ProfessorFlora Presents: Growing On A Journey

Hey 420
It's great to be back!

Let's get straight into this shall we.
For those who've been part of my grows before, not much has changed however I'll briefly describe my modus operandi for anyone new to my gardening. I am an LED user, I am a super heavy defoliator and my current medium of choice is coco coir (This is mainly because it's the cheapest option). My tent size is 60×120 and I usually grow 8 small plants in said space. My choice of nutrients is the infamous MegaCrop v1 which I will use until it is either "unusable" (this is because it is a powder which is damp and it may eventually go bad) or I run out. I also try to keep airflow good in my grow tent and room. Where I live is very humid so a constant worry for me is mould. I haven't had any for a while now but that doesn't mean that I'll be relaxing any time soon. I don't check PH and always water to run-off. The plants never recieve a flush during a good grow and we are usually done by week 9-10. For most of my time growing cannabis I'd normally focus on growing indica type plants as I like to relax however things have changed recently. I'd like to grow some more uplifting strains to help energize myself as I don't seem to have as much trouble asleep these days. That leads us nicely onto how this journal will start off.​

I decided to grow something from a sponsor so I went with Barney's versions of GMO and Sour Diesel. Both of these strains are sativa leaning and should be heavy hitters. To compliment these two I've gone with HSO's Green Crack and Blue Dream. Both of these are fruity and uplifting and should be heavy yeilders.
This is how we will be starting out the journal however I also have something else. Something special. Now, I've been trying to get these for months and this was my third attempt at trying to purchase them (they litterally sell out less than 24 hours after going on the site) but persistence finally paid off and I managed to obtain a pack. So here we have an absolute classic and I can't wait to see what I might have from these seeds....

Some of you might think that Blueberry is a bit boring now but I'm super excited about these.

So, we've put these seeds into starter plugs and have put the plugs into a heated propagator as it is really cold in my place despite the summer only just coming to an end. The fem plants will be flowered first and the Blueberries (regs) will first have the males removed and then be cloned. I'm hoping to keep a blueberry and maybe even gift some to some friends. I'm getting ahead of myself here and should first focus on popping those beans....

The tent which we will be flowering in is currently busy but not to worry. We have lots of space for vegging small plants. Here is a little peak at what we currently have cooking....

I didn't want to start a journal half way through so we won't worry about those too much. But incase anyone was interested those plants were GTA (Gorilla, True Mints and Apricot), G-Mint ( GMO x Kush Mints) and Pine Tar Kush. A couple of those plants were a bit rubbish but most are good.
So that is that. Hopefully we will see some seedlings pop up by the end of next week and then the real fun can begin.

That's all for now. Hope everyone is well and stay safe. Much love from the Professor and happy gardening :snowboating:
Count me in Prof!! Good to see you again! Really looking forward to the Dj Short Blueberry, a true Og strain I’ve never seen anyone grow. I’m sure you will do it justice!
Count me in Prof!! Good to see you again! Really looking forward to the Dj Short Blueberry, a true Og strain I’ve never seen anyone grow. I’m sure you will do it justice!
Hey N! Long time no speak. Good to hear from you again.
The Blueberry is something I've always wanted to grow and didn't think it'd actually happen. The first time I ever smoked BB was probably around 98 or 99 which was pretty much when I was first introduced to cannabis. I hope I can get a gooey and sweet pheno.

good to have you on board buddy :passitleft:
I'm curious to see more about your heavy defoliation, when and how much. Do you fi d you get denser buds and less larf?
Hey Tim.

When would be 3 weeks into flower and again at 5 weeks.

How would be that I don't use scissors, just fingers to remove the entire leaf including the stem. I don't leave any stubs that could go mouldy by either getting caught up inside a growing flower or by falling off and landing on the soil.

I do get tight flowers and the larf is usable though I normally throw it in the hash bag. The thing is that I'm not defoliating to get larger flowers but for better airflow. I could just grow less plants but I've found that it's quicker this way plus you can grow 8 different strains which is always good.
We have a winner....

This is one of the Blueberries....

Also we have a tap root from one of Barneys GMO's coming out of the wrong end....

I dont like it when this happens but we have to help this one out a bit....

I'm sure there'll be another update later today as I can see that more are on their way. Fingers crossed :nervous-guy::passitleft:
Nice to see the first appearance of the new babies! It’s a good sign of things to come that the blueberry is the first to emerge!
Hopefully you can just flip that Gmo over and get her heading in the right direction.
Nice to see the first appearance of the new babies! It’s a good sign of things to come that the blueberry is the first to emerge!
Hopefully you can just flip that Gmo over and get her heading in the right direction.
We've flipped the GMO! Hopefully she'll continue to grow normally from now. I didn't want to take the seedling out of the plug but as you could see, she wouldn't have righted herself properly and the tap root could have been damaged from exposure to the air.
I can't remember the last time I had Blueberry but I know I'll be trying it again in the new year. Can't wait!
Blueberry is my favourite 🫐
It is great. Also it seems to blend well with almost everything. When I was younger Blue Cheese was my favourite but now the craving is for the straight up Blueberry.
Thanks for stopping by, Melville
Blue Dream for me, it's been my go to stash for about the last 12mo
For me, Blue Dream is one of those where if you were forced to only ever have one strain ever again, it would be a strong contender. The blue and metallic haze combo is so satisfying.
Welcome, Roy!
when the propagation is taken seriously
I'm certainly trying lol. I don't like starting seeds in pure coco which is why I have the rooting plugs. They make starting in coco easy. I find that it's too easy to drown seedlings in straight coco which I've done plenty of times.
Pleased to meet ya Rhasta.
So the first Blueberry and the first GMO are in their first pots. No sure of the size but they are small. Probably 500ml or something like that. They'll be OK in these for around 3 or 4 weeks before they start wanting to stretch their legs....

GMO #1....

Blueberry #1....

We will be in a queue for the flowering tent once the rest have germinated. My guess on the (current) flowering plants is that they have around 5 weeks left before harvest. I don't want my mostly sativa plants getting too large before going into there as we don't have a lot of height to work with. You see, I purchased this tent because it was very cheap and it's only 120cm tall. Once you include the plant pot height and the lights then there's not much room. It should be OK as the test run that is currently underway is going well and those plants that are in there now are classed as tall. So here they are. It's getting pretty frosty on some of those....

And a nice purple stem for good measure....

None of the other seeds have popped up just yet but I'll check again before I go to bed. I'm sure there'll be a few come the morning.

Cheers folk :passitleft:
if you were forced to only have ever have one strain ever again
That's a toughie - Jack Herer, Green Crack... think I'd go for old skool NL/WW for my desert island dank
That's a toughie - Jack Herer, Green Crack... think I'd go for old skool NL/WW for my desert island dank
There's just too many good ones. Other contenders for me would be Chem D, GDP, Gorilla Glue, Tahoe OG. Thinking about this sort of thing could keep me up all night lol
I'll follow along if you don't mind.
I too am an extreme de-foliator. From two weeks old through three weeks after flip I remove 40 - 60 leaves per day. I only grow one plant at a time. I also do it for air flow for the tops. I have found it profitable to leave the lower fan leaves as a constant power source for root and flower development. I call this skirting.

J22 Skirted CST.JPG

I can't imagine having only one choice of cannabis but if I had to choose it would be between Jack Herer and Blue Dream.
I guess defoliating heavy depends on if it is an Auto or Photo period plant? Or does it matter? I am new to all this, but when I see my flowers on my plants, I like to open up areas for light and airflow, but have been told not to by a few people, I still do it to a point. Your grows look very interesting so I will be following this thread. Good luck and good grow!
I'll follow along if you don't mind.
I too am an extreme de-foliator. From two weeks old through three weeks after flip I remove 40 - 60 leaves per day. I only grow one plant at a time. I also do it for air flow for the tops. I have found it profitable to leave the lower fan leaves as a constant power source for root and flower development. I call this skirting.

J22 Skirted CST.JPG

I can't imagine having only one choice of cannabis but if I had to choose it would be between Jack Herer and Blue Dream.
Hey Hafta! It'll be a pleasure to have you along. That's a nice looking plant and I like the skirting Idea. Does it get humid around the bottom though? I have noticed that the last couple of rounds of plants that I grew had weak root balls when grown in coco in these pots. They still grew and yeilded well but I was surprised by the small root mass.
I've still after all these years never grown, smoked or vaped any Jack Herer.
I guess defoliating heavy depends on if it is an Auto or Photo period plant? Or does it matter? I am new to all this, but when I see my flowers on my plants, I like to open up areas for light and airflow, but have been told not to by a few people, I still do it to a point. Your grows look very interesting so I will be following this thread. Good luck and good grow!
Hey, Flagawg01:
Welcome to the journal.
I think it can matter but it's probably more to do with the size and health of the plant whether or not you can use heavy defoliation. Photoperiods in veg stage can recover from serious damage whereas an auto needs to be approached more cautiously. Some auto plants seem to have these almost monster genetics and they can grow like crazy during their life. I had an auto which I was removing leaves from daily, right up until the harvest and she didn't blink an eye. I've also had some of those autos which end up being 8 inches high and have 12 leaves on them. Best not touch those too much lol.
Hi Prof, this looks off to a good start. You have some amazing strains! I'll follow along.
Thank you Carmen! It'll be good to have you along.
I like to have a bit of variety in my grows to keep things interesting. It took me many days to narrow it down to these 4 strains for thus first grow lol. The Blueberry was an impulse buy though.
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