Pj's Perpetual: Take Two

I haven't come across them yet but I have seen several other growers find them. I think many people refer to them as 'tri-nodes'. You will get an extra bud at every node...WIN!!
Whorled phyllotaxy is a relatively common cannabis mutation, and causes three leaves to grow from each node rather than the usual two. Along with the extra leaf, an extra branch is also generated at each node, meaning that plants with whorled phyllotaxy often grow extra bushy!

very cool, thanks guys!!! I have seen those words "whorled phyllotaxy" before in threads but i had never drawn the corelation.... More of a hands on, see with my own two eyes kind of guy lol... Please be a female, please be a female, please be a female!

im not a religious person at all, dont care what others believe, but if i had to answer, id say i believe in mother nature... Everything happens as its meant too... Sort of deal... Reason this is on my mind, i started this seed saturday mar 31... About two weeks after that, we got some bad news about one of the horses wife was training... 4years old 3rd level wobblers disease.... This seedling has been growing funky the whole time, i thought it was because i blasted it with the fan too soon.... Nope whorled phyllotaxy... The horses race name we put down was lucky three.... And i got a lucky three plant... Coincidence?... I love nature!
That Killer Queen tri-node aka Polyploid -is in this case a Tri-ploid. That is a gene mutation that is cloneable (hint hint). Most times there's more than 3 nodes at a branching (polyploid) and the plants get funky & too many leaves for my taste but the flowers are great meds... just PITA to trim (understatement).

This is where genetics of cannabis can be taken advantage of. Not really in a good way but this is what the "scientists" look for and will use this mutation to exploit plants genetics... we humans have been at this a very long time. Think Wheat/corn/tomatoes to name a few... wheat I think is the one we did the polyploid thing with. Before Monsanto...

Once she gets a little bigger and ready for taking cuts - have at it. Grow this one out and see if worthy of clones but take them. Sometimes with these polyploids we get a super plant. Bigger better more potent everything in spades. But not always.

You asked about your cuts that you have and how to perk them up. They look perfect for cuts and they are growing and will be fine. Once they establish roots, I clip off all the leaves that have necrosis or yellowing. Also when cloning and setting roots - clip leaves in half - cut off leaf tips about 1/2 way. This will promote the plant to grow roots and what we want at this early stage.

So get rid of the yellowing dying leaves... they gave the plant the stored nutrients so that she can grow roots. Their job is done. By clipping them off it will promote more growth.

You soil mix is going to be strong enough label says 60 days. I would run the cuts/seedlings in VEG to whatever time frame works for you, then up-pot them to new larger container with more of that fresh soil in the new pot.... and mycos.

Some of your clones - the top leaves just clip off the dead ends don't need to take off the whole leaves - just take off whole leaves from the btm if that makes any sense.

Get a small fan on those seedlings .. this will help with hardening off and make the plant grow a stronger thicker stalk. Later on it will pay dividends. A small clip fan is enough... also help with gnats if you get them from the bagged soil. They are just pesty... not eating plants or roots.

You're doing great.. all the little ones look just like mine at this stage. Kick back for a little bit a take a puff or 3. The girls know what to do. Just don't over water... gonna be a great grow! :Namaste:

G/L with the tri-ploid.... don't forget to take cuts.
wow thanks so much @bobrown14 !!!! I cant express my gratitude enough for taking the time to type all that out for me, great info that i wont be forgetting anytime soon to say the least!!!

the tri-ploid is a regular seed... So im praying to the cannabis gods to be a female lol otherwise ill have to find somewhere to keep and flower out a male so i can collect the pollen for future endeavours.

all 3 of the clones i just uppotted under the t5 have perked up over the weekend just like you said they would... Getting a nice green back into their leaves.

with regards to the soil, the pots/plants under the t5 will be the second run of plants in the soil.... It was fresh soil back in late november/early december, put the gaia green soil half way up from bottom and the parkwoods on top, so it wasnt as strong for the babies...i did not add anything to it, just vegged from 3months and flowered for 2.

While i do not think all the nutrients are gone i will probably need to add something to it before i throw the next batch into flower... But i have a few weeks before i feel these girls will be ready.

i most definitely plan to do some more lst training this go around.... Try to keep the canopy even as a timber light just isnt in the budget.... The main colas close to the light were really nice, dense.... The stuff not close to the light was fluffy and didnt produce much... I should have cut the mains off to dry first and lowered the light for a couple extra weeks on all of the lower growth.... But live and learn! On to better things this go around!

going to tear apart the grow, vacuum and wipe everything down, add some off the double sided white/black paper i have to the floor and walls, hopefully help reduce any light lost.

thanks again for stopping by! More updates tomorrow!
wow thanks so much @bobrown14 !!!! I cant express my gratitude enough for taking the time to type all that out for me, great info that i wont be forgetting anytime soon to say the least!!!

the tri-ploid is a regular seed... So im praying to the cannabis gods to be a female lol otherwise ill have to find somewhere to keep and flower out a male so i can collect the pollen for future endeavours.

all 3 of the clones i just uppotted under the t5 have perked up over the weekend just like you said they would... Getting a nice green back into their leaves.

with regards to the soil, the pots/plants under the t5 will be the second run of plants in the soil.... It was fresh soil back in late november/early december, put the gaia green soil half way up from bottom and the parkwoods on top, so it wasnt as strong for the babies...i did not add anything to it, just vegged from 3months and flowered for 2.

While i do not think all the nutrients are gone i will probably need to add something to it before i throw the next batch into flower... But i have a few weeks before i feel these girls will be ready.

i most definitely plan to do some more lst training this go around.... Try to keep the canopy even as a timber light just isnt in the budget.... The main colas close to the light were really nice, dense.... The stuff not close to the light was fluffy and didnt produce much... I should have cut the mains off to dry first and lowered the light for a couple extra weeks on all of the lower growth.... But live and learn! On to better things this go around!

going to tear apart the grow, vacuum and wipe everything down, add some off the double sided white/black paper i have to the floor and walls, hopefully help reduce any light lost.

thanks again for stopping by! More updates tomorrow!

Just add in some fresh soil and a bigger pot.. mycos on the root ball.

Should be good ... my soil gets better and better each round. Just add in some ewc/and fresh compost.

That polyploid... think she's a she.... I've never seen a male like that?? Limited experience with them tho...I've only had 4-5 plants do that out of lots of plants.

Percentage was very small.. but all were female in my case! fingers crossed for ya!

Wow I just googled "polyploidy and male dicots" - interesting.
Just add in some fresh soil and a bigger pot.. mycos on the root ball.

Should be good ... my soil gets better and better each round. Just add in some ewc/and fresh compost.

That polyploid... think she's a she.... I've never seen a male like that?? Limited experience with them tho...I've only had 4-5 plants do that out of lots of plants.

Percentage was very small.. but all were female in my case! fingers crossed for ya!

Wow I just googled "polyploidy and male dicots" - interesting.

thanks bb for.all the info once again... I had to google what you googled and read it for myself... Would appear males are unlikely in triploids atleast that was my understanding of it... Read about sterile pollen as well if you do get males.... Quite interesting and looking forward to seeing what happens!

Real impressive what you achieve with those T5s! :goodjob:

thanks crazys! The plants looked impressive but i should have let them go for longer... Topped and untopped both yielded me about 30grams each and the little black dog was about 8. So not too shabby, but definitely will be better if i focus on training and have a level canopy so the light is easily distrbuted... First training session should be tonight, provided everything in my life goes to plan.. Which is never the case lol but i desperately need to up pot the seedlings and clones ... Anyways! Thanks for stopping in, updates to come!
Life has been crazy for the last week. Havent had time to get anything i wanted to done. I was in such a rush on sunday night to get the seeds/clones up potted that i didnt even remember to label what was what. So now ive got two clones to sort out which was which....

All i know for sure is... I NEEEED MORE ROOM! im out growing this little clone/seed cab, and im not ready to flower the other clones yet...

somehow i need to convince the wife to let me setup the 4x4 tent i have.... Problem is finding a place to put it... Our house is tiny.

the only saving grace i do have at the moment is her full approval on my first harvest, even though it wasnt as spectacular as i had hoped for yield wise... 2-1/4oz's still saves us money... And it works great... Had her pick a jar (im a moron and didnt label these either) rolled up a joint... She smoked... Didnt have a whole lot to say at first... Then it creeped up on her... She turned to look at me and said "this is some good weed, it just creeped up on me" Had pain in her shoulders, felt like a warm heating pad rolled over her and the pain disappeared... So needless to say i am very happy with the results and cant wait to see how they will perform under some better lighting and a more appropriate environment.

Picture time!

She smoked... Didnt have a whole lot to say at first... Then it creeped up on her... She turned to look at me and said "this is some good weed, it just creeped up on me" Had pain in her shoulders, felt like a warm heating pad rolled over her and the pain disappeared... So needless to say i am very happy with the results and cant wait to see how they will perform under some better lighting and a more appropriate environment.
Keep her happy and you'll have that 4 x 4 tent up in no time. :bongrip:
Awesome looking buds pjs.
I am looking forward to seeing the killer queen grow.


thanks ditch! Appreciate it! I am looking forward to them as well! Hoping i get one as frosty as the one feral grew out last year

Those buds are really looking good. Nice trim job.

thanks troy! They were the only couple buds worth taking the time on, everything else was pretty fluffy

Keep her happy and you'll have that 4 x 4 tent up in no time. :bongrip:

haha i appreciate the encouragement jim... She is pretty adamant its not going up though "its an eye sore"... Gotta find some classy designs for the outside cover lol

Congrats on harvest. Look like billy clubs. :Namaste:

many thanks sir! Hopefully the next round will be even better!

Congrats on the harvest brother! Nice looking colas there! Gotta love when it exceeds expectations!

thanks van! Very pleased with the results, it is easily better than the majority of what i have had to buy lately. with any luck and another harvest or two, i will have my wife helping out with her own plants like ms stank does! She picked out the killer queens seeds from a few strains i had, so its a small step in the right direction!

its finally friday, with any luck i wont have to go to the farm tonight, one of our foals has had a fever the last two days, hoping she kicks it today... my 70hour work week will draw to a close in another 8hours.... Been here for 4 already...Yes i do most of my 420-ing on the bosses dime... But as the only guy running a 50000sq ft warehouse, i have certain privledges that the big wigs turn blind eyes too cause they would be paying 3-4 guys to do what i do.

tonight is bondage night. The girls under the t5 need to get trained and trimmed... Then i think another two weeks and i will put them into flower, i want to get those killer queens under the t5s for a couple months of veg... Not sure how im going to manage it all just yet.... Putting my motorcycle and a couple other things up for sale that i have been keeping around for no reason, would rather take the money and buy a new light. Havent ridden in 5years, havent had the time, cant afford the extra insurance year round when frankly only so much riding time up here in canada lol the light will be far more useful, and with the bike out of the shed, i can make room for more goodies for the garden, both indoors and out.

anyways, morning doob with my tea... Hence the long winded explanation, pics to come! Thanks for stopping by everyone, pass it around on your way by!

its finally friday, with any luck i wont have to go to the farm tonight, one of our foals has had a fever the last two days, hoping she kicks it today... my 70hour work week will draw to a close in another 8hours.... Been here for 4 already...Yes i do most of my 420-ing on the bosses dime... But as the only guy running a 50000sq ft warehouse, i have certain privledges that the big wigs turn blind eyes too cause they would be paying 3-4 guys to do what i do.

Enjoy your weekend. Sounds like you could use it. :passitleft:
Enjoy your weekend. Sounds like you could use it. :passitleft:

:passitleft:thanks jim! Unfortunately im both a sucker for punishment and my wife can be a slave driver when she wants something donelol

in fact shes rented me out to a friend of hers to build a horse stall into a tackroom so i have to spend my saturday morning putting up insulation, plywood, and stain the entire thing... Thankfully its only a 10x10 room.... This i why i toke so much lol
thanks van! Very pleased with the results, it is easily better than the majority of what i have had to buy lately. with any luck and another harvest or two, i will have my wife helping out with her own plants like ms stank does! She picked out the killer queens seeds from a few strains i had, so its a small step in the right direction!

its finally friday, with any luck i wont have to go to the farm tonight, one of our foals has had a fever the last two days, hoping she kicks it today... my 70hour work week will draw to a close in another 8hours.... Been here for 4 already...Yes i do most of my 420-ing on the bosses dime... But as the only guy running a 50000sq ft warehouse, i have certain privledges that the big wigs turn blind eyes too cause they would be paying 3-4 guys to do what i do.

tonight is bondage night. The girls under the t5 need to get trained and trimmed... Then i think another two weeks and i will put them into flower, i want to get those killer queens under the t5s for a couple months of veg... Not sure how im going to manage it all just yet.... Putting my motorcycle and a couple other things up for sale that i have been keeping around for no reason, would rather take the money and buy a new light. Havent ridden in 5years, havent had the time, cant afford the extra insurance year round when frankly only so much riding time up here in canada lol the light will be far more useful, and with the bike out of the shed, i can make room for more goodies for the garden, both indoors and out.

anyways, morning doob with my tea... Hence the long winded explanation, pics to come! Thanks for stopping by everyone, pass it around on your way by!


Smart move trying to get your lady involved. Women can be fickle when it comes to the 'time' their men spend away from them. I made it a point to try to bring Ms Stank in slowly so she could get bit by the grow bug. Then it becomes something, hopefully a passion, that the two of you can share together. If you can do that, then its no longer a competition for your woman's attention and its a passion that you can enjoy doing together (assuming you want to do it together LOL).

Its easy for them to see how excited you get to "see" your girls, but if you don't show that same excitement towards your real girl, it can become contentious. Much easier and better to share the joy of growing with someone you love.

Like with anything else in life, gotta have balance. That is especially important when it comes to the 'ladies' in our life.
tonight is bondage night. The girls under the t5 need to get trained and trimmed...

Ouch... no wonder your wife has sore shoulders hehehehehe... J/K.

Congrats on your harvest. Keep ALL the girls happy and the rest will fall in line.

More lights and bigger harvests.... it will come.

G/L with the next round.
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend and mothers day!

felt like a chicken with its head cut off this weekend, running every direction, trying to get things dealt with, while taking advantage of the beautiful sunny weather... I swear there isn't enough time in the day anymore, every year seems to go by a little faster... Blur speed... Smoke, work, pay bills/taxes.... The cycle continues lol

that being said. Friday night bondage took place, see below as to how the ladies liked their restraints.

with the vigour these ladies have shown. I'm going to be a bit more aggressive with the lst.. Every 2-3 days ill bring them out trim a bit off and tie the tallest parts down again... Hoping I can get them a little wider and taller before flower... Which needs to happen soon cause my killer queen is growing into the roof of the clone box... Not sure exactly what I am going to do yet... Many thoughts are racketing around in my brain.... Possibility to throw a clone outside... Or give to a friend... Or somehow sequester another smaller space to keep the strains alive... Taking it day by day right now..

Hope everyone's having a great start to the week, time to get caught up on everyone journals!

Smart move trying to get your lady involved. Women can be fickle when it comes to the 'time' their men spend away from them. I made it a point to try to bring Ms Stank in slowly so she could get bit by the grow bug. Then it becomes something, hopefully a passion, that the two of you can share together. If you can do that, then its no longer a competition for your woman's attention and its a passion that you can enjoy doing together (assuming you want to do it together LOL).

Its easy for them to see how excited you get to "see" your girls, but if you don't show that same excitement towards your real girl, it can become contentious. Much easier and better to share the joy of growing with someone you love.

Like with anything else in life, gotta have balance. That is especially important when it comes to the 'ladies' in our life.

couldn't agree with you more van! Balance is definitely key... And ive been working on her, she wasn't raised in the veggie gardens like i was... So trying to get her into all of it... She loves picking the fresh veggies though and last year even took down all the tomatoes in the fall while I was working. Baby steps in the right direction lol

Ouch... no wonder your wife has sore shoulders hehehehehe... J/K.

Congrats on your harvest. Keep ALL the girls happy and the rest will fall in line.

More lights and bigger harvests.... it will come.

G/L with the next round.

:rofl::rofl: thanks bb, gave me a good chuckle!! More lights is the key... And dialling in the ever changing environment. Work in progress one day at a time!

Happy wife - Happy Life.

Truer words have yet to be spoken lol except for what my old man told me and a couple buddies back in high school, don't get married and don't have kids, you'll be rich lol starting to understand what he meant lol
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