Relaxed's Outdoor Medical Grow - 2016

I love the colors in Jack Dawg! You obviously have a green thumb Lester! :bravo:

Speaking of JD and colors, let us rejoice in what the JD looks like in a real late bloom;

From last year's Spring flowers (first round with the mother)

Last year's winter flowers which I think spilled over into this journal, in the beginning


Winter flower's second round, from earlier this journal

One of my favorite strains for sure. :adore:
WoW! :jawdropper:
That is amazing! :kiss: Those colors are so beautiful. Now I want to try JD! :drool:



Top 2 pics, Blackberry?, have great lighter shade of green leaves. I find the lighter green plants often turn into special plants.:thumb:

All the plants shown above in post #262 are of the Jack Dawg, top 2 pics in post #260 are of the Blueberry :thumb:

Stunning plants and buds :goodjob:

Were those grown outdoors all the time, what time of the year did you grow them?

I only ever flower cannabis outside, I don't have the option to flower cannabis plants indoor. As I think I noted, the first picture above is from Spring of last year (which was a batch of force flowers), and the two proceeding pictures are of the winter flowers from the end of last year spilling into this year (two different batches of winter flowers). ;)
I've had mine out for alittle better than a week with no buds started. If I put a adult plant out an earlier they do the false flower with a reveg. Still got harvests off major bushes. You can get a plant out earlier if grown from seed. I think it take acouple weeks for a seedling to mature. Least til they are old enough to so preflowers. Last week of May is rule here in Oregon. Now I hope I was on the right track. Them Little girls..... makes me feel like a 'Chester' look good. Things here are good. I got afew biggens started, even a 6' Serious Six plant, along with 4 or 5 or maybe 6, hell could even be 7 I hope to go up to 12'. Busy time here really, all new inside up and going too. Keepem Green
Ahoy matey! :welcome:

I have been away for a while Lester and I was sure I had recently posted on your journal but now I'm starting to think I didn't Things are looking great as they always are. I hope you are in good health mate!

Thank you so much my friend! :thanks:

I've had mine out for alittle better than a week with no buds started. If I put a adult plant out an earlier they do the false flower with a reveg. Still got harvests off major bushes. You can get a plant out earlier if grown from seed. I think it take acouple weeks for a seedling to mature. Least til they are old enough to so preflowers. Last week of May is rule here in Oregon. Now I hope I was on the right track. Them Little girls..... makes me feel like a 'Chester' look good. Things here are good. I got afew biggens started, even a 6' Serious Six plant, along with 4 or 5 or maybe 6, hell could even be 7 I hope to go up to 12'. Busy time here really, all new inside up and going too. Keepem Green

Aloha brother, thanks for the mini-run down. You hit the nail on the head with your comments. Best Wishes with your crop, can't wait to take a peek at it later on. :cheer:

your Garden is always a thing of beauty Brotha :thumb:

Aloha & Mahalo brother! Thank you kindly, and I hope all is well in your world. :Namaste:

Well I do have some more pictures from yesterday evening. I think the Underdawg is my favorite strain now, it used to be the Swiss Cheese, but I've been won over by the UD. The terpenes and resin that come off this plant are really unlike anything I've had, I can't explain it, it's got a limey undertone for sure. And when she grows, her pistils come in real nice and long, they like to stick straight up.

These pics are with natural lighting in the shade.


Here's the Swiss Cheese, favorite specimen of it so far, best symmetry and sized buds on each branch, gonna be a nice one when it finishes.

Here is the other SC plant, this is an example of what we want to avoid, we have dual tops (which is good), but theyre proximity relative to each other is too close. When I fimmed this specimen, I had anticipated it to get in some decent veg growth, instead it flowered straight away, now we have two tops growing in, this can cause mold problems later on because they'll both fatten up laterally. Anyway, we'll see how it goes ;)

Here is the metabolically confused Blackberry plant, however is still budding quite nicely, I can see the skeleton of nice buds forming.

Here's the JD, which, when I look under the leaves seems to be beginning a purpling onset. :cheer:

In due time.....

Aloha mates :Namaste:
Enjoyed my stroll as always, Les, looks like another promising year. :love: I remember those purple shots too, just amazing colors.

Even though I'm not able to grow outside, I'm interested to what happens with your force girls. I have a male donor I'm playing with on the windowsill, and he is flowering while we are gaining light, after being in the dark for 36hrs. I'm hoping he doesn't stall... and I'm waiting to see what will happen before putting him in a cabinet or something to be on 12/12. :Namaste:
your grows are always the best Lester. Love seeing them. I had to give up forcing any. The back just will not allow me to. I'll have to let them go natural this year. I'll be lucky to get them planted. Go Green and Purple
Your patience will pay off nicely! :circle-of-love:

Cheers to that! :high-five: :thanks:

Enjoyed my stroll as always, Les, looks like another promising year. :love: I remember those purple shots too, just amazing colors.

Even though I'm not able to grow outside, I'm interested to what happens with your force girls. I have a male donor I'm playing with on the windowsill, and he is flowering while we are gaining light, after being in the dark for 36hrs. I'm hoping he doesn't stall... and I'm waiting to see what will happen before putting him in a cabinet or something to be on 12/12. :Namaste:

I love that word, "stroll"! :thanks: Force girls should have no problem flowering, the big mystery is how far along the 1 Blackberry and 1 Jack Dawg plant will get before putting reveg growth out. It's possible that the Swiss Cheese will be ready to harvest so much more earlier than the other force flowers, that I will quickly be able to have them replaced with the BB and JD that is natural flowering at the moment, and that way I can salvage them. That should work, I still can't believe in the past how ripe some of the SC was at only day 40-45 of flower.

About your male, I'm sure he'll get some pollen out, and also save some for later. Males are quite hardy :)

your grows are always the best Lester. Love seeing them. I had to give up forcing any. The back just will not allow me to. I'll have to let them go natural this year. I'll be lucky to get them planted. Go Green and Purple

Hi Boz! So glad to see you 'round, hope all is well in your world my friend! And hey, you know I was actually going to skip forcing this year too, I had gotten tired of lugging heavy pots around too, but then my girls all went into flower, so I said "To hell with it" ;) Have a great summer, Boz. :ciao:

This appears to be the best force flower specimen at the current moment, seems to be putting on the most weight in the least amount of time; the Swiss Cheese

Here is the other Swiss Cheese specimen, that went into flower immediately post-fim, so I can only hope some of the mold resistance genetics will help those two tops remain fungus free :cheer: Pretty cool upper part of this plant though, I trimmed most of the bottom popcorn branches off

And here is an Underdawg top (note the burned tips due to having had to spray azamax)

My plan will be to harvest when as close to ripe as possible, that way I can quickly replace them with the 3 plants in the tent, and the new wave of veggies will be released as normal. :volcano-smiley:
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