After reading up on how important it is to be DARK for plants to trip to bloom w/o stress that can trip them to hermie, decided that until I get a Bloom Room going, I needed to do Something Else w/ Goldie. The Root Cellar would be about perfect, but there's no outlets. SHOULD be able to put an adapter socket into the light socket, or worst case replace the light socket w/ one with a plug - or cut a hole to the other room (Where she is now) and run an extension cord - that's probably easiest, and could also use the hole for venting purposes / keeping the air fresh. Other than the power issue, Root Cellar is much larger than the room she's in, and where she is now, she's blocking access to the fuse box, which is where I switch the garage power on and off. Not normally a big deal, as I dosconnected the Opener when it died, and have been running it manually for a year or two... But I've got flood lights - when the motion sensors worked, I could just leave 'em on. But when that failed, they'd be on all night, and shining into the neoghbor's house, bothering him. So there you go. AS a result, hoping I don't have to mount a SCROG screen to the frame (currently 'just' acting as a light hanger).
So, the son of the previous owner (who's about my age - the son, that is) was a HAM operator, and they put up a wall across the back of the basement to make a 'radio room'. 12 foot workbench, nearly 3 ft of 'aisle' b/n the bench and the wall. When I got the cat, I fitted a piece of plywood to fit the doorway, and just hold it closed w/ rotating toggle blocks. Not elegant, but it keeps the cat out. picked up a pair of hinges today to rectify that - If I'm going in twice a day to water, I want something easier to operate.
SCROG frame was a quickie project - 3x 10f sections of 1/2" PVC pipe, cut in half. Cut two of the halves into 3ft / 2ft sections, for top 'sides'. 3 way corner elbows (4 of). No cement / glue, want to be able to dissemble / modify it. Friction fit "Seems" secure, but I'll prolly get bungies to put things in compression - no point in risking a $250 grow lamp falling into the crop because the hanging frame fell apart, eh?
Hmmm, cheap bungies - sounds like a job for Harbor Freight... Anyway, set up the frame, hung the light, dragged her in there, gave her water and shut the lights off. Tomorrow, start her on bloom ferts, and she'll get her 2L / day top down for a few days to rinse it in, then back to the SIP tray (GeoFlora, if you're curious_ ) From other's comments, I expect two weeks of major vertical growth, then the heavy buddage begins. Can't Wait!!!
Meanwhile, here she is in her new "home" totally blocking things...