Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow

Lester do you ever put any of your plants in the ground?

I don't grow my cannabis in the ground for several circumstantial reasons.

I like to have maximum control over my plants, I like to have the option of moving them from place to place if its down pouring and windy, or force flowering them if need be. On top of that, we have several planter beds that are totally occupied with established trees and ornamental plants. There's just not many spots to put my cannabis without having to dig out something that's been living for 30 years. Not only that, I wouldn't put anything too precious in these grounds, the bugs and mold love a weak plant and we have so many trees surrounding the garden planters that anything deep rooted in there its gonna get cut off by the bigger tree and cause it to mold and get a disease. So I just put them in containers so I can have a lot more control, if they need a proper flush it is easier, and sometimes when digging a big hole to transplant, it may look good, but there may be a real big rock or tree root down below and could cause some serious problems down the line, at least in this garden, I have to be very selective about the cannabis and where it is. We have powder mold problems here on the ocean, and rotting fruit that the tree rats drop that cause the botrytis. So it's another reason I have them in containers and in the tent away from all the bugs and powder mold factories that exist in the dense "jungle" that is the ground ivy on the hill, citrus trees, and roses. Besides that I don't want them too big or obvious to the neighbors. One day when we have a lot of land with privacy I would do it for sure, but living in suburbia one has to play it safe. :Namaste:
Good stuff man I miss growing outside. More power to you bro. Here's a pic of my crop back in the jungle :) Now taken care of by my cousin.
Good stuff man I miss growing outside. More power to you bro. Here's a pic of my crop back in the jungle :) Now taken care of by my cousin.

Gorilla growing. I love it. You grow along a riverbed? Do you cover your tracks this way if it is found by police it wont incriminate you or looters wont get it if there isnt a path to it.
looking great L
I wasn't being critical back there RL; I was asking because my plant is in a 4 gallon job and is getting really big and sucks up water like crazy. I do have to water every other day, and nute water once a week. Love and Peace brutha.

No worries Jaamz, I probably took your question to greater detail than it needed anyway :) Yeah, like the 7 footer I grew in a smaller pot than that last year, I had to water it everyday, 2-3 times a day to keep it alive in the hot summer. With this one, I expect during the early-mid flowering transition to have to give it water everyday for awhile, especially in the hottest part of the summer. :surf:

What's the KC-45?
Never heard of it....
Keep it hazy,

Gonna do a quick copy and paste of the info from Herbies (where I got the seeds)

KC Brains KC45 Seeds Info

"The KC 45 strain of medical marijuana is a unique hybridization between Ruderalis and Sativa strains. Specifically, Russian Ruderalis is crossed with Brazilian Sativa. Cannabis Ruderalis is a subspecies, like Indica and Sativa, that is unique to Russia. Ruderalis strains are known to "autoflower", meaning they automatically begin flowering when they reach a certain age as predetermined by genetics. In other words, Ruderalis strains of cannabis do not begin flowering based on the number of light hours per day as do Indica and Sativa strains. KC 45 is such a naturally strong performer that she will even grow big, sticky, aromatic bud colas even in cloudy, nearly-sunless locales.
The Brazilian Sativa in KC 45 ensures that she packs a crisp, lucid head high to go along with her otherwise Indica-like buzz. Although she grows much better outdoors, KC 45 cannabis can also be grown under HID and LED lights. However, she is better outdoors as she tends to grow into a Christmas tree-shaped plant as tall as 7 feet. Regular reports of 3-pound+ yields, per outdoor plant harvested, are reported. Bud colas commonly measure up to a meter-long! The colas themselves are not very tight, but are compact. Individual buds are Sativa-slim and loaded with strong scents of lemon, especially when touched, ground or cut into.

The uplifting high of the KC 45 marijuana strain will hit you like a locomotive when you intelligently toke her. The Ruderalis acts to mellow the buzz a bit, making you feel less hyper than a straight-Sativa strain would. So, you end up calm, yet enlivened; pain-free and energetic too! "
! KC Brains KC45 Seeds - Herbies Seeds

Here is a direct link to earlier in the thread where I harvested my winter KC-45 plants that produced some very spiritual cannabis Relaxed's 2014 Outdoor Medical Grow. To clarify, my KC-45 has not shown me any expression of the ruderalis lineage, my specimens have indeed been photosensitive, and my winter plants went through a slight time of revegetation before I put it into light deprivation and salvaged the crop. I believe that my KC-45 has expressed itself to be the pure Brazilian land race sativa that it is, and fits right in here on the ocean. :surf:

Good stuff man I miss growing outside. More power to you bro. Here's a pic of my crop back in the jungle :) Now taken care of by my cousin.
Nice Crop Growlow!! :cheer: Nothing like the cannabis gleaming with glory in the Sun :)

Aloha Brotha have a Green week :thumb:

Mahalo Brotha thank you kindly stopping for by I hope you have a breezy week as well. Time to drive to Hollywood today and get my medical renewal. Should be a long day :surf:

looking great L

Thanks B :)
looking great L

Nice quote buckshot. We absolutely can't allow her to become president.She is as anti freedom as we can get and she has lied so many times ugh. Thats all im gonna say as I dont like to get political in other peoples journals.
great auto/ rudi share Lester :thumb:

sorry to change your topic, but,, I just read your "mold/fungus" :adore: thread, I need to treat treat 2-3 small areas, now, I have gloves, the torch, the ISO 91% & 3% peroxide, i'm curious if you still recomend your method that i read from 2 years ago, thank you. since it is humid for us this weekl, i thought u would not mind this semiOT post here,

ps, i know you passed on the torch method, lol i don't want to touch this stuff until i'm sure of the best method to eliminate any risk of spores spreading anywhere but to their grave, thank you
Very good info Relaxed Lester. Brazilian Sativa sounds delicious. :yummy:

Thank you! It's a total lemon flavor, the high was something to write home about. :surf:

Welcome! :ciao:
great auto/ rudi share Lester :thumb:

sorry to change your topic, but,, I just read your "mold/fungus" :adore: thread, I need to treat treat 2-3 small areas, now, I have gloves, the torch, the ISO 91% & 3% peroxide, i'm curious if you still recomend your method that i read from 2 years ago, thank you. since it is humid for us this weekl, i thought u would not mind this semiOT post here,

ps, i know you passed on the torch method, lol i don't want to touch this stuff until i'm sure of the best method to eliminate any risk of spores spreading anywhere but to their grave, thank you

It depends on the situation, but I would listen to what James The Green said :)
I don't grow my cannabis in the ground for several circumstantial reasons.

I like to have maximum control over my plants, I like to have the option of moving them from place to place if its down pouring and windy, or force flowering them if need be. On top of that, we have several planter beds that are totally occupied with established trees and ornamental plants. There's just not many spots to put my cannabis without having to dig out something that's been living for 30 years. Not only that, I wouldn't put anything too precious in these grounds, the bugs and mold love a weak plant and we have so many trees surrounding the garden planters that anything deep rooted in there its gonna get cut off by the bigger tree and cause it to mold and get a disease. So I just put them in containers so I can have a lot more control, if they need a proper flush it is easier, and sometimes when digging a big hole to transplant, it may look good, but there may be a real big rock or tree root down below and could cause some serious problems down the line, at least in this garden, I have to be very selective about the cannabis and where it is. We have powder mold problems here on the ocean, and rotting fruit that the tree rats drop that cause the botrytis. So it's another reason I have them in containers and in the tent away from all the bugs and powder mold factories that exist in the dense "jungle" that is the ground ivy on the hill, citrus trees, and roses. Besides that I don't want them too big or obvious to the neighbors. One day when we have a lot of land with privacy I would do it for sure, but living in suburbia one has to play it safe. :Namaste:

Do you have any advice for me and my outdoor grow? Should i spray more often than once a week? I spray neem oil, bt for caterpillars and spinosad for bug control. I do each of these once a week. Still can't control the aphids ,might have to net it and put ladybugs in it. Also should i start using mold spray just to be on the safe side. i also live on the coast down by LA. I would hate to loose this big plant i want to see what she's gonna do I'm thinking its gonna be around 12ft or taller. She's getting close to 7 feet already.Any advice would be greatly appreciated from you or anyone else with this kind of experience.
Do you have any advice for me and my outdoor grow? Should i spray more often than once a week? I spray neem oil, bt for caterpillars and spinosad for bug control. I do each of these once a week. Still can't control the aphids ,might have to net it and put ladybugs in it. Also should i start using mold spray just to be on the safe side. i also live on the coast down by LA. I would hate to loose this big plant i want to see what she's gonna do I'm thinking its gonna be around 12ft or taller. She's getting close to 7 feet already.Any advice would be greatly appreciated from you or anyone else with this kind of experience.

Good Morning joedaddy805! :hookah:

If you truly live on the coast, I would tone down your sprayings down to once a week. Be very particular and selective about what time of day and what the weather is like when you spray. Sit with the plants for 15-20 minutes and see how stable the breeze is, keep daily tabs on the changes in relative humidity in your area. This can all make a big difference.

When I spray Bt, I make sure to do it in the breeze after the plants are shaded by the fence, and the sun still has about an hour to set. Don't forget that high energy light can quickly degrade Bt so it should not be looked at like the ultimate solution to your problem. It is simply an extra, small line of defense. As far as I've read about with all the different outdoor growers inland (haven't seen too many coastal growers), it is just far more difficult to cultivate large amounts of marijuana on the coast. The closer you are to crashing surf, the harder it becomes. The lankier, airier phenotypes become the best choices, having a very dense cluster of buds could be very problematic when we have monsoonal moisture + 85 degree temps for 2 weeks straight. Internal botrytis is a hard thing to spot because its internal. It's in a nook and cranny of the bud, so even if the outside of the bud looks great and is standing tall, the inside could be growing mold and it wont be found until A) someone inspects deep or B) signs of dead leaf and tissue arise, and the cola falls off dead. It can be pretty difficult if the plant is 7+ ft tall to get in there and take a look around. When I grew one of my first plants which was a 7 footer, basically the entire plant was infested with bud worms because I neglected to inspect the top colas. It burrowed into the top cola and set up a established fortress, using the branches to travel and create a domain, it went completely unnoticed, the plant, the weed was able to survive for quite a long time, but the buds were just totally infested.

I don't know about how coastal you are, but I can only get away with foliar spraying when my plants are in vegetation or early flowering. For powder mold I would definitely recommend SNS-244 SNS 244 Fungicide Spray | Sierra Natural Science. I really try to avoid getting any kind of external product on the actual bud, so when I get a couple weeks past early flowering I stop using the foliars and just rely on manual inspections using my handy-dandy icepick. Lembatoast uses tweezers, each to his own! My ice-pick is mini so it works really well for just "inspecting" the inner workings of a cola without damaging or destroying any bud that isn't effected or touched by any slimy worm or mold

Yup, for the aphids, I would get the ladybugs to help clean them up. If you are foliar spraying it is important to hit the undersides of the leaves. I always make sure to "jiggle the trunk" a little bit to shake off some of that water that adheres to the leaf tip, often sometimes this is what causes the leaf-tip burn. Take caution when spraying too much neem oil, especially when your flowering, neem oil can make your buds taste bitter and can embed itself into the terpenes if sprayed too late.

One thing I've always thought was, we have these moths which fly around at dusk, these are the ultimate threat. Companion plants all around the yard have really helped the plants compete against being found to these creatures, plants like rosemary, Italian parsley, heirloom broccoli, a lot of mint, those plants seem to help either repel, or confuse the creatures into deciding where to eject it's energy. If we could just trick them into putting out all their larvae (energy) into a location where the subsequent feeding is on a plant that takes all the damage, instead of the cannabis. Eventually, they'll put all their energy out and mating season will slow down to your advantage.

Spinosad or Bt can be sprayed through mid flowering and even pretty late up to the last few weeks of growth. Inland growers can do it because it dries off so quick. If the weather is too moist, we cannot spray Bt or any liquid on the plants to prevent caterpillars because they are too far into flower for being on the ocean, so another option is the granular version of Bt which is silicate based and is a powder and can be applied to the leaves. The art of applying that is difficult IMO, and takes quite a bit of skill to do it correctly.

Despite all these little lines of defense (including tenting material and netting if one so chooses), mother nature is still the judge. So thorough manual inspections on a daily basis is the only way to be sure your crop is safe and sound. Depending on the daily and night time temperatures and moisture, when a moth or butterfly drops a cluster of eggs, a pupae can emerge within 48 hours, so it really is a big win to be able to find any kind of particulate debris that might even look like an egg. Often times I have found egg clusters on the black netting that I have because the creatures actually thought the black netting was the plant. Apparently they couldn't tell the difference. And despite every precaution, I always find a few caterpillars, usually the green loopers which to be quite honest if one only has those type they are lucky, there are much worse types out there. I've still just been growing with my original rig, never upgraded to "super-duper mosquito netting", one day I might try it though. One thing I know about the moths is they look and smell around for the tall, lush, and aromatic flower heads. So if you got a alph-alpha cola stickin up waving in the wind, it might very well get landed on. It was always hard to inspect a cola on a 7 ft plant when you're visible to the neighbors over the fence and can easily be seen. So that's another reason why I grow smaller plants now and I'm keeping it much more low-key. :surf:

Hope some of this helps :Namaste:
Good morning weed Lester. The doctor at work. :thumb: Been pretty warm here and everything is growing like crazy. Happy Weedsday
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