Purple Kush, Regular/Photo - DynoMyco We Want You - Side-By-Side Comparative Grow

We have 3/4 from that last planting up as of this morning... the other is expected by afternoon. Progress is being made.
Make that 5 out of 4. That's right... we had a volunteer from the last planting try to come up along with the new one. I am waiting to see if they both turn out to be viable and then will transplant one of them to its own cup. I am also still seeing life trying to emerge from the other damaged seedling, and as long as I can see green down in there, I am not giving up on her. The rest of the seeds on the heat mat are still working on it and we will probably have sufficient tails on a few of them to plant tomorrow. By sheer force of will, we are going to have enough plants to give us a decent experiment after all.
Make that 5 out of 4. That's right... we had a volunteer from the last planting try to come up along with the new one. I am waiting to see if they both turn out to be viable and then will transplant one of them to its own cup. I am also still seeing life trying to emerge from the other damaged seedling, and as long as I can see green down in there, I am not giving up on her. The rest of the seeds on the heat mat are still working on it and we will probably have sufficient tails on a few of them to plant tomorrow. By sheer force of will, we are going to have enough plants to give us a decent experiment after all.
So GLAD to hear it! Looking forward to further updates!
Make that 5 out of 4. That's right... we had a volunteer from the last planting try to come up along with the new one. I am waiting to see if they both turn out to be viable and then will transplant one of them to its own cup. I am also still seeing life trying to emerge from the other damaged seedling, and as long as I can see green down in there, I am not giving up on her. The rest of the seeds on the heat mat are still working on it and we will probably have sufficient tails on a few of them to plant tomorrow. By sheer force of will, we are going to have enough plants to give us a decent experiment after all.
WAIT WUUUT, and then I saw "Yeah that's right" X'D made me feel secure about what I saw, thanks Em!

That would be the best surprise after all these tiny bumps. ^^
Three more seeds were planted from the heat mat and paper towel plate. There were planted as more control plants, evening out the number of Dynomyco charged plants and those without.

The cup with 2 plants coming up seems to have settled down to just one... we will see how it does.

The cup with the chopped seedling and the one that was dug up and replanted, is not giving us much hope. We may call that cup a lost cause in the next day or two.
Even after refining my germination practices quite a bit, we are still not at 100% success, but these are very old seeds too, and I am mostly blaming that for the few duds at this point. Even so, I have managed to get 5 @DYNOMYCO plants going and 4 control plants with no Dynomyco. There is still a possibility of 2 more control plants emerging and my fingers are still crossed in hopes that happens. We have basically 3 different start times on these plants, 4 if you count the early one that is already needing to be uppotted, but I will do what I can to get them evened out a bit in early veg and by late veg we should be able to see a difference in the two groups.

So, we are basically under way now, and the experiment lives!

Here we are, both camps isolated to their own drip trays.

It is almost time to top a few of these, but I am disappointed in how much the soil has sunk in these containers. I can see that I really neglected to pack a few of these, so watering has done that for me. When they dry out the next time I am going to slip the ones that are now an inch or two below the rim, out of their containers so that I can throw some new soil in the bottom to raise them up a bit. One of these days we are going to be able to see the difference between these groups, but right now, it's a hodgepodge.
They look AMAZING!!!
Apparently, I'm still drowning my sprouts, freshly soaked peat pots appear to be too soggy..
I joke that I immediately have a chat with my plants as soon as they reach the surface. I let them know that in my garden, you have to work for a living. Right out of the gate I challenge my seedlings to drain all of the water in the cup before giving them another good watering. I will dribble a bit down the middle every 3 days or so, just to let the roots chase the water down to the bottom, but I don't soak that cup the first time until they pretty much drain it the first time.
After that, we are on a strict wet/dry cycle, where I will let the soil dry out completely between major waterings, waiting until the cup is so light that I can't believe they are still standing and looking happy. When it is time to water, I can not tell with my human senses that there is ANY water weight at all left in the cup. I am strict, some say cruel. I say, you have to be cruel to be kind. My plants grow quickly because they have to, for to not aggressively seek out the last remaining drops of water in that cup, is to die.

Here are the plants today, still steadily growing, and still not ready for a full watering, even on the largest ones.

I've sent 8, at this point, cracked, sprouted w/ tails of various length to their apparent doom in soggy peat plugs.. plant 'em, and Pffft - never see 'em again. got 4 more soaking in shot glasses, gonna re-use the peat plugs (DRYER now) and see if that works. If not, eff it, gonna put 'em into dirt in the future... grrr, peat plugs were SUPPOSED to be the way to GO.. Ah, well Another learning experience.
JUST what I flipping NEEDed..
Today I evened out the soil in our cups so that we can see the plants well enough to work with them. At least 2 of the plants are already needing their first topping, but I am delaying just a bit to try to get more of them catching up with the leaders. At least the room looks a little better after the work today.


Didn't know about this journal; I'll have to catch up later.
Glad to have you here! Now that we have enough seeds up to to run the test, that is the name of the game... we all need to catch up with each other in here. I think it is already obvious that the plants with @DYNOMYCO have an advantage and I am sure that will be very evident in the next several weeks.

I haven't topped anyone yet, but it is coming soon. Tomorrow I plan on doing some work up there, and it will probably include working on 2 or 3 of the first plants. It all depends on how my big project tomorrow goes, cloning.


Those look amazing! What's your lighting / schedule? I was hoping to mainly do this grow w/ sunlight, but at two days, one of the buggers has stretched to nearly 2"

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