Pink Kush Vs Cheese

Is there anything you need to do to keep the light off the roots ?
The ones that are sticking out? No they will just die back after a few days of being in the air. They call it air pruning and allegedly it is kind of like topping the plant, makes the root balls denser but without tangling. In previous grows the roots were a very solid mass, it's like they grow radially from the center to the edge but don't circle. I'll see if I can find a pic.
The ones that are sticking out? No they will just die back after a few days of being in the air. They call it air pruning and allegedly it is kind of like topping the plant, makes the root balls denser but without tangling. In previous grows the roots were a very solid mass, it's like they grow radially from the center to the edge but don't circle. I'll see if I can find a pic.
Thanks this is really helpful info for me
Lights out 6 hours early this morning, decided to go ahead and flip since I always end up too crowded anyway! Cleaned up the undergrowth quite a bit last night but forgot to get pix. The fun begins!
Looks like stretch is starting ..
Haha just barely maybe it's only been a couple days. I'll have to tuck them again soon, hopefully get out one more square on the grid at least before I let them go.
Not much to report other than full steam ahead. Near time to go vertical just keeping the stronger shoots in check now. I noticed when working with the Cheese that the stems etc reek of old cheese on the hands! I guess that's a good sign. Pink Kush has a nice odour going on too can't really describe it. That earthy flowery sweet kush smell... You all know the one I mean.
The solo cup in back is a seed I found last week in the last half ounce of Jack47 from last winter. Just messing with it, gonna hopefully have room to put her(?) in 12/12 from seed and see what happens. I might try the go box nutes and see how bad I can mess her up. Lol.
Pinched off maybe 50 or 60 leaves as things were getting too overlapping. You could feel little wet spots all through the canopy still 2 hours after lights on.. We are now at around 450 ppm plus I've been adding just a small amount of Florablend the last few days.
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