Random Thoughts: Plants & Genetics

Decided to say F*#k it and re-potted all starts but the CBDdurban. It will be re-potted in a week. I could have did lots of things. Floral feed or just add nutrients to the soil they were in. It needed to be done in time anyway so I just went with it. No time to drive 12 hours just to get soil so i am going with my old stand by Miracle grow. The main reason I planned to wait was to get different soil. Oh well this works. The origanal plan was go from 4" pots right to 2 gallon. Now I will do 1 gallon for now and will make a run for good soil when I re-pot to 3 gallon.
Took a little time for pictures. This is the first look at Mom and Dad.
Purple Betty clones.
Miracle Grow and forget it. Always worked before and it did again. All starts are now happy and growing again. Had plans for the weekend so they got a chance to get better while I was gone. Worked perfectly as expected. While it is not a super soil it still serves a purpose. It sure is nice to look at happy little plants.
All flowering plants are finishing up. Already back to manicuring. Critical all finished within days of each other. Power Plant and Reek/Shoeshine are doing the same. Pretty much keeping me behind. 1 day you have none to do the next your 4 plants behind LOL. If this is life sucking I guess it is my cross to bare LMAO
Down to the last of this grow. 6 plants left to manicure then it is time for a major cleaning project. Mostly I need to Bleach water the grow tent and all equipment so I can move to a new area. The plan is to never have Powdery Mildew again. While most of the plants finished okay all were effected in different ways. I did get a harvest though so I am happy about that. Next up I'm back to happy plants. The next grow is mostly for seeds so I need it to go well throughout.
Hell Yeah! Manicuring is DONE. Lots more work then it should have been. Grew more shorter plants because of time line. Didn't lollipop it like I normally do because I didn't want to limit production. I left everything to bush out as much as it could. Lots more small buds and tons more manicuring. In the end I have enough to cover me tell next years harvest. I do have a separate grow going now that will produce some smoke. Mostly it is for seeds this run.
Major project today is to totally clean all equipment. Move it to a new place free of any powdery mildew spores.Clean again and set it up. First time I am going to hook up a air cooled fixture. If this system works I will be able to run year around with a smaller set up.
Last plant was a huge Power Plant. When it is dry it will be the largest of this grow. A normal grow has my plants averaging around 2oz's. This time it was more like a 1oz average. This power Plant will come in around 2 at least. That's twice the size of everything else.
After a long day a cleaning. Tent is set back up and the starts have been moved into it. Running at 75% on the 1000 wt HPS now to keep temps down. Later I will hook up the fan cooled fixture. I need more 6" hose to plumb it the way I want. Still it is nice to be PM free as of now. I plan to treat all plants through veg just to be sure. The floral sprays were never a problem so better to treat it just in case. I had that damn shit for a long time.
All plants are doing great now. The CBDdurban is starting to come around now that it is in the Miracle Grow soil. Going to be fun using it again Even if it is just in the 1 gallon pots. Don't know yet I may just stay with it this time.
I will never use the FF seed starter again. Can't say it is bad it is just not for me. The seeds I have started in it grow yellow and weak after only forming a leaf or 2. They say a plant don't need to be fed for a few weeks. These didn't even make a week. It may be a PH thing. I don't mess with my water because it works just fine. It is around 6.8 to 7 which works for soil. Maybe it is to high for use with this FF product. In the end it doesn't matter. I should have never tried to change what had worked for years.
Here is a quick pic of everything right now.
And now we have more random thoughts.
The seed crop plants are doing great. Trimming and topping will commence tonight. I won't know for a while which plants I will use for hybrids. Pretty sure I am going to do one of each of the C-99, Blueberry Headband, and the Afgooie. I will have a choice with all these strains. It is the single plant strains that I am having trouble deciding on. I don't have known female pollen very often. The plant the pollen is coming from is plenty strong and a mostly indica. I have M.O.B. and Tangalope as single plants. The M.O.B. would blend well with the Purps the Tangalope I'm not so sure. I can only do 1 project at a time. If I can add a couple hybrids when i do all the better. They just have to be worth it. I don't want to make any seeds I'm not going to use. I still need to self Headband, and Canalope Haze. I am going to have at least 2 more opportunities to make hybrids when I do these.
I am just going to have to do the Tangalope just to see what happens. The upside of mixing these genetics and terpene profiles is to high. The only down side I see is loosing a few buds. This is the highest % sativa strain in this grow so that is the main reason for this hybrid. All the others are going to end up mostly indica by the time a hybrid seeds made.
With all the genetics I have "Strong" is not a issue. I have lots of strains with high THC. High THC with great flavor and a interesting high is what I am looking for. I am to the point now that I know what I like. Now it is just finding enough strains that fit my needs and my likes. I will always grow a new strain here and there. What I truly want is 10 solid strains in my line up that I grow regularly.
Hey Mi whats the fresh bait supply around you. I am going to start going deep for big lake trout and need a good supply of fresh meat for them. They don't need to be alive but they need to be fresh. Going to try and trap minnows here. If I can get them large enough I think I have a way to keep them alive. If not I need to find someone back east that can ship me fresh herring or sardines. Can't get that stuff back here. I only need a weeks supply once a month so it wouldn't be to difficult. I'm sure there are companies that will ship it I just don't know any. Any suggestions?
Hey Mi whats the fresh bait supply around you. I am going to start going deep for big lake trout and need a good supply of fresh meat for them. They don't need to be alive but they need to be fresh. Going to try and trap minnows here. If I can get them large enough I think I have a way to keep them alive. If not I need to find someone back east that can ship me fresh herring or sardines. Can't get that stuff back here. I only need a weeks supply once a month so it wouldn't be to difficult. I'm sure there are companies that will ship it I just don't know any. Any suggestions?
Not much fresh bait around here. Most of the small bait shops are gone. The salmon that are left around are in lake Michigan on opposite side of the state from me. Guys around here mostly troll for Lakers with spoons off of cannon balls. That's a really nice brookie!
Beautiful brookie! Fish n game screwed up most of the brookie ponds around here n now all we get are 12 inchers. Still a few spots to get 5 pounders but it's slim pickens. We have some good lake trout though, alot of 30 pounders n a 40 once in awhile. Squaw fish (northern pike minnow) are the favorite bait.

All the brookie lakes out here soon get found and fished out. 1 fish limit on this lake so it should stay for a while. Plus it is close enough to town to enforce. That's about what the lake trout run out here in the lakes I fish. A couple have fish to the 40's. There is always Flamming Gorge for fish over 50. Looks like sucker minnows will be the bait of choice this year LOL. I trail them behind daredevils.
Not much fresh bait around here. Most of the small bait shops are gone. The salmon that are left around are in lake Michigan on opposite side of the state from me. Guys around here mostly troll for Lakers with spoons off of cannon balls. That's a really nice brookie!

Thanks for the info. Thought it might be a stretch. I should be able to trap enough bait to get by. I'm rigging up big trailer hooks to all my daredevils. Lots of things work but it is hard to beat a big chunk of meat for big fish
Ok time for a good update. Been amiss with my postings. In my defense I did say Random LMAO.
Here is a pic of the tent and most the players. 2 are in sick bay but seem to be coming around.
As you can see the CBDdurban has caught up with everyone else. Its in the center with the huge leaves. Both Blueberry Headband are shorter then the rest. Only topped 2 plants. The rest were supper cropped and all lower branches are catching up nicely. By the time I cut the lights back I will have most plants trimmed to 4 to 6 tops.
Here is the clone that has already started hormone treatment. I started spraying it 4 days before pulling it out of the tent. It has now been trimmed back, light dropped to 12 hrs and will be sprayed tell it produces male flowers.
Decided that the plants in sick bay done. Looks like they might have pulled through in the end but were just taking to much time. What cinched it was this is why I start extra seeds. Just for this reason. Why fight the difficult ones. Everyone should understand at this point in the grow I can make up for the loss of 2 plants by letting the other plants grow larger. I always try to keep a good canopy So it is easy to leave extra branches when I go to flower. If it was later in the grow and I didn't have time to let the others grow larger it may have been a problem. Now I can adjust.

At one time a friend lost half of his crop to root rot. He ended up only loosing a month for more veg time. Then harvested just a few ounces below what he had expected for the room. Timing is everything for Good things and Bad things.
Timing is everything. A really smart guy said that once LMAO.
Think my timing was off a little. I only moved the male a couple days ago. Still want it to get a 2 week head start. Not sure if the other plants are willing to work with that timeline. They are starting to take off. There has been good growth since the re-pot. Roots must have found their way around. Plants are getting bigger everyday now. If not for the air cooled fixture I would have to flower them now. Most will not stretch much but there are a few unknowns. In the end I will just bend them over if they get to tall. Not as pretty side ways but they still grow just as well.
Spraying of the Tiresias Mist is still a daily practice. Hairs were evident before I even started spraying. I will update when the first sign of male flowers. As of now she is still a she.
Everything is going so well I almost forgot to spray all the plants for Powdery mildew. With the perpetual grow last winter after it showed up it never went away. Before then everything looked great just as it does now. I have cleaned and re-cleaned everything so I hope it is not in the grow area. It was in a lot of places though after plants, pots and what not traveled around the house. I am still going to treat weekly tell I can no longer spray the plants. I only missed a week or so. Should be no big deal. Just thought I would mention it. After a problem arise's you should keep treating if at all possible well after the problem is gone. In some case's you can't or shouldn't. In my case I am using a organic spray that in no way hurts the plant. I should take every precaution to not let it get a foothold again.
Here's a pic
Some plants still droopy from all the spray. The Crown royal from the boys up north is just a monster.( Thanks again Guy) Super cropped it and it bushed out great. It just didn't stop growing up like it the rest do. I showed it. I topped it. It is the first plant on the right. It will be the tallest plant in the grow weather I like it or not LOL. The plant in the middle and the middle in the back row are the Blueberry Headband. More of a vine then a bush but it responded well to super cropping. Both have twisted leaves and the same vine structure. Almost like the original Purple Erckle. There should be none of it in this strains genetics so it just a plant structure thing. Nothing like the Headband I grew last year. Not going to be very tall but that does not mean it will not produce. I don't care what this plant produces. As long as it has flavor and that great headband high then I will be happy. Some strains just don't produce a lot. Headband does and Blueberry does so this one may come on hard after flower is induced.
All plants have now been trimmed for position in the tent. I only removed plants when needed and can get to everything by just removing the first 2 plants in the center. When doing this plants can be for position. Side plants don't need to be round so you can trim branches from the back. by this time in the grow you should know how each plant will grow and were it needs to be placed. Don't let let a plant fool you just because they grow round don't mean they need to stay round. Another good reason to chop the 2 plants in sick bay. 12 plants work in a 4x4 tent the way I grow but 9 do so much better. No problem getting close to the same amount per grow if done right. Still have last year on my mind though. Where the fact that I had so many plants going when catastrophe struck I had enough weed to get by............... Blah Blah Blah Done for today LMAO.
These plants are not wanting to give me another week before I start flowering. We shall see. Class picture day today here are the players.
This right here is the problem child. This Crown Royal is just going nuts. around 2 feet now and growing daily. This plant bushed out great when super cropped. It still continued growing up so much I finally had to top it.

These next 2 are the Blueberry Headband. Neither is very tall but both are bushy. You can really see the curly leaves in one plant.

These 2 are the C-99 both these plants have look alike since they broke through the ground. 1 is just slightly bushier.

Here is the young buck of the grow. This CBDdurban was started 2 weeks late and has already surpassed the headbands.

This is the lone surviving Afgooie. Not a big deal. As you can tell the tent is full.

Last and by no means least is the M.O.B. It was topped early because of growth type. It was not wanting to bush at all. Looking great now.
I did say last. Totally forgot to get a picture of the Purple Betty female. It is in the back right side so you can tell it is doing just fine. I will update pics before flower.
That's what I thought. Always nice to have things going well. No sign of anything from the female that I am trying to reverse. I hope she starts doing something soon. I will make another week before flowering but just barely. If no plooen is ready in time this will just have to be a smoker batch damn it LMAO. Happened last year too. After a extra long flower she still had tons of cloudy trichomes and was so strong it would have you bouncing off walls. I am not bothered by sativas but I couldn't smoke it and stay in the house. I had to be doing something or it would make me antsy.
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