Plushberry Clones In Soil

Always the way once they're older lol. Our daughter left because I started 'charging' her £20 a month to stay here once she started working. We weren't even spending it, we kept it in an envelope towards her first car. She lasted around 6 weeks before moving back :) I think that £5 a week didn't seem so bad after she did a month without doing her hair, nails and all that jazz these kids need nowadays. Mind you it worked out for her, she no longer pays us a fiver a week, but I gave her my old car rather than buy her a new one ;) Such tightness is endemic amongst the entitled generation nowadays, damn I used to pay more than £20 a week at home when I was young, eeeh kids these days :laugh:
Always the way once they're older lol. Our daughter left because I started 'charging' her £20 a month to stay here once she started working. We weren't even spending it, we kept it in an envelope towards her first car. She lasted around 6 weeks before moving back :) I think that £5 a week didn't seem so bad after she did a month without doing her hair, nails and all that jazz these kids need nowadays. Mind you it worked out for her, she no longer pays us a fiver a week, but I gave her my old car rather than buy her a new one ;) Such tightness is endemic amongst the entitled generation nowadays, damn I used to pay more than £20 a week at home when I was young, eeeh kids these days :laugh:

trust me guys im only 24 and i feel like im way more responsible then my peers, i work 40 hours a week at a shit job but i pay my rent every month and with help from the lady we manage to keep the house from looking too bad..... i feel like a hipocrite because i was a little shit for so long but living on your own really opens your eyes
I think my daughter felt the same way arellanobrian. She seems a lot better for having had her independence, but it's also nice to have a safe refuge where you know people care and you don't have to take on all the responsibilities alone. As the old saying goes, what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. I'm sure you and your other half are doing great :thumb:
Just a quick catch up update today to keep my timings down on paper so to speak, after a rough couple of days :party::ganjamon: I wasn't feeling up to too much yesterday. Anyway no pics as there's still not too much change although I did see what I thought were oncoming signs of Nitrogen toxicity along with a little nute burn. So both girls in the 1600w tent were fed water only and plenty of. 12 litres per pot and that gave them a bit of runoff too so hopefully it would have flushed some of the build up out of them. I'll see how they are in a couple of days and decide whether to water, water with CalMag or give them full nutes.
The lonely girl is still watered so didn't need anything although I did see a thrip crawling across one of her leaves. Diatomaceous Earth was dusted around again (in both tents) and we'll see if that works. I'm loathe to start spraying now they're showing flowers so I guess it'll be a case of do or die for her. I'll keep her strong with feeds though and hopefully the DE will be good enough to sort the problem :)

Other than that I haven't a lot more to say, I've got a shoot on very shortly so just dropping by. I hope everyone is well, all the best :thumb:
ok , so here my pimped led , im loving the new spectrum


Nutty :)
those lights are trippy haha hope the spectrum works out for you :thumb:
Update time! It's not great news though, one of the two ladies sharing a tent is showing some signs of problems and I've no idea how to rectify the situation. I thought it may be a Nitrogen toxicity problem coming on (ends of leaves were pointing down and clawing) so I gave water only at the last feed. It didn't seem to help and if anything the plant is looking more sickly today.

So this is where I'm up to at the moment:

I fed all three plants with 5 litres of water including 5ml of micro and grow, 10ml of bloom, 10ml of Canna Boost and a half cap full of Humboldt's SGT. All temps are fine @23.5 degrees celcius and there's plenty of air movement. I'm stumped so I guess it's just a case of taking it easy and trying to balance the nutes. It seems strange as the other plant is in the same tent, fed exactly the same and seems to be thriving. Lonely girl is also doing well, starting to flower up now and is spreading out taking over the tent. If she stays stable I can sense a good yield coming in :)

Pictures of Lonely Girl:


Pictures of the 2 Girls 1 tent:


The healthy lady in the 2 Girls 1 tent setup:


The poorly lady:


Any ideas anyone? I can do a crop in to get closer if needed. The leaves are curling, drying, the serrated edges are going brown and curling down and I can still see signs of Clacium deficiency around some of the veins on the leaves. 50/50 she makes it :volcano-smiley:
On another note if you're reading this Prof I saw your picture of you with your plants earlier, I didn't want to jump in and comment there as it was someone else's thread and it would have been a bit rude (Mono's I think). Great looking plants and they're a cracking size, but what really amazed me was I was looking at it and I thought 'It could be me stood there', and I don't mean in a rhetorical way I mean literally :). You look exactly like I do, you could have been my doppelganger. I even asked the missus and she said the same, before commenting that you look like I did a few years ago...before I larded on grrr :rofl: Still, in my mind's eye you are now my doppelganger :thumb:
im sure youll figure out whats wrong with them man, there not looking as bad as mine at least haha and i would check the basics: flush, ph then give reg dose of PH'd nutes
Hey arellanobrian, I did a bit of a flush with 10 litres of plain water on their last feed but I'm wondering if I've nute burned them and they may take longer to get over it than just one plain water feed. Thing is it still looks like they're suffering a cal/mag issue too. I'm also wondering if I'm PH'ing right. I see people testing run off etc but I usually just mix the nutes in the water then try and get it to PH at 6.5 after that. I never bother testing run off do you think that this could be something I'm doing wrong? Thanks for commenting :thumb:
The only thing different I see is the pots that they are grown in. Does one have better drainage? Is it the same soil.

It looks like multiple things going on from Nitrogen toxicity, some calcium deficiency specks and maybe even some potassium deficiency.

Obviously with the nutes you are giving it everything is there and available. My best guess is that there has to be a soil/lockout/PH issue. If your Relative Humidity is very low increased perspiration can cause a potassium burn.

When your Relative humidity is low, you can almost bet your going to soon get a potassium deficiency from your plants perspiration.
Potassium can get poorly absorbed when having too much Calcium or ammonium nitrogen, and maybe cold weather. Having to much sodium (Na) causes potassium to be displaced. SO keep those in mind… Parts affected by a Potassium Deficiency are: older leaves and leaf margins.

When you have too much Potassium in your soil, it can lead to big troubles, like salt damage and acid fixation of the root system, as well as too much potassium can cause a calcium deficiency. Your fan leaves will show like a light to a dark yellow to whitish colour in between the veins. Due to a molecular imbalance, potassium toxicity can cause a reduced uptake and lead to the deficiencies of Mg, and in some cases, Ca. Also leads to the other nutrients to not be absorbed properly leading to lots of other deficiency such as: magnesium, manganese, zinc and iron and can cause problems with calcium as well.

Flush, check PH, only give 1/2 strength nutes. Try a couple watering's without nutes. then go back to 1/2 strength every other watering.
Hey arellanobrian, I did a bit of a flush with 10 litres of plain water on their last feed but I'm wondering if I've nute burned them and they may take longer to get over it than just one plain water feed. Thing is it still looks like they're suffering a cal/mag issue too. I'm also wondering if I'm PH'ing right. I see people testing run off etc but I usually just mix the nutes in the water then try and get it to PH at 6.5 after that. I never bother testing run off do you think that this could be something I'm doing wrong? Thanks for commenting :thumb:


I like my soil to start out slightly alkaline, 6.8 to 7.0 PH. I notice as the grow progresses that sometimes the soil PH starts to drop. I believe this is do to salt build up. I general PH my nutes down to 6.0 to 6.8 depending on my soil run off. I generally water with 7.0+ tap water. But if my run off is 7.0+ then I start PH'ing my water to 6.0 to 6.5.

Once I notice the PH starting to drop a little bit I stop PH'ing my plain water and leave it at 7+ straight from the tap. I PH my nutes to 6.5 to 6.8'ish

Hey Scarfinger thanks for the great info. I'll give them another flush when they're next due a feed, they are in fact both in different pots too and come to think of it I did think I should have drilled more holes but they both seem to drain pretty well. I'll give them water again on the next feed and I'll run around 20 litres through to be sure. Thanks for the excellent advice! :thumb:
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