Pj's Perpetual: Take Two

yes sir! I gave them about 3 solo cups worth before i departed... They will be all perked up when i get home and they will get a full dunk.. Kind of giving me my watering timeline, 7days max.
Yeah I am somewhat around the same time frames, closer to 3 or 4 days as the peak during veg and flower.
out of curiousity, any lawyers or paralegals on here? Ive got a small claims judgement against a landlord who screwed us... Be nice to get my hands on that large chunk of change, but hes cleverly hid all of his assets under other family members or his corporation, so my limited amount of legal understanding is telling me i dont have anything to chase after... Frustrating.

I know a guy that knows an Italian guy that TCOs turds like that! What did he do, keep your security deposit?

Make one of those haymakers for a big ass country boy and tell him your problem. Those guys know how to work things out without lawyers. F'ing lawyers are the worst bro. Just sayin.

G/L with the haymakers. Can turn into a nice lamp or 3.

I know the money thing is a bitch. Grow good weed and make friends!
@Pjs420 - Not sure where you live but if you have a small claims judgment (at least in the U.S.). You can take the judgment to the sheriff's department and have them collect. If he is a landlord of multiple properties they will go to his place of business and collect as rent payments arrive.

I had a judgement against a service station and they refused to pay. The sheriff stood there and collected cash from people buying gas until he had enough for the judgement. It cost me a little but was worth it.

Also if he is the owner of the property go do to city hall and file a lien on the property. While you may not be paid immediately he will not be able to sell or refinance his property until the lien is paid and cleared.

Finally if he has a bank account (you will probably see his account number on your cashed check). You can have the judgment filed against his bank account and collect. The submission to the branch must be in the same county as where the judgement was issued.
thanks @bobrown14 @Troy01 @brightlight !! The suggestions and advice mean a lot. I will be looking into everything mentioned.

unfortunately we live north of the border... Although i am kind of wishing we were south of it now!! Lol.... So our laws are a bit pussified, heaven forbid someones feelings get hurt or has to take responsibility :rolleyes:

more or less hit the nail on the head bob, we were leasing a barn/stalls with apartment above, indoor/outdoor riding arenas, paddocks, etc. absolutely stunning facility, in a ritzy area.. Perfect for what we were trying to do.

long story short, there were clues that hindsight showed me i should have been paying attention to... Such as whenever i gave him a cheque he took it to my bank branch and cashed the cheque, so no bank account traces.

He was a con man... Into construction/landscaping.. Would tell people he was fertilizing their lawns, but it was just water... Or quote a job on new materials, then go find used materials on kijiji for the job.

Property became a dumping ground for everything he could find, scrap metal, concrete, piles of stuff everywhere. Dump trucks in and out, almost hit wife and horse as she walked out of barn. he was impossible to talk to, it was his property he could do what he wanted around the facility, his employees would hang around the yard and heckle the wife as she was walking horses out. Etc etc etc.

hard to run a business, had an olympic rider come to look at a horse we were selling for a client... First comment out of his mouth was "so is this a scrap yard or an equestrian facility"

i could continue all day long about it cause it just irks me that much. I have no problem taking my share of the responsibility, had i taken certain steps to protect myself, it would have avoided a lot. But i took him at his word, thinking integrity still existed, and found out the hardway.

needless to say, the pretrial judge saw the pictures we had, and judge daughter just so happened to be a rider, judge told him to lawyer up if he wasnt willing to settle, and then he didnt even show up to court for the trial, so we got a default judgement for deposit, loss of business, and a couple others. I left it alone simply cause theres a time frame he can appeal the judgement. That is long since past, we have kept tabs on him, hes tried renting out the barn, is driving a brand new famcy corvette with custom paint job... And im sitting here just treading water keeping my head from going under.

so i truly appreciate the options you guys have given me and im going to look into them thoroughly... @bobrown14 i considered using the force methodology as i do know people involved with certain scooter organizations, or that grew for the russians, or friends from "the hood".. But i have no luck and probably end up getting it thrown back on me... or owe a favour that would come back on me anyways and im not signing my life away for that scum.
thanks @bobrown14 @Troy01 @brightlight That is long since past, we have kept tabs on him, hes tried renting out the barn, is driving a brand new famcy corvette with custom paint job... And im sitting here just treading water keeping my head from going under.

Hmmm fancy corvette huh. LOL, I am thinking if he don't get his shit together....something might happen to that vette. Some really simple ways to mess up some really nice paint jobs. Some stuff down the gas tank, A few bouts of finding flat tires and he might get the hint that karma is bitch.

But don't listen to me....I don't believe in getting even, I am a firm believer of getting ahead.

sorry about the rant, first and foremost, lol now back to our regular scheduled cannabis viewing... i did the first 3 thursday night, the rest got played with early this morning...

killer queen one
i am 90% sure this one is a girl, i see hairs and nodes beginning to alternate, just the way i like it when doing regs. Still in her small square pot, once i get 4x4 up and clones moved in she will likely go into one of the 5gal pails. She stinks, cant put my finger on it, but she is smelly and i love it.

clone 1
nice and healthy girl, just chugging along... Keeping her around as a possible mother.

clone 2
will be the second or third round in flower... Whenever she gets there lol... Lst

All 3 Saturday Morning

killer queen two
so you can see the structure on this girl from falling over against the wall. I straightened her up, she was thirsty this morning. she is also smelly, oh and yes she is a girl, there are hairs not balls and alternating nodes starting woo hoo... 4 for 4 females started under the T5... Great success!

lst'd this girl to the max, she will also go into flower third round when the killer queens have finished.

untopped mother
i had two different phenos, but didnt label anything at up pot, so i have to go back and look through pics to figure it out. This is one of two clones from the untopped plant. Plan on taking a bunch of clones off of her when shes ready.

5galgirl1 and 2
not much to say, they are looking great.. Tied the shit out of them... Probably last time before they go to flower... If i ever make up my mind on what to do about a light lol


hope everyone is having a great weekend!:thanks::passitleft:
Looks good pj. Did you decide on a light yet?

no sir i have not yet chosen a light, been doing a bunch of reading on journals and DIY led, @PurpleGunRack gave me a really good explanation over in his "build your own led" thread hes got going. So now i am back to the drawing board and recalculating numbers.

but if i am to be honest, if i had to pull the trigger it would be on the fluence spydrx that @Van Stank is using. it fits in a 4x4 perfectly, think its 44"x44", and vans getting awesome results in flower. Including the stankberry which got incrdibky close but saw no adverse effects.

i dont have time to build a light with my retarded ass schedule. So i looked at the:

HLG550 -$1340ish cad + shipping

timber redwood vs - $849usd + shipping

fluence spydrx - $900usd(1164.55cad) + shipping

the fluence seems to have the best spectrum, best foot print, and from my limited understanding seems to use the least amount of power of the 3.

if i won the lotto id setup 3 tents the exact same, with the same plants etc and really see which prevailed. Ah to dream

happy smokey sunday! Hope its finding you all well!
I’ve seen someone on here veg and flower with T5s on here and they looked great but inwouod love to see some more of those Spydrx lights

that could have been me? Thats all i have used the last two grows, they do work, results are great, but they arent the densest... An even canopy is essential or the lower stuff is mostly stem.... They are the best for veg, i read somewhere on here that spectrum could have an effect on seed sex, no clue if i am lucky or if that is the case. Either way 4seeds 4 females.

the spydrx is where my eye is sitting right now.. Unless someone has any other opinions?
Hope ya don't mind iffin I come take a peek every now and then..... GL
Love my spydrx plus! She's on pace to get me about a 1.3 gram per watt yield on her maiden grow. My previous grows with other lights got me about .7 gpw. If two of the plants had been different strains, that number would have been higher.
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