Reave's Soilless: Peat, Bark, Sphagnum, Perlite, White Widow 2018


Different plants respond differently (and at different speeds) to drying out, so keep an eye on that. I did not know this plant would look like this in the morning o_O

0-60 overnight.
Yeh mine happened during the day. It was fine this morning. 8 hours it looked like yours. I watered it and it came back right quick. The picture is after I watered.
Was thinking of switching the plants to flower schedule. The canopy is taking up most of the tent. What do you guys think?


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I'd say you want stretch to go up rather than out. When you go out, buds will tend to form better on the light side of the branch and that's not a good thing. That was my reasoning behind filling in the holes now, as you would on a scrog before you flip.

Different strains and phenotypes stretch differently from others, so browse the forums and Google and see what other folks are seeing.
The reason to trim now would be if there are fans blocking lower branches (that could reach the canopy during stretch) from seeing the light. Or branches that you know will never reach the canopy. No reason to have the plant working on growing what you're going to cut off later.
Got it. Thanks.
Great opportunity for cuttings for clones now. The next batch you might take off will be monstercrop cuttings (taken in early flower...after stretch) that are more difficult to root (but worth it if/when they do).

Yes I have read of monster cropping but hadn't really considered it. May as well give it a try.
I'm in straight ProMix HP now right out of the bale. For two years I used FoxFarms nutrients but now I'm trying just MegaCrop from greenleaf nutrients. A number of growers on both sides of the 49th parallel are giving it a go now.
Maybe one day I will try that too. But just ordered some refills of the technaflora. I have no complaints regarding it.

So in the pro mix hp does it need nutes at all during veg? And what ph for pro mix hp?
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