let me explain.
When making decisions your decision should be based on refining your topic, on research, on intellectual discussions, on note taking and then formulate a plan.
So my explanation as to what I based my 2.5g/2L decision on:- I asked Virgin Ground LOLLLINGGGG and took that as gospel and I gotta say, so far according to plant colour, it has worked for me. I have not needed to deviate from the plan she recommended. My outdoor girl is more difficult as she has different soil and has the rain factor.
And what is this calculated 2.65g/2L - 3.17g/2L madness you speak of? Where did you even find this craziness? Please don’t tell me the Tega Brop *taps nose* bag, coz VG will legit lose her fucking shit if she finds out I still haven’t read the feeding directions on the bag
Sauga and VG are the TB experts. I’m no help.