Purple Pics

Hi guys, from the pics I uploaded does anyone have any advice on when I should uppot the ladies? I know some people say when the leaves go over the edge of the pots but any advice is welcome. Thanks :thumb:
How long does it take them to drain the pot after you water them?
Usually 3 full days then on the 4th ide water them
I'd wait until you need to water them closer to every day. Then you know the rootball will hold together when you remove it from the pot.
Hi guys, from the pics I uploaded does anyone have any advice on when I should uppot the ladies? I know some people say when the leaves go over the edge of the pots but any advice is welcome. Thanks :thumb:
Good morning GF. :ciao:
You have some time to go.
You have to build up a root ball first.
I'd wait until you have to water her every other day.
Just keep feeding they will be good.
They look good my friend.

Stay safe:cool:
Hey bill thanks man always positive vibes :ganjamon:. Im thinking to add calmag once a week to keep them safe from other issues or every other water if it creeps in. I just thought with it been almost 3 weeks they were behind but these ladies only grow up to 80cm according to the genetics ive read up on so we will see how they go.
Hey bill thanks man always positive vibes :ganjamon:. Im thinking to add calmag once a week to keep them safe from other issues or every other water if it creeps in. I just thought with it been almost 3 weeks they were behind but these ladies only grow up to 80cm according to the genetics ive read up on so we will see how they go.
Potassium silicate would be better than calmag.
In soil we generally don't use calmag unless there is an issue.
Potassium silicate strengthens cell walls and makes them stronger.
Once a week in plain water .5 ml / L.

Stay safe :cool:
Thanks for the advice it means a lot. Might just use the cal mag as a prevention then. Ill try find some would 1 litre for 3 be enough ive never used that stuff before.

Thanks again
Yes a liter will last long time at .5 ml per liter.
Green planet is economical.
Rhino skin works too but it's brutally expensive.

Stay safe :cool:
More transfers.
The summer team.



Nice colour Bill what did you spray them with??
Ortho bug b gone insecticide concentrate.
I'm waiting for my @Sierra Natural Science to send my proper bug killer but I think they forgot about me.:hmmmm:
Hope everything is going well today my friend. :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
They're looking lush n lovely Bill!
Good morning @Stunger :ciao: hope everything is going well my friend.
I keep forgetting to take the tablet outside with me.
So pics end up on my phone.
To edit and label them I need my tablet.
So I post the pics here and then edit them and post in my current grow.
It's a pain but my own fault. :rofl:
So they are really pics in my other thread, Heaven's Shores.
I'll do it different from now on I think.
Thanks for the compliment Amigo.
Hopefully they stay that way.

Stay safe :cool:
Sounds like theyll be better off for it. Ye so far so good bill hope everythings good on your end. You should be called the professor with your knowledge and products range :adore::thumb:. Keep it up m8
There is already a Nutty Professor, I'm just nutty.:rofl:
That looks great for the girls.
Just mix it in plain water only.
It doesn't mix well with nutrients.
Hope you having a good morning.
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cool:
They look so healthy well done
Good morning Dank :ciao:
Have you been busy lately?
I don't see you posting much.
Hope everything is going well.
Have a great day my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
There is already a Nutty Professor, I'm just nutty.:rofl:
That looks great for the girls.
Just mix it in plain water only.
It doesn't mix well with nutrients.
Hope you having a good morning.
Talk soon.

Stay safe :cool:
Nutty lol wouldnt want to be normal anyways. Ye as you said once a week and we should be fine fingers crossed thanks again bill top man.
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