Ranger275 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension

Gentlemen, I thank you for that series of belly laughs. Best medicine ever! :thanks:
Howdy Folks,
Gaia speaks to us in many ways, if we have ears to listen. When I plan a garden I always inventory the extant veg to see what kind of soil and conditions are present in the area. I do the same for all GuerillaGrows. The plants below are clues to the mystery of our pretty little planet.

Agrimony = Dry
Artemisia maritima = Salty
Aster = Wet
Bellflower (Campanula spp.) = Hi-pH/alkaline
Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis) = Sandy
Buttercups (Ranunculus acris) = Wet and clay
Carpetweed (Mollugo verticullata) = Crust/hardpan
Cattail (Typha latifolia) = Wet
Chickweed (Stellaria media) = Hi-fertility
Chicory (Cichorium intybus) = Clay, hi-fertility
Cinquefoil (Potentilla argentea) = Dry, acidic
Clovers (Trifolium spp.) = Low-N
Coltsfoot = Wet, acidic
Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) = Sandy
Dandelion = Clay, acidic
Docks (Rumex spp.) = Wet, acidic
Fat hen (Atriplex hastata) = Hi-fertility
Goldenrods (Solidago spp.) = Wet, sandy
Henbit (Camium amplexicaule) = Low-fertility
Joe-pye weed = Wet
Knapweeds (Centaurea nigra) = Hi-K, acidic
Knotweed (Polygonum aviculare) = Acidic
Lamb's quarters (Chenopodium album) = Hi-fertility
Lupines = Low-N
Mayweed (Anthemis cotula) = Clay, acidic
Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) = Clay
Mullein (Verbascum spp.) = Acidic, low-fertility
Mustards (Brassica spp.) = Acidic
Pansy (Viola spp.) = Acidic
Pinks (Dianthus spp.) = Low-N
Rape (Brassica hapus) = Low-N
Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) = Sandy, salty
Sorrels (Rumex spp.) = Wet, sandy and acidic
Speedwell (Veronica spp.) = Dry
Spurges (Euphorbia spp.) = Dry
Vetches (Vicia spp.) = Low-N
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) = Low-K

While these indicators may not be as good as a full-blown soil test from your local Extension Service, they are pretty accurate and can be read for trends also. See them as an overview, meaning 1 isolated clump of Yarrow doesn't mean your field is bereft of K, while ravening hordes of Pinks (while lovely) clearly show a need for N. Use common sense and try to identify shapes/trends of growth.

Hope this helps.
That's some good stuff brother. I pride myself on being a self-sufficient hillbilly but I have to admit there are some on that list I've never even heard of! :) Thanks for that.... Live & learn bro. :)
Beateo - Koszonom szepen. I guess the gypsy blood flows thickly through my veins. All this moving has given me, if nothing else, a wide vocabulary of weeds.

Peaky Blinder - Glad you made it! You've got a really nice grow going. Starring some really nice bushes, w/an awesome supporting cast and directed by the up-&-coming Peaky Blinder!

Update coming soon. Will also be starting an urban GuerillaGrow thread shortly. Very excited.
Love and respect
Thank you Ranger and reps for that list.
UPDATE: End of of BloomWeek10. SOS! That would be Save Our Smoke!
I understand that it's a Ladies Prerogative, but she's hEltEr SkeLTeR! She shows crunchy orange-rust colored calyxes, which suggests over-maturation. And at the same time is putting out nice, healthy new pistils, which, suggests she's still building. I feel like a pimply-faced teeny-bopper, or the push-me/pull-you. So strap in and warm up the chalice, things are about to get weird.



A little overview. Good color w/some localized yellowing. So good so far.


Crunchy discoloration on/around calyxes of primary cola

Healthy pistils



What's happening? What shall I do? [Strikes dramatic pose]

Stay cool
looking good and lots of bud too. she's got more growing to do so I wouldn't cut her down, but samples are fun :)

how much light you got in there?
Your buds are Foxtailing and growing new white pistils late in flower. Many cannabis plants can Foxtail late in flower due to heat, nutrients stress or long flowering times. Can you please take some photographs of the crunchy orange-rust colored calyxes on your plant?
b.real: Read you LC. Grand total of 4x23w CFLs and 2xBig Blues (generic "grow" lights). Thx for hopping to, Brother.

KJC: Thx for the heads-up. In addition to all the stuff mixed in the soil, she's had chicken blood and pond water recently. Maybe this was over the top. Will post pix tomorrow, when lights ON.

Gentemen, gratitude.
From the little knowledge that I have gained from here and about. the leaf tips look like they are burned a bit from N and not sure about the green maybe a bit dark for this time of flowering sign of N.

Just my thoughts.
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