Ranger275 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension

Roger that. Lima/Charlie.

I want to 2nd you building a bubble cloner. I had a small hand in starting a coke bottle cloner that generated mucho questions. My reply is always the same.
The bottle cloner were awesome in many ways, but limiting & I always knock the lil fu6 over all the time.
I built a bubble style automatic cloner too. 100% success rate too, but the root development in the auto cloner caused a huge load of Coke bottles to the local recycling bin.

Hope I'm making sense & not stepping on toes.
I'm confused now?? What are the differences... bubble vs. aerator type?
beateo, yes, great cloner, a bubble cloner,, not too difficult to build one of those maybe, even for me,, i still like the aerator type, the idea of it anyway,, but the bubble cloner is second on my list.

I really make so few clones that i have not yet moved past the cut and plant method. I guess I will monitor the batch of clones I have going right now and see if I need to up my techniques. I have seven clones a week to two weeks into cloning. I transplanted one last night to see if I could see any roots and there they were,, roots and all,, and i like my roots showing, and white. so,, one down, six to go,, and i only really need two or three of them to survive,,, what to do,, what to do,, what's a boy to do I ask you????
Exactly. I should've been more Choosey w/ words.
I'm talking about aerators, not true bubblers like from a stone.
So, I've a submersible pump that feeds 6 aerator nozzles. I used the 360° misters by EZ Clone. They're like .85¢ ea.
They mist the roots, not bubble up to them b nor soak em, at timed intervals set on a timer.
Just checking in Ranger.
Hey B A R,
Thx for stopping by. Your visit is serendipitous. Ran across a really cool post that was right up your alley called Bonsai Mothers by FlyingFish or Flying something. Very cool way keeping genetics on hand in little space. Highly recommended.

My friend StarFlower just finished a cool sounding book called Sacred Earth Celebrations, by Glennie Kindred. She said it elevated her understanding of Man and Nature. She's a trifle poetic, but still thought I'd put it out there. It's on my short list.

Stay cool Folks
I'm confused now?? What are the differences... bubble vs. aerator type?

sorry, i confuse easily and confuse others easily as well,,, what ranger said,, and this,, to the best of my knowledge

you already know what a bubble cloner is,, a container of water with air (the bubbles) sprayed or bubbled into the water,, so,, an aerator (spelling?) cloner is near the exact opposite,,, it is a container of air,, with water sprayed into it,, onto the dangling cutting stalks,, i like this idea because the stalks have much more access to oxygen,, which , seems to me, is key to success in cloning. that is the idea i am using now with my cut and plant clones, but the planting mixture is mostly perlite, which, with my thinking,, allows more oxygen to the stalks.

i did some digging on another lemonhaze clone tonight and found roots,, so,, two out of seven so far,, anyone need a clone,, i really only need one lemon haze clone, and might have three soon,,

anyway,, best i can explain it,, seems the big producers like the aerators,, and the bubbles. take yer pick,, i will, maybe ,, one day,, maybe,, for now,, cut and plant,, cheers

There's my turbo cloner. It pumps water from res and sprays stalks. So aero cloner
Thanks bro... now I know! :) I would have never guessed that's what aeration method was...lol Sounds like a pretty nifty idea :thumb:
sorry, i confuse easily and confuse others easily as well,,, what ranger said,, and this,, to the best of my knowledge

you already know what a bubble cloner is,, a container of water with air (the bubbles) sprayed or bubbled into the water,, so,, an aerator (spelling?) cloner is near the exact opposite,,, it is a container of air,, with water sprayed into it,, onto the dangling cutting stalks,, i like this idea because the stalks have much more access to oxygen,, which , seems to me, is key to success in cloning. that is the idea i am using now with my cut and plant clones, but the planting mixture is mostly perlite, which, with my thinking,, allows more oxygen to the stalks.

i did some digging on another lemonhaze clone tonight and found roots,, so,, two out of seven so far,, anyone need a clone,, i really only need one lemon haze clone, and might have three soon,,

anyway,, best i can explain it,, seems the big producers like the aerators,, and the bubbles. take yer pick,, i will, maybe ,, one day,, maybe,, for now,, cut and plant,, cheers
duttys there is one heavy dutty aero cloner,, for serious cloners,, thanks dutty
Was the color a coding system or just by chance Cajun?
Was the color a coding system or just by chance Cajun?

Those colored collars keep strains apart. Isn't that a nursery rhyme in Jamaica?
Anyway, they're very helpful knowing who is who.
I really was sold on this. It's just plug n play. You don't need a dome because the roots get misted enough. You set it up & come back to huge white roots that tear through the net pot.
It's the roots. Crazy w/ this thing. I spent like $20 cause I already had 1/2 the shiite laying around.
Had an awesome 420-moment yesterday, that I'd like to share. Was working for my a friend over by the Land Trust, under sunny skies w/DJ Rasjaman (sp?) doing some JungleHouse in the background. I'd just finished cleaning up the tools and was collecting some pond water, when D came by. He's a super-nice older hippie guy. I think he's lonely, because he talks too much, but sometimes he comes out w/absolute pearls of Wisdom. He asked what I was doing, and when I explained, his response was "Blessed is the source." So true.
We marvelled at the murky goodness contained therein.
We wondered about how many 10's of millions of species were in a single pint.
We were humbled at the strength of this diversity.

CC, mon Frere! C'est une cloner magnifique! DIY est le plus bon methode de faire.

Beateo: Opalescent and hang on, it's right on the tip of my tongue...
That's the kind of thing I like to sit around and think about. :) (not the color for haze & amnesia) :rofl:
I thought as I grew old the wonders of nature, God's work, whatever you choose to call it, would grow old with me but NO... I'm more fascinated by those things now than ever! I have a "sage-like" old friend too. Don't forget that old hippie who talks too much is a gift to you brother. Have a great green day bro!
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