PopeOfDope's - Indoor - LED/HID Combo - 4x4 Tent - Grow!

you want to keep busy and learn some fascinating shit about growing the highest quality plants possible for free? check out the link in my sig
NPK university niice.
now obviously different strains like different regiments.. but for non picky strains this seems to be the run of the mill.

I think this always rule is king for ratios N+P=2k hold tight to that, not too much k or you'll get yellowing

in Veg you want twice the N as P

in bloom you want twice as much P as N. but always following the golden rule of N+P=2k (its okay to go over or under a digit in the K some weeks)

I'll be using a small amount of Roots organic Buddha grow (early on) ( 2 - 0.25 - 1.5)

Age old fish and seaweed (3-3-2)

Cal- Mag (2-0-0)

Buried Treasure PHOS Seabird, (0-12-0) I will be making tea with this as a base to add nutrients to.

Terpinator (0-0-4)

And some Fungus and Microbes + molasses which will be added every week in the tea.

week 1, ( 2-1-2)
Mix some Buddha grow in there and be fine

Week 2, (3-1-2)
Add a lil cal-mag to buddha grow

Week 3, (5-2-3)
start the Fish and Seaweed + Buddha grow

Week 4, (7-4-5)
Fish and seaweed + grow + cal mag + terpinator starts here

Week 5 - 7 (10-5-7)
I'll be buying some more N for this if I see deficiencies.

Week 8 (9-6-7)
LIGHT phos seabird base + the regs

Week 9 (7-7-7 is where you want to be at flip)
Taper off the N, slightly stonger Guano tea

Week 10 (first week of flower) (5-10-7)

Week 11 (5-11-8)

Week 12 (6-12-9)
week 14/15 (6-15-10)

week 18 last feed (4-10-7) cal mag, terp, guano and roots organic

Water (half organic so not too worried about tasting nutes)

I may need to get some extra N and K (minor amount) for the heavy cycles but I think ill just wait and see if i see deficiencies.

I use floraova grow and bloom as my primary nutrients and then i spoon feed them what they need at specific times for instance during rooting and early veg i use a touch more phosphorus, and got massive root balls in very very short time, I also use at each res change amino acids, kelp, and vitamin b, I also use phosphorus during early flower say first 5 weeks, then i stop adding phos and start adding potassium not alot just a touch to energize it, and that is as far as i have gotten because i am in day 43, but my shit was looking meek at best till i found these videos, the understanding is just as important as the products
my current seedlings this was 2.5 weeks i believe

I remember my first hydro run I propagated 5 moms in ONE general hydro ventura drip ring / dwc bucket. my root ball when pulled like 36 clones was like 3 and a half feet long, the root mass filled up the entire reservoir, could only fit half the water i started out on. Planted those 36 in soil, blueberry, big bud sensi star and cindy 99. there was a 36 bucket forest in one of my rooms in my 2BR. 1k wattage, got 1.5 pounds off bag seeds lol
its always an exiting time when seeds are taking, I might just pop a couple white cookies for the spring planting, I am hoping to close down my current one on christmas and fire up a new one on new years, then that one will finish in march and i will keep going hopefully grab some new seeds. I really hope these 2 clones take i am so impatient
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