Powdery mildew?

if you are in van outdoors on a balcony this time of year with no other pest management you might try prayer.
i dunno. trumps folk seem to think it helps. they still look pretty infested to me. :p
I’ve been spraying with lost coast plant therapy. That’s what was suggested from shop near me.
They look infested? What pest management do u suggest then?

it was more of a joke. but yes, mites need a 3 prong attack. they can harden against any single approach and still take the grow out.

they have a 3 wk life cycle. so there's multiples waiting when you eradicate the first wave. it's similar to a russian wave meat attack in ukraine.

you need to kill 3 waves minimum to be effective.

I’ve been spraying with lost coast plant therapy. That’s what was suggested from shop near me.

alternate between that, maybe neem, and 50/50 iso water spray. hit it with one of the 3 every 3 days for a min of 3wks or until clear.

get a magnification loupe at 30x - 40x and scope the leaves top and back every 3 days. pay special attention to the back.
it was more of a joke. but yes, mites need a 3 prong attack. they can harden against any single approach and still take the grow out.

they have a 3 wk life cycle. so there's multiples waiting when you eradicate the first wave. it's similar to a russian wave meat attack in ukraine.

you need to kill 3 waves minimum to be effective.

alternate between that, maybe neem, and 50/50 iso water spray. hit it with one of the 3 every 3 days for a min of 3wks or until clear.

get a magnification loupe at 30x - 40x and scope the leaves top and back every 3 days. pay special attention to the back.
Ok great info thanks I’ll try this
Here's a few photos with beneficial insects for bug control and I DON'T use ANY chemicals anywhere on my plants do you see any PM or much bug damage??
For those who are skeptical 🤔😂 just need the patience, the knowledge, good timing, and vigilance!
if I can do it ,well anybody can!
I put my $$$ where my 🤑 is!
You ALL have a Great day!










What else I thought was cool is your from Canada and the product you use is from Canada That's GREAT your keeping your peeps in Canada working! I try to buy American because im in MICHIGAN ,not that the products are any better but I like keeping our folks working to so they can feed their families!
Search around on here and see some of the BAD stuff that's being used its CRAZY to me and to be honest i did the same thing for a long time to with the poisions even the fertilizers especially phousphours, its BAD NEWS when it runs off in our rivers,lakes and watersheds it damages ALOT of things on top of the other pollution that the company's and industry dumps ini the water
To me water is one of our most VALUABLE resources like our forests, and animals ,not many ppl take our wildlife into consideration and the wildlife just have to deal with what we give them!
Sorry dont mean to get on a soapbox!
Have you ever tried Bio Char in your soil ? If you haven't give it some research its GOOD stuff👍
Yes alot of previous suggestions I’d search and nope not sold in Canada must be something in them that’s banned in Canada maybe ?
Here's a few photos with beneficial insects for bug control and I DON'T use ANY chemicals anywhere on my plants do you see any PM or much bug damage??

he's on a balcony. beneficial insects don't work on them as they won't stay nearby.

I’ve done some searching prior and seems I can’t buy a lot of the stuff that’s in USA not sure why.

a lot of the "organic" stuff sold in the states contains compounds that are still chemically banned here. as for the rest they use a lot of chemicals there we simply don't allow in the environment anymore.
he's on a balcony. beneficial insects don't work on them as they won't stay nearby.

a lot of the "organic" stuff sold in the states contains compounds that are still chemically banned here. as for the rest they use a lot of chemicals there we simply don't allow in the environment anymore.
I agree we aren't very environmentally conscious here in the US ,for me I use homemade castings,compost (Dairy Doo) dry amendment like alfalfa,neem cake,fish meal , feather meal ,fish bone, and so on ,none of the liquid stuff. Like you say @bluter some of the liquid stuff they claim is organic is just that,a claim ! For ph in my water i use citric acid for down baking soda for ph up in my water and Bio Char to help (a little ) to absorb heavy metals and to help with run off as it retains water and nuits really well because of its absorbing abilities and it's negative ion if I over water or even over fertlize.
For fungus control I use cease with good bacteria and or Milstop (bicarbonate) and beneficial insect for pest control. I try to make a good habit for the beneficials wild flower, crimson clover, geraniums and things that provide nectar for the beneficials.
We try to do our part at my house our motto is if we can't reuse it we ♻️ it! ✌️
I know that the European folks are MUCH MORE environmentally conscious than Americans and I m ashamed of that fact because im a hunter and a fisherman and I've seen the decline of our rivers,forests and wildlife and that's not even talking about All the wildfires that are burning up your way and in California and such!
I also try to make our garden a carbon capture area
I did a search yesterday on the biochar situation in Canada and the ban follows along with your feelings on conservation of natural resources, the environment and the cycle of life.

Many articles bring up that the ban on "biochar" is primarily based on the release of carbon in the making and transportation of the raw material (called feedstock) after taking into consideration the benefits of soil improvement. Plus they took into consider of the benefits of the biochar as opposed to just letting the raw materials, whether wood or farm field refuse, being left to be tilled in or composted.

So pretty much a ban on the manufacture and sale of biochar as we understand it and use it for small scale gardening.
@SmokingWings B.O.B is produced specifically with the grower in mind with its capacity to improve soil structure and fertility, help with water retention and drainage and as a magnet for heavy metals and other water impurities. Major research centers and top institutions have confirmed the benefits of Biochar and our own research trials have shown an 8-9% increase in growth and yields using our KiS Biochar Soil vs our Water-Only Soil.

B.O.B has positively charged ions that attract fertilizers and nutrient minerals such as Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus. This attractiveness (called "cation exchange capacity" or CEC) keeps nutrients in the plant root zone, preventing them from leaching out with watering. CEC also helps make the nutrients bioavailable to the plants. Ultimately, with Black Owl Biochar in your soil, you need less fertilizer or compost for the same results. Along with your crops, you'll harvest savings in fertilizer costs, year after year. With a well-made Biochar in your soil, you will water less often and also save costs associated with both water and labor.

*Pyrolyzing means ‘decomposition with heat’ and is as simple as baking biomass in an oven in the absence of oxygen. Higher temperature pyrolysis produces Biochar with higher surface area, which helps to lock away harmful contaminates like heavy metals and sequesters carbon from the atmosphere. The baking process releases flammable gasses that provide heat energy- in essence producing an amazing soil amendment that stores stable carbon in the soil while producing clean, emissions-free energy for the Washington State energy grid.
Like making concrete or milling steel the process is carbon intensive here in the states according to the show on PBS called"Energy Switch" its 15% of carbon release into the atmosphere because of removing of the carbon molecule and the process It was interesting and at the same time kinda scary if you see the BIG picture with carbon. So like the fires that rage outta control all those tree's release all there stored carbon for years of growth when they get burned,same with the perma Frost,as it melts it releases it's stored carbon and methane BAD NEWS!✌️
Yep. I know the benefits of Biochar. I have bags of both the already inoculated and the plain non-inoculated stuff and mix it in my potting soils when making a new batch.

Just mentioning what the various articles were saying on the Canadian ban on what seems to be all Biochar whether for amending a potting soil or if being used to condition huge farm fields. It does not matter whether a char is made from hardwoods, softwoods, or from farm refuse and scraps. Some of the articles read like it is a concern for the carbon release but also the effects that the stripping of the land to collect the organics has on animals, insects and soil organisms.

Interesting reading from the KIS site. Have you tried the B.O.B. yourself? I don't remember which brand of biochar I have been using and the bags are in the garage.
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