Powdery mildew?

Lacewings (Chrysopecula carnea)

Chrysoperla carnea, also known as the red-lipped green lacewing, is an insect of the Chrysopidae family . The delicate lacewing adults feed on nectar, pollen and honeydew while their larvae are the active predators. The first three larvae instars, are the voracious ones.

The larvae of the BioLacewing primarily target aphids (indiscriminate of species). Secondary targets include whiteflies, mealybugs, thrips, spider mites and other soft bodied pests.

Use egg cards for small or early season infestations and larvae to combat a more severe infestation. The larvae can be cannibalistic and should be applied as early as possible. Lacewings are supplied as larvae, eggs or egg cats, which can be hung on infested plants.
You want to implement a IPM (Integrated pest management). Ic your scoping that's a good start for an IPM because you are vigilant about it but just like mildew always assume your plant has it like bugs its better to be proactive than reactive ✌️
Ok great info thanks again. First timer here so got a lot to learn doing on balcony autoflowers. I’ll up the pots next time around.


Any other suggestions?
I can't really help on autos as far as growing them ,im a photoperiod plant lover .
I like to keep mothers if i find a good one and I personally think autos are a waste of money, but that's just because its a 1 and done deal some guys that's all they do and that's my Cool they just dont fit in my program is all .
Nice looking plants by the way your doing good!👍✌️
I can't really help on autos as far as growing them ,im a photoperiod plant lover .
I like to keep mothers if i find a good one and I personally think autos are a waste of money, but that's just because its a 1 and done deal some guys that's all they do and that's my Cool they just dont fit in my program is all .
Nice looking plants by the way you’re doing good!👍✌️
Ya I grabbed a couple thought why not. I’m in Vancouver Canada the balcony is the Place for me this season I’ll see how it goes and possibly look into a tent later
if you are in van outdoors on a balcony this time of year with no other pest management you might try prayer.
i dunno. trumps folk seem to think it helps. they still look pretty infested to me. :p
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