PK Perpetual Grow Journal 2020

So, After going throw my calculation again I have 1ft remaining to get to the net and 1ft to the light.
I think i am ready to switch the light to 16/8
What do you guys say?

2020-06-28 18.45.34-1.jpg

2020-06-29 20.47.01.jpg

I have also cloned two of the lower branches from each plant. Encase the main plant is a femail. :hookah:
The clones are currently in the bathroom with a 120w led light shining on it. Temp 80c 80% humidty
I've been training these two plants and making sure that all the branch level off so I have a even growth when the plant is ready to get set to flower.

Current feeding mixture at 650ppm
Temp 25c/77f- its lower than what i would like it to be, but its fine.
humidity 47%

2020-07-03 18.41.01-1.jpg
2020-07-03 18.40.32.jpg
2020-07-03 18.40.45.jpg
I noticed my soil is sinking and the roots from the plant was visible so I added some wormcasting soil.
I have also increased my feeding mixture to 650ppm
Tent temp/humity at 79f/42%
Low/high temp 75f/82f

Now i been reading allot of posts and i am unclear about the light switch.
Some say turn the light of for 24 hour prior to switching to 12/12.

2020-07-06 10.05.57 HDR.jpg
2020-07-06 10.06.14-1.jpg


  • 2020-07-06 10.05.57 HDR.jpg
    2020-07-06 10.05.57 HDR.jpg
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@The Phantom got ya, so when time comes ill just set the timer to 12/12
if you look at the two pics when would you say i should switch the lgiht timer?
So i had my light setup at 6AM to 2AM
Since the lights came on this morning at 6AM it now go off at 6PM to create that 12/12 cycle.

How long would you say until i see signs of flower?
i took two clones from each plant encase they were femail. Its been about a week more or less and i am not noticing any root development.
Also, the tent temp is the higher one while the room temp where the clones are is the lower on the thermo


  • 2020-07-06 13.21.46.jpg
    2020-07-06 13.21.46.jpg
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My cherry cookies took two weeks before seeing bud sites and pistils forming on the mother. I believe it was 5 days after the flip I saw calyxs with pistils at a few nodes. I’m a week into flipping the clones with 1 bud site starting. I would say in 3 days I should be seeing most of them or 10-11 days after the flip.

As long as your clones are up and perky don’t worry how long it takes, roots will happen. Depending on how vigorous the plant was they were taking off of will determine how long it takes the roots to form.
noted July 6th/2020
will see what happens
How long have they been vegging for again? Depending on how long you might see the preflowers sooner than later.
I think about a month or more. I really gotta write down the dates. i made so many mistakes that i gave up on counting the days.
If I wouldn’t be keeping track of the days in my journals, I would have forgot about 2 weeks into the grow what day it was. Most people will shoot for about 4 weeks veg time, some grow on longer depending on the plants size and their grow space.

I would move your screen down to the lowest point in your canopy (looks like the center has the lowest parts) once lowered to this point go ahead, take anything that is sticking up or overlapping and try to gently position using your screen to evenly fill out the canopy. During the stretch you’ll let the new growth come up out of the screen a bit before tucking it back under. Here’s a pretty helpful link for you How To - The SCROG Method
I would say its been about a month or more that they've been in veggative stage.
So, i took your tip and brought my net down and while i was at it, i cut about 10 of the bigger leaves that wasn't allowing the light to get to lower branches.
Temp/humid 80f/40%
light is 18" from top of the plant
Feeding at 650ppm

Also, about three days a go i noticed my soil being really down and the roots were visible. So i dropped a full cup of wormcasting on top layer. The plants seem to be doing okay so will igve them what they like.
2020-07-08 15.33.16 HDR.jpg
2020-07-08 15.37.04 HDR.jpg
What do you guys recken? is that hair lines growing or am i to early?

2020-07-12 15.48.16.jpg 2020-07-12 15.48.31.jpg 2020-07-12 15.49.23.jpg
@Pennywise i know with MC you don't need to add other nutr, but i was wondering if Bud ignite and big bud would do me good? Bud ignite just to get it started and once bud development is in process i was thinking of adding big bud to the mix.

What do you think?
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