Queen's Royal Green Garden

yea like the other guy mentioned even in the 2 litre bottles will yield smaller
alot of the 2 litre hempy guys do a sog to get yield at least as far as ive seen
I'm sub'd miss tokelove, the benefit of your experience is sure to be a benefit to my adventures...LOL:thumb:

That's nice of you to say, Mcloadie. If my journal helps just one person then I am happy. I have only been growing for two years and what I have learned I learned here. I use to be more active in helping newbies, I may start doing it again one day.

[yea like the other guy mentioned even in the 2 litre bottles will yield smaller
alot of the 2 litre hempy guys do a sog to get yield at least as far as ive seen/QUOTE]

Now I don't know what I want to do. Was thinking that the plants would have a nice yield in the 2 liters. Gonna definitely have to buy some more coco. I have 4 3 gallon pots but my tent isn't that big, could prolly only get 3 in there at a time. Guess my game plan changes once again. This has been one crazy journal for sure, there has been prolly over 5 or 6 changes since I started....

I forgot to mention that I also lst the fcj after I transplanted her. Some of the leaves had started to lighten up so I gave everyone some diluted nutes. I have to make some more later and increase the amount, I think they're ready for it. I did try to get the closet ready last night, cleaned it out and everything. Problem is that the nails won't stay in the wall, they just make a hole in the wall and are very loose. So now I have to figure out something else. For now I have 5 cfls...2 23w...2 20w and one 26w....Do you think I would need anymore? I plan to make the closet for the sprouts so they can veg for awhile and cloning in the future. I did try to take pics of the closet, prolly won't see it that well, it was kinda dark but I tried to use the light from the bathroom which is across from it. I would love to hear some suggestions on what to do about the closet.

That's nice of you to say, Mcloadie. If my journal helps just one person then I am happy. I have only been growing for two years and what I have learned I learned here. I use to be more active in helping newbies, I may start doing it again one day.

[yea like the other guy mentioned even in the 2 litre bottles will yield smaller
alot of the 2 litre hempy guys do a sog to get yield at least as far as ive seen/QUOTE]

Now I don't know what I want to do. Was thinking that the plants would have a nice yield in the 2 liters. Gonna definitely have to buy some more coco. I have 4 3 gallon pots but my tent isn't that big, could prolly only get 3 in there at a time. Guess my game plan changes once again. This has been one crazy journal for sure, there has been prolly over 5 or 6 changes since I started....

I forgot to mention that I also lst the fcj after I transplanted her. Some of the leaves had started to lighten up so I gave everyone some diluted nutes. I have to make some more later and increase the amount, I think they're ready for it. I did try to get the closet ready last night, cleaned it out and everything. Problem is that the nails won't stay in the wall, they just make a hole in the wall and are very loose. So now I have to figure out something else. For now I have 5 cfls...2 23w...2 20w and one 26w....Do you think I would need anymore? I plan to make the closet for the sprouts so they can veg for awhile and cloning in the future. I did try to take pics of the closet, prolly won't see it that well, it was kinda dark but I tried to use the light from the bathroom which is across from it. I would love to hear some suggestions on what to do about the closet.


That would be an awesome space for a multi tiered application, my mothers, cuts and vegging plants all run under 24 on, as long as your cultivars all have the same light schedule.......
I never thought of that McLoadie though it would take some doing...But there is a shelf on the top that you don't see in the pic. I may have to do what I did with my closet in my old apartment. Which was find a long board fasten the lights to the board and do some type of way so that the lights can raised or lowered. Or if all else fails, I guess buy another tent but that would be my last option if all else fails.
Hello my Queen. I like what you are doing. I would like to see you stay on your current path. This path of smaller plants and smaller yields gets you experience. I want you to be a very sucessful grower.

You are learning how to grow more and more everyday. Learn how the plants grow in soil, in coco, different nutes, identifying deficienes and solving them. All that is valuable info that you are gaining. Plus you are not putting all your hopes on one or two plants.

Please stay the course and keep growing as you have been, the pics speak for themselves and show really nice healthy plants.

So right now please keep going, in the not to distant future you can grow them larger, while still keeping some small. You will know when you are ready, when every plant you plant makes it to harvest with all most no drama. When it becomes like breathing, and very easy then go for size.

Still here wishing you and your plants all the best
I never thought of that McLoadie though it would take some doing...But there is a shelf on the top that you don't see in the pic. I may have to do what I did with my closet in my old apartment. Which was find a long board fasten the lights to the board and do some type of way so that the lights can raised or lowered. Or if all else fails, I guess buy another tent but that would be my last option if all else fails.

LOL, my first light, which I still use and love dearly is a 2 x 4 ft board with 8 under cabinet gro lights from wally world, I grew 2 crops under it......with varying degrees of success, but I use it now for various applications, plants love it. Another option if you have studs available would be to mount 3- 1 x 3s appropriately ( horizontally) on the ends and install those metal shelf standards, that would give you the option of many configurations....shelves, no shelves, lights, shelves with lights underneath......LOL, I have stuff growin everywhere to maintain a perpetual harvest.......which never seems to be perpetual enough...LOL
Hello my Queen. I like what you are doing. I would like to see you stay on your current path. This path of smaller plants and smaller yields gets you experience. I want you to be a very sucessful grower. You are learning how to grow more and more everyday. Learn how the plants grow in soil, in coco, different nutes, identifying deficienes and solving them. All that is valuable info that you are gaining. Plus you are not putting all your hopes on one or two plants.

Thanks Sinful, glad you like what I am doing. It was not my original plan if you have followed the journal from the beginning. But one thing it has shown me is that I am able to adapt despite what gets thrown at me, sort of like my life..lol..When I first started growing I started out with soil, FFOF, had some issues with nute burn due to soil running hot which I didn't know about at that time. I am pretty good with reading my plants so far when it comes to deficencies. It's usually been something like feeding them more nutes or giving them some calmag or something simple. I just want to stay away from the bugs, my first grow I got hit with fungus gnats then not too long ago I got hit with spider mites. I have learned what to do to stay away from them so I have been lucky so far. But if they should pop up I am ready for them!!!

Please stay the course and keep growing as you have been, the pics speak for themselves and show really nice healthy plants.
So right now please keep going, in the not to distant future you can grow them larger, while still keeping some small. You will know when you are ready, when every plant you plant makes it to harvest with all most no drama. When it becomes like breathing, and very easy then go for size.Still here wishing you and your plants all the best

As of today, the course is still the same, I have 3 bag seed in MG and the other 9 in coco. I am kind of trying to follow everyone's advice. I transplanted another bag seed to a bigger pot about an hour or so ago. Because in all honesty I do want a big yield from some of them, it would be a bit disappointing to me not to. If I can get 3 of them to produce big, I would be giddy as hell...lol

LOL, my first light, which I still use and love dearly is a 2 x 4 ft board with 8 under cabinet gro lights from wally world, I grew 2 crops under it......with varying degrees of success,

My first one was that board with 3 surge protectors taped to it with about 9 cfls of various wattages, was under 10,000 lumens but it sure gave me some bushy tall plants. I wish I had it now for my closet. I am trying to come up with something similiar.
Oh you will get the mother lode my Lady. its just a matter of time.
I remember before you moved and had those awesome looking lolipops growing. you were on your way back then and now you got game!:circle-of-love:
Oh you will get the mother lode my Lady. its just a matter of time.I remember before you moved and had those awesome looking lolipops growing. you were on your way back then and now you got game!:circle-of-love:

I am glad you think so, Fishy. I can honestly say that I am no longer a noob when it comes to growing. And I am working on getting my game not to perfection but more on point.
Just made up a fresh load of nutes, increased the amount a little. Gonna sit back and watch how the girls like the change. I also topped all the girls so I guess I will leave them be until around Thursday or Friday. I'll update pics then too. Sorry there isn't much to report. May check out the hardware store tomorrow if funds allow.
Just in to babble a bit about the plants. I did look in on them during their hour light cycle. I am happy to say that the 2 weak bag seed seem to have gotten better. I guess this is from moving them to the center directly under the light and also directly in front of my big ass fan. Their stems are still a little skinny but they have gotten thicker. You should see how they be whipping around..lol..I have seen growth in all of the plants. The fcj seem to have not been phased at all by the lst so I am going to tie her down a little more later. I may take photos depending on how I am feeling....
you know I think some strains love to be LST.
the 2046 that I'm growing has been on a yoyo tour. it seems that the branches tied are doing better then the ones not.
so I retied some and the new growth has gotten and looks better. just a thought:)
you know I think some strains love to be LST.
the 2046 that I'm growing has been on a yoyo tour. it seems that the branches tied are doing better then the ones not.
so I retied some and the new growth has gotten and looks better. just a thought:)

The fcj seems like she really likes it. I tied her down some more but she snapped a little and even with that she doesn't appear to show any signs of shock. At least to me...

The girls are up for an hour so I took some pics...

Here is the fruity chronic juice pics, she split a little while I was lsting her...

The rest is the bag seeds in group shots
Lots of pretty babies! How much longer until you flip them?

I forgot to ask...
I always wondered about your name. Is it like the book, Eat Pray Love? So you "Queen", "toke" and "love"? I know how to do the last two, but I'll have to leave the first one to you. :)
your majesty I bow too your feet and bask in your garden!
Lots of pretty babies! How much longer until you flip them?I forgot to ask...I always wondered about your name. Is it like the book, Eat Pray Love? So you "Queen", "toke" and "love"? I know how to do the last two, but I'll have to leave the first one to you. :)

Still a ways before I flip them...Never saw Eat Pray Love, sounds like a chick flick or something. I don't watch many of those, I am more into horror, action and martial arts movies. I actually got my name from a moderator in another forum I use to go to. In the other forum I was always talking about weed or good green so she gave me the name "Tokelove". I put Queen in front of it because in my eyes all woman are Queens and men are Kings but also because my previous name in that forum was Queen Akasha. Yep, read all of the Anne Rice Vampire Chronicles.

your majesty I bow too your feet and bask in your garden!LONG LIVE THE QUEEN OF

You don't have to bow that low, we're all old here and it's a bitch trying to get up!!!! LOL!!!

Are those finger picks with your name thingy?

I don't know what you mean by that exactly. Finger picks?

Reps my queen for the beautiful offspring!

Thanks Hoz, it means a lot coming from you especially with the garden you have.
Lights are on and I watered all the girls because I am hoping there will be no males. It looks like some of them have gotten taller too. If I had enough coco I would transplant them. But that will just have to wait until I can get some money. All I really need is one brick. I also lst ed the fcj some more. Its looking like the small new branches are starting to grow a little reaching for the light. Temps is staying at 79 degrees,sometimes 78. I wish there was more to report but everything is just green green green...
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