Here's a little Q and A from one company.
Storage solution for a pH probe
Storage of a pH electrode can affect the life of the electrode and how quickly it responds or stabilizes in different types of samples. Since the internal and external components are separated by a reference junction, a phenomenon called osmosis and diffusion can occur if different molarity solutions are in contact with each other for too long, causing a drift in the internal reference. To prevent this from occurring, store the electrode in the the correct storage solution. The electrode can be stored for up to 2 hours in sample (if sample pH is not extreme) or in a neutral solution such as tap water between uses to prevent drying of the reference junction, but remember the greater the difference in molarity between the sample and internal solution of the electrode, the more problems that can occur. Do not leave the electrode in deionized or distilled water for more than 15 - 30 minutes. The electrolyte or internal filling solution can become diluted due to osmosis and adversely affect the function of the electrode.
Always keep your pH electrode moist. We recommend that you store your electrode in a solution of 4 M KCl. If 4 M KCl is not available, use a pH 4 or 7 buffer solution. DO NOT store electrode in distilled or deionized water as this will cause ions to leach out of the glass bulb and render your electrode useless.
After storage, you may notice white KCl crystals forming outside your electrode. This will not interfere with measurements. Simply rinse the electrode and blot dry before use.