Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

I suspect I'm a little bit younger than you guys. I'm 50. But the 80's were all seeded brick weed for us too. Once in awhile we'd run across something good and it would be twice the price. But worth it. I remember getting super stoked about running across a tye stick. Like it was the highlight of the year. LMAO

That is exactly what it was like for me back in the day. I am 51 and change. Almost all the weed we had until the 90's was brick weed. We got some occasional indoor at at least 2X the price. Makes me want to look up my old dealer buddies and give them some of my plants today. :)
All this talk about seeds has got me thinking about reversing some plants going forward. I am just not set up for clones and I have had a couple of strains that I really like and have grown trouble free. I have more seeds from them but someday I might run out. I am with a lot of folks on here with the opinion that the original strains that all these crosses are based on is becoming so diluted I would like a stash of them for the future. If the big corps get involved when things go legal it will all be bud and miller light like.
Sounds like we have a bunch of mid century growers here. Lots of weed has altered these minds I am guessing LOL. I'm 56 so that puts most of us passed the century mark. I had trouble keeping up with the Over 50 Thread. Nice to see some of them found me here. Good thing there is young folks here to for perspective lol.

I saved seeds for a while out of the brick weed. Growing up on the west coast I knew genetics were everything. Bag weed seeds soon all went into the trash. Single seeds out of green bud were saved. What's really funny is that I have never grown any of them. Always just bought genetics. Missed some true winners I bet.

What I am finding really funny is that I am not real good at finding every seed. I was a little too sloppy with the pollen I guess. I am getting a seed here and there where they are not supposed to be. Not a big deal. I am saving only seeded branches for seeds. The rest I am tossing unless they come from a new plant.

I hate smoking seeds and have found 2 so far in joints. That is not acceptable. Time to have to put glasses on to roll a joint. Nice to know others here that may know my pain LMAO. Not many so it is no big deal as long as I don't roll them in a joint.

Getting all shapes sizes and colors of seeds so far. The JC 2 is putting out huge seeds for a plant only 10" high.

Welcome SamSmith. I am working on the selfing thing now. I have had 2 feminized projects this winter. The first does not seem to have worked. The plants reversed fine but they don't seem to have put out much pollen. Both plants I used were from Selfed strains. There may be a problem with doing that. I know you can feminize female strains. Don't know if selfed seeds are different or not. I am going avoid using them for breeding tell I know.

Like you said seeds don't last forever.
You guys are all making me feel like a young kid again. I guess it would be better to have a few extra seeded buds rather than no seeded buds lol. What do you do with all those seeded buds make oil?
I wasn't going to mention you by name LMAO. Your my token young guy LOL.

No there are only a couple branches. I keep it separated then clean seeds as I go. Might as well let the good buds cure and smoke seeded branches for now.

The whole seeded plants will be used for oil as there is just to much product to go through. Plus I am using lots more edibles these days. Without edibles I am only getting around 5 hours a day of sleep a night.

Thinking of trying some Live Wax this run. Seems to be the only difference is you don't dry the material used. I only want to use one strain when I do it. Only problem they are not finishing at the same rate. They say to flash freeze it. No way to do that. I just put in a bag and froze it. Hope it works fine. I can't see it hurting the THC so it will come out one way or the other.

Anyone here try doing Live concentrates?
Not yet but that will be my next endeavor, we made hash for the first time yesterday out of a plant that hermied. Their should be some threads on live rosin let me go look real fast. Your token to youth lol I can live with that!
I love making hash. Water hash is still my favorite concentrate. This year I am keeping all my strain separate so I can make more defined hash.
I am going to make a batch this year and call it Fuck Shatter LMAO. Not everyone has a way to smoke shatter and waxes. Most everyone can find a way to smoke hash.
That was my dilemma no way to smoke wax. Plus my buddy is 70 as you now and he isnt to big on trying wax. Hash on the other hand he's like a kid on christmas. He grew up smoking hash in Germany back in the 70s so im sure our bubble hash wasnt up to his expectations. We did have a blast making it tho and $50 for a whole bag set why not lol.
That was my dilemma no way to smoke wax. Plus my buddy is 70 as you now and he isnt to big on trying wax. Hash on the other hand he's like a kid on christmas. He grew up smoking hash in Germany back in the 70s so im sure our bubble hash wasnt up to his expectations. We did have a blast making it tho and $50 for a whole bag set why not lol.

I am 72, I spent several years in Germany in the 60's, hung out with folks that mixed their hash with shredded tobacco and smoked in a hooka. omg what a rush. I got discharged there in Germany from the army in '69 and went to work as a freelance reporter for the Overseas Weekly, a newspaper that featured expose's the underbelly of stupid stuff going on in the military. My bureau chief was Kurt Loder, he worked out of his apartment in Nuremberg and I had many dizzy afternoons there going over edits..... good times.
I am 72, I spent several years in Germany in the 60's, hung out with folks that mixed their hash with shredded tobacco and smoked in a hooka. omg what a rush. I got discharged there in Germany from the army in '69 and went to work as a freelance reporter for the Overseas Weekly, a newspaper that featured expose's the underbelly of stupid stuff going on in the military. My bureau chief was Kurt Loder, he worked out of his apartment in Nuremberg and I had many dizzy afternoons there going over edits..... good times.
Man that would be amazing to experience, that's what I like about having older friends they always seem to have the best stories. My buddy wasnt a fan of smoking hash and tobacco but he did love smoking it using 2 butter knives and a stove lol. Thank you for your service bro, I was a Cav Scout in the Army for 6yrs so we have a little in common other than growing dank bud.
When you start talking hash you get the old timers excited. Wax, Dabs, Rosin..... etc I have read about but don't really have a burning interest in. Hash on the other hand I have not had since I was in my early 20's (didn't smoke for almost 25 years).

I have this Raspberry Cough that isn't really amounting to a whole lot of bud weight but she is making up for it in frosty sugar leaves. I am thinking of trimming off her fans and hanging her whole to dry to make hash out of. I have never done it before so it will be a learning experience.
When you start talking hash you get the old timers excited. Wax, Dabs, Rosin..... etc I have read about but don't really have a burning interest in. Hash on the other hand I have not had since I was in my early 20's (didn't smoke for almost 25 years).

I have this Raspberry Cough that isn't really amounting to a whole lot of bud weight but she is making up for it in frosty sugar leaves. I am thinking of trimming off her fans and hanging her whole to dry to make hash out of. I have never done it before so it will be a learning experience.
Do it bro, its easy cheap and well worth the effort. Just make sure you have plenty of room, and be prepared to do some cleaning afterwards it can get messy. All in all I am overly satisfied with the hash we ended up with. If you do end up going for it let me know how it goes if you dont mind.
I am 72, I spent several years in Germany in the 60's, hung out with folks that mixed their hash with shredded tobacco and smoked in a hooka. omg what a rush. I got discharged there in Germany from the army in '69 and went to work as a freelance reporter for the Overseas Weekly, a newspaper that featured expose's the underbelly of stupid stuff going on in the military. My bureau chief was Kurt Loder, he worked out of his apartment in Nuremberg and I had many dizzy afternoons there going over edits..... good times.

Nice to have someone with your world views dropping by thank you. I was just wondering about the tabaco thing the other day. Concentrates tend to very affected when tolerance comes into play. I used to hate it back in the off season on the west coast years ago. Hash would show up during the summers when everything was growing. It was always great to start. Then if you couldn't find a different type every so often it barely got you high after a few weeks.

Since then I find the same thing. While concentrates are stronger. Tolerance builds up to much to fast, I just as soon smoke flower.

Ok after all that said it brings me back to the tobacco thing. I was wondering if the mix with tobacco gave this a more flower type effects instead of it being a concentrate? This would help with tolerance. With only hash, tolerance had to be a issue at some point. The combination with nicotine makes it more intense but I'm not sure if that is all there is to it. Most cultures that smoke Hash do it in combination with tobacco. I know it spreads the hash out it may have also helped with tolerance. Any thoughts on this vtwin906 ?
Here is a little start to finish with one of the Basic 99's I forgot the one in the jar but you all have seen that. Nice plant. ended up with 3 grams short of 2 ounces. This would have been huge have it not been for the feeding problem.

I trimmed the first genius and the first Headband yesterday. That along with the little Jacks Cleaner 2 seed plant. Not sure how many seeds a 10' plant will have but itis going to be full of them. Here is a slightly blurry picture of one.
Jesus christ brother your pics are outstanding!! That Basic99 sure was a beautiful plant and quite a nice haul. Your little JC2 is a frosty little thing isn't she. Congrats man you absolutely killed it this round!!
Man that would be amazing to experience, that's what I like about having older friends they always seem to have the best stories. My buddy wasnt a fan of smoking hash and tobacco but he did love smoking it using 2 butter knives and a stove lol. Thank you for your service bro, I was a Cav Scout in the Army for 6yrs so we have a little in common other than growing dank bud.

I ended up with almost 13 yrs across 2 enlistments before I bailed out with a wife and kid. After my discharge in Germany I could only spend 6 mo in country and still get a free flight home, wasn't making a lot of $ so went home and eventually went back into the army after 2+yrs... I'd been tending bar in Long Beach CA and got in a little too much trouble there. I was assigned to HHQ&Band Co. of the 101st Airborne Div at Ft Campbell and volunteered for 'Nam from there, it was almost over and at I lucked out with an assignment to MACV HQ in Saigon. At the end I got to choose my next station and got to go to Thailand. My Thai bride and I spent last winter in Bangkok and had our 44th anniversary there. My avatar tattoo was just $20!
Wow brother 44yrs is a hell of an accomplishment!! Hell 13yrs in the Army is no easy task either. I was done after 6yrs and 3 deployments, I was a scout sniper attached to the 75th Ranger Regiment on my last deployment. Those mfers were a whole different breed of soldier, straight crazy with absolutely no fear of death. I mean I didnt either but it was almost like dying in combat was their dream or something. I finished that deployment alive thankfully and ran my ass home to be a husband and father to my wife and kids. I love meeting vets on here that have a passion for this plant we love so much, it has helped me more than anything a dr has given me.
Nice to have someone with your world views dropping by thank you. I was just wondering about the tabaco thing the other day. Concentrates tend to very affected when tolerance comes into play. I used to hate it back in the off season on the west coast years ago. Hash would show up during the summers when everything was growing. It was always great to start. Then if you couldn't find a different type every so often it barely got you high after a few weeks.

Since then I find the same thing. While concentrates are stronger. Tolerance builds up to much to fast, I just as soon smoke flower.

Ok after all that said it brings me back to the tobacco thing. I was wondering if the mix with tobacco gave this a more flower type effects instead of it being a concentrate? This would help with tolerance. With only hash, tolerance had to be a issue at some point. The combination with nicotine makes it more intense but I'm not sure if that is all there is to it. Most cultures that smoke Hash do it in combination with tobacco. I know it spreads the hash out it may have also helped with tolerance. Any thoughts on this vtwin906 ?

I am with you on the basic tolerance idea even though I do not do concentrates. I feel a tolerance issue to be the case even with smoking bud, I mean lots of bud all day long over years and years. I became a telecommuter back in the late 80's, started out over 300 baud dial up connections. Smoked weed all day long. I just retired 3 months ago. My intake is nothing like what it used to be but then thc content is much improved. We've never had much variety around here and almost all Indicas so am especially excited to be able to get seed online and grow without worry now.

I've quit smoking for a while now and then in an effort to lower tolerance .... believe it or not I went 6 months in Thailand last winter without one buzz. The wife's family is way straight, wife worried about cops, and we were ready for a break anyway. Fwiw cellular data is super hi-speed over there and is like $20/mo for unlimited usage, I just tethered my phone to my laptop to go to work from anywhere. Anyway, that first bowl after getting home was almost worth the wait but tolerance builds quickly again even though these days I am not smoking even a small fraction of past habits. But then thc content is certainly way higher.

As far as tobacco and hash all I recall is that it really laid you down, to the point of nausea at times. The type of tobacco may be an influence... we mostly used a light color shag style. I wasn't around that hooka group for more than maybe 5 months so tolerance never had a chance. Many years later I spent my final days in service in Rotterdam, NL where we pigged out on black bubblegum hash, I believe mostly Afghan. No tobacco this time around. It came in 100gm bricks about the size of a postcard (way thicker) Occasionally we could get green tinted stuff from Morocco, the taste of that stuff was to die for. The wife would eat the hash, I liked smoking it better to get the taste. Plenty of brown hash by the kilo was available but no comparison for quality. There was very little weed around aside from crappy stuff with seeds. We grew nice plants in our window but had no way to photo cycle them.
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