Pete Detroit's First Grow, Indoor, Dirt, Multi Strain: Round Two

12 Hours later...
Checked the girls this morning, as expected, Juicy and Zilla(2) had rolled up to the light, were ready for next tie to the rim, as we bend them around. Zilla(2) is clearly in the lead, many pre-flowers on many nodes, all of which 'should' be competing for Top Bud....Zilla(1) not far behind, and LOTTA nodes. Juicy seems to be taking just a bit longer, which is fine, gives her time to fill out a bit more. Goldy had shrugged off one of her hooks, so went for the rim after all to separate her tops

Sigh,,, Purple Juice is GONE, checked on 'em yesterday, and she was SUPER green, and wilty. I assumed fert burn, and drenched the eff out of the bucket (filled it 2x) but apparently too little, too late - I think she's a total loss. And today, it appears the 'extra' light (to make up the difference from the 1/2 dead Mars Hydro lamp) was too close and burned part of Zilla(1) >Grr< not a good day for the ladies. As for the lamp - they sent me a replacement 'driver" to swap out, but they are NOT modular, and disconnecting the defective one rendered the connecting hardware useless. SO, had to expose the wires, peel back insulation / sheathing, splice everything together. Have yet to complete the job, will fuss with it in the AM. Point being, do NOT accept a replacement power supply if you have an issue, unless the ones you have ARE modular.
Sigh,,, Purple Juice is GONE, checked on 'em yesterday, and she was SUPER green, and wilty. I assumed fert burn, and drenched the eff out of the bucket (filled it 2x) but apparently too little, too late - I think she's a total loss. And today, it appears the 'extra' light (to make up the difference from the 1/2 dead Mars Hydro lamp) was too close and burned part of Zilla(1) >Grr< not a good day for the ladies. As for the lamp - they sent me a replacement 'driver" to swap out, but they are NOT modular, and disconnecting the defective one rendered the connecting hardware useless. SO, had to expose the wires, peel back insulation / sheathing, splice everything together. Have yet to complete the job, will fuss with it in the AM. Point being, do NOT accept a replacement power supply if you have an issue, unless the ones you have ARE modular.
Don’t write her off just yet. I’ve seen plants look absolutely horrible and bounce back.
Is the other one a goner?
Looks like, NO signs of life today, but pretty much 24 hours w/o light didn't help.
Fully expect both Zilllas to survive, tho they're also looking VERY green... might have hit them w/ teh bloom ferts a week early (and too early for poor Juicy...)
Will get pix, tomorrow.
Looks like, NO signs of life today, but pretty much 24 hours w/o light didn't help.
Fully expect both Zilllas to survive, tho they're also looking VERY green... might have hit them w/ teh bloom ferts a week early (and too early for poor Juicy...)
Will get pix, tomorrow.
Sounds like nute burn. I'd go with just water for a few days. Not too much if you have already flushed. Be patient. They may surprise you. Many times I've thought I killed them for sure but after a few days they bounce back.
So, main light back on line, running 20/4 at 50%. Cleaned the scorched leaf off Zilla(1), Topped Goldie again (all 4 stalks, she gonna be a MONSTER.

Six weeks old, Zilla(1) shows the value of being Topped (or, more like, accidentally Fimmed) w/ 11(?) bus sites. as opposed to (2)'s 7 or 8 (7 showing in the pic. However, the bud sites are smaller less developed (getting scorched didn't help any, including direct damage to at least two buds). Bottom line, not likely to try that again on an auto, not unless it has a period of 90 days or better (these two spec out at 70-75 days). But hey, it's good to know. DEFINATELY liking the result of LST on (2) with 7 strong bud sites showing, it seems pretty amazing! At 43 days into a projected 70, seems hard to believe only 4 more weeks or so to go! (2) also got a bit of a trim, pulled a couple of the fan leaves that were hiding the lower growth...
Goldie, now, she's a freaking Rock STAR Main branches nearly to the top of her bucket, 6 of the 8 projected new tops out and well on the way! (The other two are showing, but not large enough to photo well) Another day or two, probably spread the secondary's, as well as pull the mains back a bit again. She's responding SO darned well to all this, you might even think I knew what the heck I was doing! I DO expect to top her at least twice more. Don't know if I'll be able to sufficiently control her w/ just LST, or we'll need to go full ScrOG. (I'm kinda betting scrog... )
Anyway, here's today's pix, as always feel free to leave questions / comments...

Well, other than lamp burn, and Fert burn death of Purple Juice, yeah
But it's a learning curve - that's why we're all here, eh?
I've grown the past 3 seasons and man I still manage to fuck things up! LOL!
Ok, here we are at 7 weeks. The two autos probably ready for another (LIGHT) dose of bloom ferts. Goldie is just loving all the light, a whole bucket full of tops. She'll probably be ready to get topped again later this week

Valid points. She'll be above the rim shortly, anyway... But yeah, getting more dirt under the roots might be a good idea, have to see how hard it would be to tip her out...
Might be too late to do in flower?
The two autos are in early bloom, Planning to keep Goldie under 20/4 for another cycle of Autos. Yeah, more dirt is a GOOD idea, if only to keep her from getting top heavy...
I've never grown autos - but from what I hear they do not take kindly to up-potting.
gwoFlorOk - first, the bad news - after repotting into extra soil (from Juicy's abandoned bucket) added some GeoFlora Veg nutes, and off we go.. unfortunately, somewhere b/n the forced spreading from the "L"ST and the re-potting (root ball a disappointing loose lump, about the size of a cantaloupe, NOTHING like being root bound, yet) the GOmain stem was split nearly 1/2" down... Hey, it's ok, right? Stem splitting in a thing, right? Yeah, NO, NOT like that, and NOT in Veg.. Ok, so, grab some wire (more convenient than finding the e-tape) and bind it back up. Now, to monitor for a few days, make sure that both stalks are still getting good nutes / water.. Meanwhile (not pictured, as I didn't take a 'final' shot, pulled a few shoots away from the others, and topped effing EVERYONE!!
Why? Apparently I'm a psycho on the photoperiod who has another 3 mo to go before bloom (to recover) and worst case scenario I lop those two branches off to make effing big ass clones... we'll see...
Meanwhile, the Auto Gals bot another dose of bloom ferts this am, as well as having most fan leaves (well, the ones blocking lower budding) removed (seemed like the 'right' time to start lolly-popping them) and seem to be loving it, and the added light... Both with over 10 budding sites, we'll see how many develop to be 'real' buds vs. "Larf" (or "samples" )
GEAUX Zilla!!!!

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