Purple Pics

Hello @Baron Von Blurple nice to see you ,Happy Easter to you and your family in Germany. As you can see our growing styles are completely different.
My Blueberry or yum yum as I call her is a is as stretchy as can be.
She easily triples in size duringflower. And the rest look like the wild bunch compared to your perfect ladies. Hope your upcoming harvest is a banner one.
Stay safe
You should know Bill....
Im not in Germany, nor do I live in a castle.....regrettably.
You should know Bill....
Im not in Germany, nor do I live in a castle.....regrettably.
Does that mean you don't wear that funny hat either. My apologies, I guess the jokes on me :rofl: Well where ever you are happy Easter. :laugh:
Does that mean you don't wear that funny hat either. My apologies, I guess the jokes on me :rofl: Well where ever you are happy Easter. :laugh:
And the fondest of Easters to you too from The Great White North.
Thanks @NuttyProfessor , my first Tea in years. Wasn’t going to let you have all the fun.
I had to thin in a bit to bring ph up. So it doesn’t have that patented Nutty look. I’m still learning. Hehe

If your in Ontario Id laugh my ass off.
Are you related to BoB or Doug ?
The beer hunters.
Other side of the country...and the Mckenzie brothers were a staple in my youth!
Thanks @NuttyProfessor , my first Tea in years. Wasn’t going to let you have all the fun.
I had to thin in a bit to bring ph up. So it doesn’t have that patented Nutty look. I’m still learning. Hehe

i was going to say once you dilute it will prob balance back up , watch the molasses , it can build up acidic in the medium , only if you use a few times , i go for 6.4 to 7.0 , i go 6.4 when i water to run off , a little reboot ,
I used to use the little root riot blocks for seeds , lost loads , they came up , stopped , or just didnt do anything , then i give a little squeeze to get the excess water and my germ rate when up to 99 percent from 50 .
i decided to stay up for a while lol , up from 5am , sleeping is messing about , the night queen knocks me out again , meant to take sleepers but i do not trust them
i was going to say once you dilute it will prob balance back up , watch the molasses , it can build up acidic in the medium , only if you use a few times , i go for 6.4 to 7.0 , i go 6.4 when i water to run off , a little reboot ,
I used to use the little root riot blocks for seeds , lost loads , they came up , stopped , or just didnt do anything , then i give a little squeeze to get the excess water and my germ rate when up to 99 percent from 50 .
i decided to stay up for a while lol , up from 5am , sleeping is messing about , the night queen knocks me out again , meant to take sleepers but i do not trust them
Awesome I had 4 fek over in me
I’m going to squeeze now.
see you at 3
i was going to say once you dilute it will prob balance back up , watch the molasses , it can build up acidic in the medium , only if you use a few times , i go for 6.4 to 7.0 , i go 6.4 when i water to run off , a little reboot ,
I used to use the little root riot blocks for seeds , lost loads , they came up , stopped , or just didnt do anything , then i give a little squeeze to get the excess water and my germ rate when up to 99 percent from 50 .
i decided to stay up for a while lol , up from 5am , sleeping is messing about , the night queen knocks me out again , meant to take sleepers but i do not trust them
You were right. Lots more came out than I thought would.
the other ones were in coco already. Shouldn’t have happened
Thank again
You were right. Lots more came out than I thought would.
the other ones were in coco already. Shouldn’t have happened
Thank again
Its the little things that trip us up mucker :thumb: i lost a good few seeds having them soaked , they like damp :ganjamon:
Pretty Cool
Late addition to line up.
3-Liter Air Pot????? Yes I want to run one before I do Rx sponsored
Grow of Gelato.

Here is the new contender .
Going directly up against the champ.
<<<<< In the big show >>>>>
Here she is in the White corner weighing in at 17” Gelato.
With a .54 Gal Air Pot


And in the green corner
Just 7 Gorilla Glue

And the Defending champ.
<<<<<< Yum Yum >>>>>>
Weighing in at 24” Cnopy
——And 5 Gal Air Pot——

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