I have two small cabinets right above my fridge, the temp stays right at 77-79 degrees with the house at 75 or 76, works perfect for colonization. Those holes are fine for exchange and injection port. When I first started out, I used high temp RTV(I work on my own cars so I already had some) and Tyvek Envelopes(free), it worked, but it was kind of messy and UGLY. Not that it mattered, it did the job. It doesn't look like much is going on in that jar, you should be further along in the process and it looks to be spotty. Mycelium is BRIGHT fuzzy white and once it gets going it will rip through those seeds pretty fast. Let it go for a little longer for the sake of testing, I tossed one of my test jars, and now I have the other jar showing signs of life out of nowhere. I am working with old spores though so a little different situation. I had already written these syringes off so it's ALL bonus for me. There is an Oat tech where he boils(NO soak) the oats to get them gel/soft in the middle where they are no longer white(starchy) and dry the oats then to the PC.