Ranger275 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension

Welcome back Dutty Panty,
Was wondering what happened to you. Seems like a mess of people had a little holiday. Not sure what's going on, or whether I should even ask. Either way, it's good to have you back. Good timing also: harvest time is always special and, it's 420Day!

Yes, I'm a jumper. 63, and 62 of them good!
I haven't smoked in a while so tonight I made isohash from my grinder. I didn't realize I could have used vodka and made a tincture until after.

I'm about 30 days from finish on my plants, all I have for 420 day is the ISO oil I made from the trim and stems from my last plants. I tried a tincture before, but I like using the oil in my vape pen better.
HAPPY 420 Ranger, any room for someone that likes to repeal from helicopters? Screaming Eagles:high-five::circle-of-love:
Hooah and right on, my Brother. I love fast-roping! Do have to watch that coil @ the bottom, tho. Sent me flying once! All my momentum suddenly went lateral & I shot out like a cannonball. Did manage to hold onto my rifle. Ranger cadre are keen about that. Very keen.
Are you growing these days? I'd love to see a journal of yours.

Beateo: Long time/no hear. U ok?
Looking forward to those pics Ranger.
What a wonderful day you picked of your harvest Ranger, and shame on me for missing it. :laughtwo:

Congratulations. Pictures please. :love:

Will you be starting a new journal? (Say "Yes" she projected through the ether. )
cheers ranger,, hope all is well,, congrats on the harvest,, out with the ole and in with the new rsuper strains,, eh,, haha,, cheers pal,, smoke one for me bud,,:thumb:

Yay! Harvest didn't go quite as planned. Since my espalier skills fell far short of those of Napoleon's gardeners (who neatly spelled out his name in apples) my harvest and dry protocol was thrown out the window. I essentially wet-trimmed on the bush, hauled the branches the last few inches into shape, was dissatisfied, tried a different way, went back to the first, wrapped w/purple ribbons, un-wrapped, re-wrapped, photoed and chopped! Any/all new growers out there don't see this as advice! LOL I'm sure I'll take a hit on potency and maybe taste, but this is a BID Tribute Grow, so the choice was clear. You can see the buds are a little airy, as predicted. All in all, I'm very pleased and happy.
First, some pix of individual branches. They've been drying in a yard waste bag for 2 days.







Pile of buds pix





I quick-dried a couple nice little buds and smoked some, strictly for the cause of Science. Yummy! Pretty smooth on the inhale, minty flavored. Nice uppy sativa-style buzz, w/o being racy. Just the way I like it! I think 4-5 more days of drying and a 2 week cure will make this some mighty nice smoke.

Thanks Folks. You all have made this a really fun process. Herb brings people together in some of the nicest ways.
Gratitude and respect
Hi Ranger,

Believe it or not it has snowed here twice today...no accumulation, but still...perhaps a journal in the fall.... once spring does arrive, it gets busy around here on the ranch.....and I am a one woman show...haha
Well done Ranger. This was so interesting to watch and your talent with language is legendary. Do start up another journal soon. It's time for the outdoors.
Well yahoo they look great and I'm sure the smoke will be great.

I`ve been thinking about doing an esplanade on one of my white widows on the sun deck railing keeping it low and under the the height of the rail. I thought maybe 4 branch on each side and let them run out as far as they like. Your thoughts
I think that would be a superb idea, SBG....:high-five:
Thx Folks,
Yeah, this grow has been pretty fun. Mostly fair winds and following seas, except the minor clawing episode. I've been super-happy. I will be starting an Urban Guerilla Grow thread soon. Prepped last Fall, planted 1APR, just haven't done the pix and writing part yet. Will post link for those interested in a more exciting style of growing: scouting, reconnaissance, planting, camo, fertigation, stealth/speed, passion, romance and intrigue! Well maybe not quite all that, but you get the gist.

SBG: That sounds like the perfect spot for espalier/2D depending on the height of the rail. Big happy buds, drinking up the sun in perfect discretion. Palmette oblique, Horizontal-T, braiding or arcure-style would all work both botanically and aesthetically. Great-Aunt's technique would also ensure that wind wouldn't hurt the plants. Sun-decks and balconies are great, but they can be gusty.

I appreciate all the reps, folks. You flatter me beyond my ability to express my gratitude.
(in the Drill Sargent voice) OUTSTANDING HAREVEST RANGER!!!! :adore:

Your next grow will be super cool, put on the Camos, stick in the foliage and get to the Recon. A "go pro" would be nice. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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