My drying room is protesting.
Too much wet bud.
I’ll have to turn things up a hair.
Rh is a touch beyond my comfort zone. But I don’t want to drop it too fast either. Just enough to make sure your buds don’t get moldy.
A dark cool room is good. With minimal just slight air flow.
Be very careful you don’t want a draft anywhere near your buds.
I aim for about 60 F / 60 RH.
I hang mine on the branches.
I know it’s not the perfect method. But I have perfected this method so here goes.
Branches hang in dark for 5 days I find this is my sweet spot. Just check your buds every hour if you aren’t sure of your process. Seriously wake up in the middle of the night and
I can’t count the number of posts from newer growers who worked so hard for months only to crisp there wonderful work to powder.
5 days on the vine. Usually.
To tell when your getting close
bend your branches see how the smaller ones will gradually get hard. If you can snap them they are done. So you want to be ahead of that. Keep trying those branches constantly till you get the hang of it. Don’t over dry your work.
Anyhoo I get distracted cut buds off branches and into wide mouth Mason jars. Not your granny’s Mason jar. Wide Mouth. So much easier for big buds.
Into Mason jars with a small hygrometer. They are cheep.
Get a pile from you know who.
I hate saying but you know.
I Burp 2x a day if I remember for first week.
Burp once a day second week.
I shake the heck out of the jar
every time I pick it up.
And alternate when you put them down. Upside down once
right side up next time.
Shake and alternate every time you touch the jar keeps air around your buds.
So theoretically after 2 weeks you can start to sample them.
If you keep them longer it’s better. HeHe.