Plushberry Clones In Soil

Hey GB I'm glad that you made it back and thank you very much for the rep, I'll be sure to reciprocate :) I didn't think PH would be such a problem myself but after realising that I must have had a PH of 4.5 or so I think it's an absolute necessity for my own grows. I've been thinking about adding silica, but as I use Diatomaceous Earth which is a form of fossil that people eat and is supposedly great for anything silica based such as nails and hair I worried as to whether it would be too much. I am going to consider it for the future though. I hope that you are well and I hope I satisfied your appetite for pictures :rofl:

All the best and once again, thank you :thumb:
I'll be the first to admit that when I grew in soil (1 time) I didn't ever ph my water. I still tell people it isn't important. But you sir have proved me wrong. I still think when using a 1 part grow or bloom nutrient it isn't going to be a do or die situation, but as you proved, with a 3 part it is definitely recommended! GB80

You Sir were one of the lucky ones :) And, I only grow in soil and I would say PH is VERY important.

I believe the #1 factor that improved my grows was figuring out the PH. As you may have heard people say... "your growing in soil, you shouldn't have to check PH". I say BALONEY to you Sir! :)

You have taken a big step towards improving yourself as a grower. You learned something! :cheer: One day you may get to a point where you have things dialed in and you may actually check PH less. But don't forget about PH.

When there is problems... I almost always think PH. With the high tech fertilizers we use. Everything should be available to the plant. For some reason it gets locked out.

When in doubt, flush out. Check the PH.

Congratulations! +Reps

guambomb80 just proved my point. It's a learning process and we are all learning :thumb:
Hello all, an earlier update than usual today as my friend who I got the clones from was interested in their progress, and as they're slowly but surely moving onwards I thought it best to take some newer pictures than the others for him. Plus I fed each plant 5 litres of water (PH 6.3) with nothing else. I'm easing back on the nutes, although my friend disagrees and thinks I should push the PK 13/14 into them at half dose, so I'll be adding that to their next feed in a few days. I trust his judgement, he's grown for many more years than me and I've shared the fruits of his labour for the past 25 years. This grow it will only be one dose instead of three so I'll be avoiding any overkill that may have happened last time :)

Here are some pics starting with the Lonely Girl under the 2x Reflector 96x3w, she really doesn't look happy at all. I'm not sure what I can do for her. The flowers are weak to say the least and I kind of feel like I'm peeing against the wind with her. If I'm still not happy with her when the 2 girls in the Mars 1600w tent are done she'll have a week or two in there and I'll use that tent as veg only in future. But I don't want to give up hope, but considering she's not far behind the other two on 12/12 the difference is startling:


Here are her flowers, any ideas anyone please?


On to a happier note there is still one going strong in the other tent, plus the poorly one seems to have perked up a little touch (it could just be me wishing it that way lol) and the buds look to be ok so far. There are quite a few pics here and hopefully they will come through in the order that I'm hoping, but the thumbnails are so small that it's hard to tell sometimes. Either way here's a better looking plant to begin with I reckon :) :







and my other girl that seems to be picking herself up :) :


As ever ever I wish you all the best :thumb:
Thanks GB, I appreciate the input. I keep feeling like the plants are burned but like you say they do look like they have deficiencies, but they also look like they have burn as well, they're a hard plant to read when you want to do what's best for them. I'll be feeding them again in two to three days so I'll be sure to mix a half dose in, or would you recommend a foliar feed of it before I next water them? :thumb:
I'll give that a try GB cheers. I have never tested either the run off or the PPM but I have a TDS meter on the way to do that exact thing. I thought it was more a hydroponics thing with the PPM but I still got interested, waiting for that along with some collodial silver to try and get seeds, just in case I get the balls to do it to my plants :rofl: Either way I'll be looking at it shortly :) I'm not too concerned about the runoff though as any soil is going to change PH one way or another.

I'll be a lot more careful of what PH goes into the soil in future for sure. I'm guessing maybe the soil could be acidic from everything that's been fed into it though, I'm not too sure if I could PH it back to neutral fast without damaging the plants. Maybe a flush is in order and start again :thumb:
It's important to know how much you give your plants. With testing run off you get a general idea of what your plants are doing with their nutrients. If you feed @ 1200 ppm and you get run off at 3000 ppm you know you are feeding too much, if the run off ppm is 500, you know you can give a little more nutes because your plant is using them correctly. Adjusting run off ph is a time consuming task in soil. I wouldn't go all out and flush 15 gallons of ph'd water through them. I would run a gallon at a time and check the run off. If your run off is say 7.2 I'd run 6.2 ph water through it till the run off is at 6.5. If it is 6.1 run 6.8 ph water through it till you hit 6.5. I'm not a soil expert or even amature for that matter, but it's what I do with my coco grows to get the run off ph balanced at 5.8.

Please if someone thinks I'm giving out bad info, tell me. I'd rather be proven wrong than give bad advice and ruin your grow.
It's not hard work from here GB it's a good idea :thumb:. I'm next door to my tap so it's not a bad thing, in fact I could hose them down from here lol. I like that, balance the soil and balance the nutes too. I'm going to fix my soil tomorrow :) Thanks pal :thumb:
Hey arellanobrian, I did a bit of a flush with 10 litres of plain water on their last feed but I'm wondering if I've nute burned them and they may take longer to get over it than just one plain water feed. Thing is it still looks like they're suffering a cal/mag issue too. I'm also wondering if I'm PH'ing right. I see people testing run off etc but I usually just mix the nutes in the water then try and get it to PH at 6.5 after that. I never bother testing run off do you think that this could be something I'm doing wrong? Thanks for commenting :thumb:

You really should check you run off pH... Your nutes can go in perfect but if your medium is off... well you know where I'm going.... and honestly it does look like a pH issue IMO....:circle-of-love:
Dennise, would you elaborate please? I'd love to know what's killing these plants off. I'm holding back on nutes now because I'm thinking it's me being heavy handed, anything you have to add will always be welcome :thumb:

Hopefully PH issues won't be an issue from now on. I'm thinking a flush is the way to go, what do you reckon?
I'll give that a try GB cheers. I have never tested either the run off or the PPM but I have a TDS meter on the way to do that exact thing. I thought it was more a hydroponics thing with the PPM but I still got interested, waiting for that along with some collodial silver to try and get seeds, just in case I get the balls to do it to my plants :rofl: Either way I'll be looking at it shortly :) I'm not too concerned about the runoff though as any soil is going to change PH one way or another.

I'll be a lot more careful of what PH goes into the soil in future for sure. I'm guessing maybe the soil could be acidic from everything that's been fed into it though, I'm not too sure if I could PH it back to neutral fast without damaging the plants. Maybe a flush is in order and start again :thumb:

It's important to know how much you give your plants. With testing run off you get a general idea of what your plants are doing with their nutrients. If you feed @ 1200 ppm and you get run off at 3000 ppm you know you are feeding too much, if the run off ppm is 500, you know you can give a little more nutes because your plant is using them correctly. Adjusting run off ph is a time consuming task in soil. I wouldn't go all out and flush 15 gallons of ph'd water through them. I would run a gallon at a time and check the run off. If your run off is say 7.2 I'd run 6.2 ph water through it till the run off is at 6.5. If it is 6.1 run 6.8 ph water through it till you hit 6.5. I'm not a soil expert or even amature for that matter, but it's what I do with my coco grows to get the run off ph balanced at 5.8.

Please if someone thinks I'm giving out bad info, tell me. I'd rather be proven wrong than give bad advice and ruin your grow.

It's not hard work from here GB it's a good idea :thumb:. I'm next door to my tap so it's not a bad thing, in fact I could hose them down from here lol. I like that, balance the soil and balance the nutes too. I'm going to fix my soil tomorrow :) Thanks pal :thumb:

You really should check you run off pH... Your nutes can go in perfect but if your medium is off... well you know where I'm going.... and honestly it does look like a pH issue IMO....:circle-of-love:

Dennise, would you elaborate please? I'd love to know what's killing these plants off. I'm holding back on nutes now because I'm thinking it's me being heavy handed, anything you have to add will always be welcome :thumb:

Hopefully PH issues won't be an issue from now on. I'm thinking a flush is the way to go, what do you reckon?

It is all PH related. For one you know that you were giving them a very low PH'd nutrients/water considering your meter was off and you originally didn't think PH was that big a deal.

It is classic to me. You have a nutrient burn and deficiencies from a "lock out" from low PH.

Yes... A potassium deficiency is showing on the leaves but that doesn't mean you are deficient in potassium. I have thought that I had deficiencies a few times in my grows and in general they never really improved much by adding fertilizers. But, my PH was usually off in my early grows. These pseudo deficiencies stopped occurring when I got my PH straightened out.


Potassium gets locked out of soil growing at pH levels of 4.0-5.5
Potassium is absorbed best in soil at a pH level of 6.0-9.5. (Wouldn’t recommend having a pH of over 7.0 in soil) anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Potassium deficiency.

When you have too much Potassium in your soil, it can lead to big troubles, like salt damage and acid fixation of the root system, as well as too much potassium can cause a calcium deficiency.

Once you get your run off in the 6+ PH range then give it her a 6.8 to 7.0 PH feeding. Then give her water in the 7+ PH range. You tap water should be fine. My tap water runs 7 to 8 and I only PH it down if my run off is 7+. This only happened in the first week of flowering for me. I PH nutes from 6 to 7 and rarely PH down my tap water.

Now the above statement really only applies to me. That is what works for me and my way of doing things.

So, you take a few lumps and start dialing it in. One day you will get to a system that works for you :)


You also can get potassium deficiency signs from either high heat and low humidity as the plant increases transpiration to deal with those 2 extremes. It doesn't necessarily mean that there is a deficiency in the soil, just in the plant. I have seen this "potassium burn" with the combination of high heat and low humidity in my grows at times.

When your Relative humidity is low, you can almost bet your going to soon get a potassium deficiency from your plants perspiration.

Ok Kraize here for my cuppa and cake :cheesygrinsmiley:

It looks like your plants are burnt. I would flush them with 3 x the volume of the pot with plain water. If your pot is the size of a bucket then that's roughly 20 litres so a 60 litre flush. This is a common scenario. The following day I would start the nutes again at half strength and catch the run-off as mentioned. Stay at half strength for a few days as the run-off measurements will be lower than would normally be the case as the pot is filled with lots of water so as the run-off comes through it will be slightly diluted. Only once you have watered a few times will a true run-off figure begin to show. Keep taking measurements of the run-off every time you feed and get the level you want. Keep taking run-off measurements maybe weekly to keep an eye on what is going on.
Hey thanks for all the advice everyone. Today I will do a flush of the two plants that are struggling and maybe even a precautionary flush of the one that's still doing OK. I'm wary though as I don't want to rock the boat too much with that one, but I also think that it won't do it any harm so why not?

The TDS meter is on it's way but I'm not sure how long it will take to arrive as I chose standard postage. After reading all these comments I wish I'd chosen the express shipping now, I was only buying it to delve a little deeper into the science of PH and PPM but it seems I may have stumbled across something that might be a lot more important (especially with the mistakes that I've been making) to my grows. This is getting interesting :)

I appreciate all your advice everyone and I'm thankful that there are so many knowledgeable people around that are prepared to share their wisdom. 420 really is a great place and you are really great people! So I'll crack on today and maybe by the end of this grow we will have some nice looking plants, now that I would love to see. I hope you all have a great day and I wish you all the best, I'll update here once everything is back on track :thumb:
Well it looks like I won't get time to flush today, I've come back home too late and I'd have to rush everything before lights out, plus I feel wiped out today so it will have to be tomorrow.

On a plus note my TDS meter has arrived! Much faster shipping than I expected so I think I'll be reading up on the instructions and putting it to good use tomorrow :) Along with that came my Collodial Silver, 40PPM is the recommended minimum strength for seeding plants according to what I've read and that's what I got. Still unsure about the seeding though, will have to have a read through GhettoGro's thread again for all the fine details. Maybe, just maybe I'll give it a go. All the best everyone :thumb:
Whoa seed city! Yeah that's what I'm after mate and I will be spraying a clone. The worry I have is that I want to use my strongest plant (all three are clones) but that plant is sharing the 1600w tent and although I've been advised to use GG's black bin bag method I'm note sure if I could trust myself to get it right without pollinating the other plant, or even pollinating more than 1 branch which is what I'm after. On the other hand if I use the plant in the tent on her own I'll minimise the risk of cross pollination, but I'll also be taking seeds from the weaker clone, which may bode ill for future grows. I'm a bit stumped and think I need to look into it a lot deeper before attempting it, especially as I may be too far into flower to get seeds that are mature enough.
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